Fairy Winner

Chapter 3431: No such thing

Several years passed in a blink of an eye.

Ruoyin Feizhou is still the same as before, planting trees, planting trees, boring, bumping everywhere

Nothing has changed.

The years are like the sun, it is the daily life of the practitioner.

After looking at Caiying, Zhou Shu shook his head slightly. He tried to train Caiying's heart. The nine-story pagoda used was an excellent method for refining the mind in the heavens, but Caiying seemed to have no effect at all, even if he stayed in the nine-story pagoda. After a few days, what happened to her when she came out, there was no precipitation in her eyes, and she couldn't feel any progress in her mind, and she was not affected by the nine-story tower at all.

After trying a dozen times, Zhou Shu had to give up.

But speaking of it, Caiying can do this very well. At least it shows that her mind is incredibly stable. Apart from herself, nothing can change her mind and concept, which is stronger than Jian Lao Hu Lao.

"It looks like someone is coming again outside."

There is a trace of worry in Qingque's eyes, "I don't know what's going on these days, I always meet people? Normally, Outland is not so lively, right? There are almost hundreds of people in total. They are all in a hurry. Will they be nearby? What happened?"

"Mostly something happened."

Zhou Shu unfolded the map and took a look, "Not far in front is Gladiator City, which is considered to be the Great Immortal City of Outer Realm. Just go there and see.

Qingque nodded lightly, "It does look like Xiancheng has been attacked. Why don't you stop others from asking? It seems a bit nosy."

"To be idle is to be idle."

Zhou Shu smiled, and in a blink of an eye, he was outside the flying boat. After a few breaths, he blocked the person flying over.

That was a big Luo Jinxian who practiced the Law of Thunder. It turned into thunder and lightning to travel through the rapids. The speed was surprisingly fast, but he didn't expect to be blocked by someone on the face. In this form, bowed his hands in salute, "Senior, what's the matter?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Do you belong to Gladiator?"

Da Luo Jinxian nodded, "Exactly, in the next Jin Tiansan."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I see many people running outside these days. What happened to Gladiator City?"

"Senior also went to Gladiator?"

Jin Tiansan understood something, and said with a solemn expression, "Senior, don't go. Let's say something that shouldn't be said. Gladiator is in great trouble now. Even if the senior is Hunyuan Jinxian, I am afraid it will be difficult to help. Being busy will cause trouble to the upper body, so it is better to leave early."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "A lot of trouble, causing trouble to the upper body?"

Jin Tian paused for three times, and seemed to have made some decision, "Then I will tell you the truth, Jiuyou Death Realm is here."


Zhou Shu was stunned, "Jiuyou Dead Realm? But Gladiator City is still a dozen circles away from Nine Nether Dead Realm, so why did it come so easily?"

Jin Tiansan sighed, "Where else, the dozen or so realms have basically been swallowed by the dead realm. I heard those who escaped from the realms say that at least hundreds of ghost kings have attacked together, and there are countless others. Ghosts, ghost servants, ordinary realms are simply impossible to resist. Senior, even if the Gladiator City Master is very powerful, there are thousands of practitioners in Gladiator City, and it will probably be of no avail."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's the ghost soldiers who are pressing the land."

Jin Tiansan said in a deep voice, "What the predecessor said is that the ghost soldiers are rumored to suppress the realm. An abnormal change occurs only once in tens of thousands of years. The surrounding realms must be swallowed by the dead realm and become a part of the dead realm. We practice There is no other way but to escape, even if it’s a quasi-sage," he glanced at Zhou Shu and raised his hand. "Senior, I don’t have time to say more, let’s say goodbye. If you must go, please don’t say so. I said, I don't want to cause trouble."

"Go ahead."

Zhou Shu turned around and returned to the flying boat.

"Ghost soldiers suppress the realm?"

Qingque's face changed slightly, "I have read some information when I was in the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. So far, it has been five times. Each time it was a catastrophe. At most, more than one thousand realms were annexed by the dead realm. The most recent one occurred 31,000 years ago, but it took a very short time, and it stopped after more than 90 worlds were annexed. After tens of thousands of years, there was no worries, so the fairy world believed that the scope of the Jiuyou Dead Domain had reached its limit. The Lord of Nine Nethers can no longer control more realms, and it is impossible for ghost soldiers to suppress the realm anymore. Why is it here again."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "I'm also very strange."

There are already more than 5,000 realms in the Jiuyou Dead Realm. It is not easy to maintain so many realms. Last time Zhou Shu went to the Jiuyou Death Realm, there was basically not much lifelessness in the outer realm, indicating that the Lord of Jiuyou controlled The strength is weakening, and if it develops like this, the dead zone will only get smaller and smaller, but now that the Lord of Jiuyou has begun to expand again after hundreds of years, this can only show that there is a lot of The change.

Could it be that Xiao Hei became the lord of Jiuyou?

Zhou Shu suddenly had a weird thought.

Xiao Hei is the ghost king who preserves the obsession of the practitioners. Zhou Shu saw this and taught Xiao Hei the rules of creation and many swallowing skills. For this reason, Xiao Hei helped Zhou Shu pass through the dead zone, and perhaps even put Zhou Shu Treated as a friend, this is Zhou Shu's personal view.

At that time, the situation in the Jiuyou Death Region was very chaotic. The Lord of Jiuyou's will was constantly weakened. Other ghost kings were fighting for power. Xiaohei also had a chance.

But thinking about it is impossible, even if it swallows many ghost kings, it will take a long time to become the new Lord of the Nine Nethers, so hundreds of years are definitely not enough.

Qingque thought for a while and said, "Are you going to have a look?"

"go with."

It is also a rare opportunity to be able to observe the pressure of the ghost soldiers from close range, and the Gladiator City is not far from the Wunian City where Zhou Shu is going. Maybe you can get some useful news there, if there is really the Lord of the Nine Nethers , Too late to run.

Feizhou speeded up, and after dozens of days, Gladiator City appeared before his eyes.

It is a large fairy city, surrounded by dozens of acropolises. It can be seen that they are all acropolises set up for defense. There is no vitality, but they are full of bunkers. They are arranged in a ring, layered on top of each other. Fold, surround the Gladiator City in the middle, to break the Gladiator City, you have to destroy these first.

This is also the normal state of Outland Great Immortal City, after all, there are always various threats~www.ltnovel.com~ Several cultivator guards flew over and watched the flying boat very vigilantly.

Zhou Shu walked out slowly, and said calmly, "My name is Yang Tian, ​​I am from Genting City, passing by Gladiator City, I plan to go down and take a look."

I was close to Wu Nian City and Immortal Realm. It was not easy to use Zhou Shu's appearance, so I changed it slightly and changed back to the name I used to use.

"It turns out to be the senior of Genting City."

Several people noticed the Genting Ring on Zhou Shu's hand, and immediately stood up respectfully, "Senior please come into the city."

Zhou Shuruo walked inside nonchalantly and said lightly, "I heard that Gladiator City is in trouble, and the Nine Nether Realm is going to spread over?"

Several people were startled, and said in a panic, "Where did the predecessors hear the news? We are good at Gladiator. There is such a thing at all, no, no."

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