Fairy Winner

Chapter 3453: Who can control

Zhou Shu has quietly controlled some of the annihilation power that should have been completely controlled by the ghost emperor.

When the ghost emperor's self-will was disengaged, the hidden Shu Zhili became active, secretly weaving a net for the ghost emperor.

When the will of the ghost emperor returns, he will naturally fall into the trap. Of course, the ghost emperor can’t perceive it, because the power of annihilation is still inside, and he still obeys his control, will attack the opponent, but Zhou Shu needs When, they will turn back.

Only after leaving for a while, his body secretly didn't listen to his commands.

Who makes him just a ray of will.

Perhaps this is the essence of life without phase, detached from existence, and can only exist in the form of phaseless. Even if you control the ghost king and occupy the dead zone, you still don't have your own body.

Of course, even if Zhou Shu did this, he was not sure of defeating the ghost emperor.

The special existence of Ghost Emperor, as long as there is a trace of death or a little power of annihilation, it is possible to escape, unless all the power of annihilation here is held in your own hands, or all of them are transformed into your own comfort power, it can be completely resolved. Ghost Emperor, but with Zhou Shu's control over the law, it is difficult to do it.

He has been devouring the power of annihilation, that is, constantly transforming in the furnace, trying to turn these annihilation powers into his own Shuzhi power.

For Zhou Shu, this is not a big problem. It can be achieved in a flash. The problem is the transformed Shu Zhili. Zhou Shu can’t afford to pretend. In other words, thousands of ghost kings and countless ghost servants have been damaged here. They formed the annihilation. Power is not something Zhou Shu can accommodate, and the Dao body and Dao furnace are not enough together.

In fact, the battle between the two has become a battle for control. Whoever can truly gain control of the power of annihilation here can win and completely bury the opponent. The ghost emperor didn’t know what Zhou Shu did before, so he rushed. Appearing, the first opportunity has been lost, it is impossible to remove Shu Zhili from the power of annihilation, and it is impossible to win, but it is very difficult for Zhou Shu to win, even if it is to severely injure the opponent.

"Brother, do you need my help?"

Jing Tianshan in the Holy Shield asked in a low voice.

Seeing Zhou Shu continue to be ravaged by the blade of shadow, almost a quarter of an hour later, she wanted to help, but she didn't know what to do.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No need now, you wait."

She is not useless, she can release the domain of demon purification to consume the power of annihilation and help Zhou Shu relieve stress, but doing so means that she has to leave the Holy Shield, and it is difficult for her to survive on the battlefield after leaving the Holy Shield... ...This level of battle is not something Jing Tianshan can participate in.

Jing Tianshan lowered her head in annoyance and sighed lightly.

It was not that she could not see the gap between herself and Zhou Shu, and she knew that it was useless to participate in the war, but the self-esteem of being a disciple of Cihang made her feel quite powerless.

When he noticed something, Zhou Shu said calmly, "Junior sister, although you are used to protecting others, even if you sacrifice yourself, you don’t regret it, but sometimes sacrifices may not produce good results. Don’t think too much, Ci Hang Disciple needs to be protected occasionally."


Jing Tianshan nodded lightly, feeling relieved.

After Zhou Shu and the ghost emperor's fight lasted for a long time, the ghost emperor realized the abnormality.

When he draws the power of annihilation from the death outside, this is a habitual move, not a necessary one, because there is enough annihilation power here, and it is already very troublesome to control it. He got it from the death aura of the dead zone, but he did so naturally, only to find that he had lost contact with the death aura of the outside world and was isolated.

After careful investigation, it was discovered that the power of annihilation on the outer edge of the battlefield did not know when it changed its form, to be precise, it was covered with a layer of suspected power of reincarnation.

That was the main part of the net that Zhou Shu built.

Those Shu Zhili, which was mainly manifested as the power of reincarnation, completely enveloped this nearly a thousand miles, and trapped the ghost emperor in it.

I thought I surrounded Zhou Shu and others, but turned out to be surrounded by Zhou Shu?

The ghost emperor shook for a while and suddenly "struggled" violently.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Heng outside, staring at it that sometimes stretches for thousands of miles, sometimes shrinks into a small ball, like a black battlefield of plasticine, and can't help but ask.

"You ask this palace, who does this palace ask?"

Stopped Zhuge Heng, but she was worried about Zhou Shu in her heart. She replied angrily, "It's not like a good thing anyway. It was quiet just now."

Zhuge Heng said solemnly, "Should we not go take a look?"

Caiying realized something, and got ahead of Zhuge Heng in one step, "I didn't let this palace go to this palace in Zhou, and then you can't go either."


Zhuge Heng sighed slightly and stood there shaking his head.

Zhou Shu inside the battlefield naturally also noticed the actions of the ghost emperor, and remained silent.

The outer net has been woven long ago, and during the previous stalemate, the net was still secretly strengthening. Now it is not easy for the ghost emperor to break through, let alone the power of annihilation that the ghost emperor can control. All fell into Zhou Shu's hands, and if necessary, with a little manipulation, the ghost emperor would not pose a big threat to the net.

He still does his thing and continues to transform the power of annihilation. Doing hands and feet is different from completely controlling. The more annihilation power he transforms, the greater the chance of winning.

The ghost emperor also realized the core of the problem and began to prevent Zhou Shu from absorbing the power of annihilation. It is a good way to burst Zhou Shu, but the premise of doing so is that he can obtain the power of annihilation endlessly from death. Now that the source of power is gone, he has to start worrying that when more and more annihilation power is transformed by Zhou Shu, the power he can control will become less and less, and he can no longer draw lifelessness from the outside world. With less and less power, it is almost impossible to win.

Although the discovery was a bit late, for the ghost emperor, it was not without a chance.

He and Zhou Shu are in a wrestling again~www.ltnovel.com~ However, before they were constantly transporting to boost Zhou Shu, now they are preventing Zhou Shu from absorbing and holding more power in his hands.

The tentacles, like sharp blades, slowly dried up and withered, wrapped around Zhou Shu like the roots of an old tree. These power channels were forcibly destroyed by the ghost emperor, but there are more channels still continuing to transport, since Having been aware of the purpose by the ghost emperor, Zhou Shu will naturally no longer conceal it. Shu Zhili in the power of annihilation began to actively resist the control of the ghost emperor, and self-delivered the power of annihilation to Zhou Shu. Disturb.

It's the battle for control, the battle for control of the ghost emperor's body, that is, these solid annihilation powers.

A silent battle with invisible gunsmoke and no moves is also a torrential current, which may cause two people to wrestle with each other at any time.

This time, the ghost emperor did not reproduce what he said in his original form. He focused on fighting and regarded Zhou Shu as a terrible opponent that could rival himself.

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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