Fairy Winner

Chapter 3432: Very cautious

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "Let's talk about it, I'm here for this."

Under the coercion of his heart, these people's cover-ups were completely useless, no matter how calm they were, they would be flustered in front of Zhou Shu.

A few people looked at each other. When they didn't know what to do, a Hunyuan Jinxian strode out of the acropolis and raised his hand, "The strangeness of Gladiator City, I have met fellow Daoists," glanced sideways at the few people. "Go away."

Zhou Shu smiled and returned the courtesy, "It turned out to be the Taoist friend, I am Yang Tian."

The singular nodded and said slowly, "Daoyou Yang really came from Genting City?"

"I said that was it."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "There is no need to pretend this kind of thing."

His Genting Ring can still be used, so he is naturally a disciple of Genting City. It is a bit weird to say. After Zhou Shu was exposed, the things he had done were slowly unearthed by the fairy world. According to the truth, Yang Tian's experience was also I was informed by the fairy world, but Genting City has not announced its reform for a long time, and even few outsiders knew about it, and even the ninth pawnshop did not inquire...

Obviously, Genting City did this deliberately, but it is difficult to say whether it is malicious or good.

Naqi shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, fellow Daoist, I mean, did you come by the order of the immortal world, or came by yourself?"

"Oh, the fairy world didn't give me an order."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You have already notified the fairy world? But I heard that the relationship between Gladiator City and the fairy world is normal."

That strange voice said, "Friends of the Daoist are wrong. No matter how bad the relationship is, they will ask for help when encountering this kind of thing. That is the ghost soldiers suppressing the realm. It is something that everyone in the heavens should pay attention to. Of course the immortal world cannot Aside, what do you think?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "What you said is, but I am indeed not a reinforcement of the fairy world, it looks like they haven't come over yet."

"Ha ha……"

He shook his head with a strange smile and sighed, and slowly said, "Daoists, please come in. Now that you know the truth, I hope that you will not talk nonsense after entering. It is easy to cause panic. After all, most people don't know. ."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "The front world is gone, and people in the city don't know it now? Don't fellow Taoists think this is not good?"

Na Qi gave a cold snort, and suddenly exasperated, "You are not the city lord, right? Some words are not in your turn to speak."

"I don't want to talk too much for a city owner like you."

Zhou Shu shook his head and walked in slowly.

The strange eyes were cold, and there seemed to be a murderous look, "What do you mean by this? You can't go in if you don't say it clearly!"

Zhou Shu ignored it, smiled and moved on, Feizhou followed closely behind.

Na Qi hurriedly chased him, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the flying boat. The big hand was full of destructive power, and he was really angry. If it was an ordinary flying boat, this one should be true. I am afraid that the boat will be destroyed immediately. No one can run away.

Zhou Shu's face was slightly cold, and he turned around and waved his sleeves.

The strange figure was startled, and there was still a lot of fear in his sluggish eyes.

Until Zhou Shu walked far, he didn't recover.

Those few people noticed something was wrong and hurried over to check, "Then elder, what's wrong with you?"

"Go... go... go... tell the city lord..."

With that strange stammering speech, the fear in his eyes did not disappear at all.

The moment Zhou Shu waved his sleeve, he seemed to be torn into many pieces, and everything that belonged to him was slowly stripped in front of him, until nothing was left, the power, soul, and body no longer belonged to him. The purpose is floating around, and the feeling is not just a moment, it still hasn't disappeared after recovery, and it repeats every few breaths, as if falling into a nightmare of endless repetition, and don't know how to break free.

He would not know that this result was because all his abilities were controlled by Zhou Shu, no matter the spirit, the law or other.

A Hunyuan Golden Immortal, most of its abilities are based on the law, and the body will automatically follow the power of the law when it is shot, but Zhou Shu controls most of the laws, including important laws of order, and the Hunyuan Golden Immortal removes Under the influence of Zhou Shu's power of reincarnation and mental abilities, such abilities as spirits and souls outside of the law can't hold on to even a single breath, and can't make any resistance.

When everything is under control, Zhou Shu will passively follow whatever he does. A fictitious life void can cause him to fall into the abyss without being freed.

This is not an isolated phenomenon. In the scope of Hunyuan Jinxian, except for some people who are particularly firm, there are others who have a deeper understanding of their own laws than Zhou Shu. Other Hunyuan Jinxians will be like this before Zhou Shu. It was almost impossible for Ren Zhoushu to fight against the situation.

This is the power of controlling hundreds of laws and the two highest laws, that is, the power of Shu Zhili.

"Shu, what a foolish thing to use the power of destruction in front of you."

The blue bird in the flying boat sighed with emotion, "I don't dare, once I use the power of the soul law, I am destined to be completely controlled by you."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The stupid thing is not to use the power of the law, but to kill you. I have been very cautious."

Speaking of it, since he was promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian, he seldom used his power to relax outsiders, which is easy to despair.

Obviously they are of the same rank, but the gap is like Tianyuan, everything of oneself is controlled, it is impossible to resist, can you not despair? Especially those Hunyuan Jinxians who wish to kill their opponents by integrating their bodies and spirits into the power of the law in order to increase their power.

"So that is the enemy?!"

"Now go to report!"

Several people hurriedly took out the messenger.

Zhou Shu didn't care too much, watching the surrounding acropolis with great interest.

"These acropolises are very interesting."

Qingque nodded, "You'd better take a look. I heard that the acropolis of Gladiator City was moved from Tianwu City. Many acropolises are painted with gourds, but they haven't secretly learned the formations of Tianwu City. , So the power that these acropolises can exert is less than one-tenth of that of Tianwu City."

Zhou Shu was slightly surprised, "Then I have to watch for a while, Qing, how do you know these things?"

"I want to come out with you~www.ltnovel.com~ How can I not do a bit of homework, I may not know less about the surrounding situation than you know," she said, but Qingque was a little displeased. That said, who knew you were so busy, I couldn't even find a soul shadow in those days, and hid in other realms every day."

Zhou Shu hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, a few things have reached a critical moment, and those things must be prepared before they come out."

Qingque laughed, "Don't worry, I mean, I know, you know it's the same."

The two of them walked and talked, very at ease, as if they didn't know at all, there were already quite a few people around and they were caught in the middle.

At least ten mixed yuan golden immortals.

There is also a tall shadow hidden in the void, he seems to be in another dimension, and no one on the side can perceive his existence, but Zhou Shu's gaze is falling on him, a little surprised.

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