Fairy Winner

Chapter 3449: Sweetness

"I know."

Zhuge Hengli seemed to feel something on the line, "I've been aware of it a long time ago, but how did you make the formation talisman out of thin air?"

Zhou Shu looked at him coldly, "Why do you talk so much."

Zhuge Heng chuckled, only to be quiet for a short time, and then yelled again, "Friends of Daoist, your formation is too powerful! Completely separate the dead, no matter how many enemies there are, I have to face it. There are always only five, which is just the number I can easily handle. Now my efficiency in killing the enemy has increased by at least five times! And there is no need to worry about safety!"

"It's not my formation, but your ancestor's."

Zhou Shu scolded, and said with emotion, "Your ancestors left behind, but they are all good things."

Zhuge Heng was overjoyed, "What else?"

Zhou Shu turned his head and said, "This eight-array map alone is enough for you to learn for thousands of years. Do you want something else? Concentrate on your business."

Zhuge Heng seemed to have made up his mind and said seriously, "I will go to Xianshu City if I can really eliminate the danger of Gladiator City. No matter how much I can learn, it's definitely right to follow you."

Time passed a little bit.

The light curtain of the power of compassion created by Jing Tianshan is still expanding, but more and more dead objects are invading in. There are a large number of black and compact areas. It is a bit difficult to see through them, and some places are completely blocked. , Can't see anything.

"Brother, it's been three days."

Jing Tianshan whispered, "I haven't felt an overpowering existence yet, maybe I haven't come yet?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Neither did I, but before the ghost emperor appeared, it was difficult to perceive it. Just keep going, and I will take care of it here."

Jing Tianshan whispered, "No, Zhuge Dao is a bit difficult to be friendly, brother, go and help him, I should be fine."

Zhou Shu raised his head and glanced at him. With the protection of the eight formations, Zhuge Heng was not too exhausted, but he did show a look of fatigue. After all, there were too many dead objects surrounding him, and he couldn't be killed no matter how much he was killed. Sometimes there will be situations where you face two or three ghost kings at the same time.

The strength of the ghost king is difficult to distinguish in detail, some are very strong and some are very weak, the strong is similar to the Hunyuan Jinxian, and the weak is the general Daluo Jinxian.

Zhou Shu touched his chin, seemingly thoughtful, "He doesn't look like he has gone through many battles. It's a bit strange. Isn't the living environment in Outland very difficult? But all Hunyuan Golden Immortals are killed all the way, and Hearing the name Gladiator City, it must also be a fairy city who likes fighting."

"Friends, you thought it was you!"

Zhuge Hengxian heard it, and hurriedly shouted, "I haven't been chased by the immortal world. Where can I go through a lot of battles? Besides, the name Gladiator is not created because I like fighting. City Lord Ding started it to commemorate an old man. The name basically doesn't fight."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You still have the energy to speak, so you can fight for a few more days."

Zhuge Heng disapprovingly said, "It won’t be a problem if you play for more than ten days. The longer you play, the better you will understand the true meaning of the eight formations. However, I am a little worried that the Daoists’ eight formations cannot completely block the dead. I can't help it if it leaks."

"I can expand the eight-array map, but I'm afraid you can't stand it, forget it."

Before he finished his words, a green shadow flew out before him, and he shouted as soon as he came out, "You want to suffocate this palace, obviously there are so many enemies!"

Zhou Shu touched her head, "Go ahead, don't run out of the light curtain, and don't touch the lines above, everything else is up to you."

Caiying blinked, "You mean, I don't need to pretend to be a sword spirit?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's okay."

"The palace is gone!"

Jian Guang flew straight up, and wherever it passed, dark shadows scattered one after another. No matter the ghost king or other dead objects, they were not the enemy of one unit.

The sword of the suppression of evil itself is aimed at this kind of dead and evil things, and it is really invincible.

"Damn it, isn't this bad? My palace is not accustomed to staying in the sword at all right now, it's still happily after coming out.

The laughter was refreshing, and it seemed to be really comfortable. Indeed, the cultivator was used to using the sword, and then he had to go back to the sword to play the sword spirit. It was indeed very wronged and couldn't exert his best ability. It was embarrassing for her.

Zhuge Heng stared at Jian Guang, his eyes were a little straight.

Thinking of something, he turned his head back angrily, "Friend Zhou, it turns out that you also concealed your strength before, and you also carried a powerful sword repairer no less than yours! There is also fellow Jing Dao, so I am the one who spares no effort? You? What a cunning!"

Jing Tianshan whispered, "I don't have one."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "That can only mean that your hole cards are too few, and you ran out of cards at the beginning, you are not a qualified practitioner."

"I won't tell you anymore."

Zhuge Heng turned his head and knocked off the dead object in front of him, a little aggrieved, but more happy.

The stronger the strength of one's own side, the greater the possibility of completing the task. If you really solve the problem of the expansion of the dead zone in one fell swoop, it will be wonderful. The reward of the city lord is second, and your own satisfaction is the most important. When he introduces himself in the future, he will be able to tell his origins more frankly. The children of the Zhuge family, with the inheritance of the Zhuge family, have done things that the immortal world cannot or even dare to do.

With Caiying's participation, the battle situation has changed a lot.

The full expansion of the sword domain is a killer weapon, the sword intent is vertical and horizontal, easy and free, just like erasing the words on the blackboard with an eraser, the dark dead objects are scattered by the sword intent, and gradually appear bright. This It made Zhuge Heng a lot easier, and Zhou Shu could perceive the ghost emperor without interference.

Zhou Shu hasn't moved, just waiting for the appearance of the ghost emperor.

This greatest enemy, unconsciously, is likely to appear in an unexpected place, perhaps right behind her, or just above Jing Tianshan's head. He must be contained when he appears, otherwise everything he did before. Efforts are wasted.

Two more days passed.

There are no more dark shadows in the light curtain constructed by the power of compassion, but Caiying also retreats at this time.

Except for some ~www.ltnovel.com~ sword repairers that use Dao weapon flying swords, the sword intent released by Jian Xiu comes from itself. Long-term use will inevitably be accompanied by a lot of consumption. After two days, the sword intent that is picked is completely empty. Unable to continue fighting.

Normal sword repairers encounter this situation, and it takes years or even longer to practice and transform to restore the sword intent to the previous level, but Caiying is different. After entering a higher realm, her sword body advantage It also showed that as long as the soul fluid, pill, or even fairy jade is used to restore the body's functions, one can restore his sword intent at the same time.

With Zhou Shu's assistance, she can fully recover in less than four days.

The countless time and energy spent in the past will eventually be rewarded.

Of course, during this time, it was Zhuge Heng's turn to suffer again, but this time he didn't need Zhou Shu to say anything, he took the initiative.

It seems that after this high-intensity battle, he has gained a lot of insights in the eight formation map and tasted the sweetness.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Huashuiyue in the mirror, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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