Fairy Winner

Chapter 3448: Do not talk nonsense

"Start now?"

Jing Tianshan looked at Zhou Shu suspiciously, "Brother are all ready?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I don't have much to prepare. The key is that the ghost emperor will not come out soon. You need to spread the power of compassion for a long time. You can't stop in the middle. More, the more likely the ghost emperor will appear."

Jing Tianshan was a little puzzled, "Is that so..."

Zhou Shu nodded, "In the dead zone, ghost kings are indestructible, but they need to resurrect after death. This time will consume a lot of annihilation power. When a large number of ghost kings are resurrecting and consume annihilation power At that time, the dead zone will be turbulent, and the ghost emperor as the ruler may realize it, and then come to check the situation...If the dead zone is not changed, you will not be able to attract it no matter how you tempt."

"The dead zone will not change, and the ghost emperor will not come over."

Jing Tianshan understood something, "So I did a lot of useless work before...I'm so stupid, really."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "How can it be useless? If you don't cite, we won't meet it. No one can reach the goal."

Jing Tianshan glanced at Zhou Shu and nodded gently, "I know, brother, then I'm ready to start."

Saying that she took out some things and set up an array on the spot, similar to the spirit gathering formation, it was fine within half an hour. She raised her head and smiled and said, "Brother, I'm fine here, it should be able to last. Month."

Zhou Shu nodded, "One month is enough, the dead zone is expanding here, and the ghost emperor who controls it will not be too far away."

"Shall we start then?"

Jing Tianshan was holding the Baohua Pearl, a glimmer of expectation flashed in her eyes.

"I called him over and we will protect the law for you."

Zhou Shu turned to Zhuge Heng and shouted, "Friend Zhuge Daoist, I will look at it later, now I have something to do!"

Zhuge Heng's body was shocked, put down the jade slip and walked over, depressed, "Daoyou Zhou, your inheritance is too difficult, I know the battle Dao, but I don't have a clue looking at this eight formation map. "

Zhou Shu smiled, "There is a dojo in Xianshu City to teach this."

"Xianshu City..." Zhuge Heng read a few words and was startled, "Isn't that your Xiancheng? You want me to pass?"

"Look at your bewildered appearance, sober up first, don't think about it," Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "Dao Fellow Zhuge, fellow Daoist Jing and I plan to introduce you here again. It's best to bring the ghost emperor over. The problem is solved here, and Gladiator City can be preserved."

"and many more……"

Zhuge Heng pondered for a few moments and wondered, "Are you going to bring the Ghost Emperor over and kill him?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "That's what it means, are you planning to stay with us or go back first?"

Zhuge Heng subconsciously said, "Of course we are together, we are here together, and we have to go back together," he looked at Zhou Shu with an expression of dissatisfaction, "Friend Zhou, are you still underestimating me now?"

"Okay, don't be wordy."

Zhou Shu glanced at Jing Tianshan, "Go ahead."


Jing Tianshan didn't say much, the Baohua Pearl in her hand flashed and suddenly brightened.

The soft white light, which was as soft as water and condensed as substance, cut through the darkness in an instant, and kept going outward, penetrating into the distant unknown.

Looking at the holy and glowing Jing Tianshan, and feeling the endless power around him, Zhuge Heng looked surprised, "Daoist Jing, did you hide your strength before? How could it be so..."

"Stop talking and prepare to meet the enemy."

Zhou Shu pointed to the dead zone with a solemn expression. In less than a breath, hundreds of black shadows appeared on the edge of the white light curtain. Obviously, it was the ghost king and its servants, responding one by one, one by one. , The shadows are getting more and more and getting closer.

"It came really fast, just to vent my anger!"

Zhuge Heng's eyes were cold, he swept out and rushed into the group of dark shadows.

At the beginning, he was fairly relaxed. He did everything by himself. The shadows were torn apart one after another, and there was still time to wait for the next wave, but before long, the situation changed. There were clearly visible ghost servants everywhere in the sky, and they could no longer Counting in hundreds, replaced by thousands and tens of thousands, there are dozens of ghost kings, but not only the sky, but also large and small black shadows on the ground constantly, rushing towards Jing Tianshan eagerly.

"This is too much, right?"

Zhuge Heng couldn't help but said, "The creative power of Daoists is really extraordinary."

Zhou Shu stood with his hand in hand, "Does the Daoist panic? This is just the beginning. If I say that this kind of attack should be increased by five to twenty times and it will last for a month, how does the Daoist feel?"

"I feel..." Zhuge Heng glared at him and said angrily, "Are you not here to help?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It's not time yet, fellow Taoist, don't you think now is the best time to practice the eight formations? Back then, the ancestors of the Zhuge family met millions of enemies with the 18 formations, calmly. In the end, he retreated from the enemy. His cultivation base was worse than yours."

"This...I have read this record, but..."

Zhuge Heng glanced at the enemies around him, his heart was inexplicably agitated, and wiped his face, "Then I will fight it!"

Zhou Shu caressed his palm and said, "Yes, if you have such aspirations, you won't feel ashamed when you continue to see your ancestors."

Jing Tianshan's figure trembled slightly and couldn't help saying, "Brother, you said he seems to be going to die."

"He can't die."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, and said loudly, "Think about what you've seen before, and then follow it naturally, the so-called eight formations..."

In the sound of chanting, Zhuge Heng aroused a lot of fighting spirit, but the fighting spirit returned to fighting spirit, and the fighting strength was getting worse and worse. However, there were more and more dead things surrounding him, and he had been left and right. The appearance is almost gone.

Jing Tianshan quickly said, "Brother, you seem to interfere with him."

Zhou Shu also felt the same way and sighed unconsciously, "Ah, what I said are all good words, experience and experience that ordinary people can't even hear. What's more, when a person is dying, his comprehension should be soaring. Yes, why is he getting worse and worse."

Jing Tianshan was in a daze, suspiciously, "There is an epiphany before dying, why haven't I heard of it."

"Never mind... let him mark it~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu suddenly shouted, "Daoist Zhuge, pay attention to the lines around you and act according to their guidelines! "


Zhuge Heng, who was busy confronting the enemy, took time to look at his side. Sure enough, a clear blue line appeared in the middle of the sky full of light. It looked vaguely like the eight-array picture that I read before, but it was more detailed and more three-dimensional. Each step was shown in detail, and when the last line fell on him, he heard the guidance from Zhou Shu more clearly, and he was overjoyed, "I see, fellow daoist! Why didn't you do this earlier?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Zhou Shu frowned and scolded, "Don't go to places outside the line, there is a talisman I set up, you won't be saved if you move!"

(PS: Thank you book friends 201071510010284 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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