Fairy Winner

Chapter 3450: Most different

A few days later.

Caiying rejoined the battle, Zhuge Heng became more and more courageous, and everything seemed to be under control.

But not long after, the situation suddenly changed.

The overwhelming black shadows gathered from all directions, and in just a quarter of an hour, the light curtain was compressed to only a few tens of miles.

As the number of enemies increased, the two quickly felt the pressure, and within a short while they reached the point of difficulty.

There are at least a thousand ghost kings, countless ghosts, and the key is that there are some strange dead objects that Zhou Shu has never seen before. They are swollen with lumps and thorns, which are like magnified many times. Snake berry.

These snake-berry-like dead objects have no attack power. They will explode as long as they are hit, turning into a pool of silt, suspended in the air.

"Friend Zhou, what are these things?"

Zhuge Heng was a little frightened, "Thunder's power has been greatly hindered, and it is impossible to fight normally!"

"You can't kill it, Zhou!"

Caiying's actions were much slower, Jian Guang no longer had a sense of elegance, as if she had fallen into a mud, jumping forward step by step.

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, and the problem was obviously with the snake-berry-shaped monster.

The silt formed after they die is actually extremely viscous and rich in annihilation power. The power level is quite high, and most of the laws of control can not damage it, even the omnipresent sword intent. Will be dragged by them and consumed each other to nothing.

They could not be eliminated in the air, and became a huge obstacle to Caiying and Zhugehuan's actions.

For Zhou Shu, it is not difficult to get rid of these, but the question is where they came from.

This level of annihilation power is definitely not what the ghost king can do. Could it be that the ghost king is coming? These are his pioneers?

Regarding the ghost emperor, it has been recorded in very early ancient books, but people who have actually faced him, excluding the saints, may not exceed five in the heavens. Of course, there is no one here. Of course, Zhou Shu does not know these things. Is it a sign that the ghost emperor is coming? This is a bit troublesome. If he is distracted to clean up these things, will he be attacked by the ghost emperor, and all his efforts will be abandoned?


"what happened?"

Zhou Shu stopped when he heard it, let alone Jing Tianshan.

Jing Tianshan's eyes were condensed, "Senior brother, don't worry, just wait for the ghost emperor, I have a way."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Just concentrate on doing the temptation thing. Besides, what can you do? Ci Hangzong is not good at..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Shu was stuck.

The holy brilliance of Jing Tianshan's body has suddenly increased a lot. It is not to be seen. In the dazzling light, a white lotus slowly blooms. What follows is a stronger light, which is impossible to look directly at. Zhou Shu has to Back down a bit.

It's not like the power of compassion at all.

Perceiving those rays of light, Zhou Shu realized something, and said in surprise, "This is the realm of pure magic?"

A voice came out of the white light, "Senior brother, don't underestimate me. After following Master for so many years, I have learned something."

"This is not a point."

Zhou Shu was still surprised, "One of the seven domains of Cihangzong, because its characteristics are not in line with the heart of Cihangzong disciples. It is a realm that is more difficult to cultivate than the Qinglian Sanctuary. It did not exist in the heyday of Cihangzong. How many people will meet, it’s really surprising that you can learn this, Junior Sister!"

"It feels like the senior is laughing at me, saying that I am not gentle enough and have lost my heart."

Jing Tianshan seemed to be a little dissatisfied, "Cultivating into the realm of Jingdevil really needs to abandon the compassion, become less like a disciple of Cihangzong, and be ridiculed by the same school... But I want to say that the realm of Jingdevil does not mean that I am not Cihangzong Disciple, I have always been."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "No, no, I'm not ridiculing, on the contrary, the junior sister is the most different Cihangzong disciple I have ever seen. It is not a big deal to temporarily discard the compassionate heart. It is not necessary to be compassionate to the enemy. If you have something, I often do this kind of thing."

"I'm just talking, brother, don't be too serious."

Jing Tianshan smiled suddenly, "If I don't believe brother, I won't use it, brother, this is the first time I use it."

In the realm of demon purification, the silt-like power of annihilation that was originally condensed into masses quickly disappeared, like the sun dispelled the dark clouds, the light curtain became clear and clear, and Zhuge Heng and Caiying were free from obstacles. , The combat power immediately returned to normal, and the situation would stabilize again in a short while.

"Friend Jing Dao, your trump card is too powerful, right?!"

Zhuge Heng was distracted to praise Jing Tianshan, and he was free from the power of annihilation that plagued him. He was vulnerable in this field. How could he not marvel at him, but he also noticed something, these powers, It doesn't seem to be the power of creativity, right?

The power of creation is the source of vitality, and it will be full of vitality no matter what, and in this field, there is only full of murderous opportunities.

It is definitely not the power of creation.

Although aware of it, he wisely chose not to speak.

In fact, he felt that something was wrong a long time ago, not only because of Jing Tianshan, but also because of the sword repairman. He had heard of the sword repairman holding the purple sword when he was in Gladiator. Many people in the city have fought against each other... But what about it, now they are comrades fighting side by side, and maybe they will be in the future. After experiencing it, they will not betray.

Jing Tianshan seemed a little embarrassed, "Really?"

Zhuge Heng nodded quickly, "Of course, I feel that none of the Golden Immortals in the city can compare to you."

Jing Tianshan smiled faintly, "I rarely hear such words, but thank you, friend Zhuge."

"Why don't you praise this palace?!"

Caiying was a little unhappy, "There are more enemies killed in this palace than you!"

Zhuge Heng hesitated for a moment, and said straightly, "I don't know the name of fellow Daoist, so it's hard to speak, but I will never admire fellow Daoist less than fellow Daoist Jing. The sword intent of fellow Daoist is all-encompassing, and it's a big deal. Thousand, it seems that you have integrated everyone’s sword intent into your own sword intent. I don’t know how to describe it, but it is certain that it is the strongest I have ever seen, and fellow Taoists will surely become Holy."

"You are quite knowledgeable, and I am very satisfied that you can say such a thing."

Caiying was excited for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ danced lightly, the sword light scattered everywhere, and countless dead objects were suffering, "Zhou! Look at people, learn from others, don’t always scold Ben palace."

Zhuge Heng moved in a spirit, "Family Daoist is the Lord of the Palace?"

Caiying couldn't help nodding, happier, "Yes, if you call me Lord Palace Master, I will be happier."

Jing Tianshan also had some intentions, "I don't know where the palace owner is, it must be very gorgeous, I haven't been to the palace yet."

Caiying quickly agreed, "I invite you to see Xianshu City's main palace... By the way, Zhou, where is my Liuxia Palace?"

"Holy Shield Talisman!"

Zhou Shu, who had been silent for a while, suddenly shouted, shaking all around him.

At that moment, the light curtain seemed to collapse.

(PS: Thank you for the support of the prodigal son of Biancheng, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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