Fairy Winner

Chapter 3454: are you OK

I don't know how many days have passed.

The battle continues.

The two sides who absorbed the power of annihilation and prevented the absorption have extended the battlefield to every corner within a radius of nearly a thousand miles.

The will of the ghost emperor and the power of Shu, or the soul of Zhou Shu in the power of Shu, are the main body of the battle.

The will of the ghost emperor has surpassed the law and exists independently. It is absolutely rare and powerful in the heavens, but Zhou Shu is not too much. As a founder, he has survived the disaster, and almost no one is afraid of the soul except the saint. The confrontation of the same order is no less than the life and death duel between the two quasi-sages, but the difference is that there is no vigorous scene, just a silent fight.

It depends on who gets tired first.

Once exhausted, it will temporarily lose control of the power of annihilation, which is equivalent to giving victory to others.

It seems that no one is exhausted. The ninth world of the ghost emperor will be a man, and he will eventually become a ghost emperor in the dead zone. He is incredibly tenacious. A trace of annihilation can rejuvenate him. Zhou Shu has always been strong and never returns. , What's more, the main soul is in the furnace, and can be replenished at any time without any interference.

The gladiatorial fight has been going on for a long time, and if there is no change, it may continue forever.

More than ten years, or even longer.

Zhou Shu realized this, secretly worried.

The stalemate is not the result he wants to see. It is very unfavorable to Zhou Shu. He cannot be entangled in the dead zone for such a long time, but the ghost emperor doesn't care. Even if he stays in the dead zone for thousands of years, he doesn't care, because He usually lives like this. The trouble is that now the ghost emperor still wants to win and want to regain control, but if the ghost emperor realizes that there is no need to win a decisive victory and stays with Zhou Shu, he will not win, at least stand on it. A place of defeat.

There must be a little change.

As a result, many military methods were used by Zhou Shu in this silent war, such as deliberately retreating in certain corners to let the ghost emperor's will prevail, and then concentrate on the superiority to completely eliminate the ghost emperor's will in one place. After going out, he did it several times successfully, but quickly realized that it was useless. Sticking to a certain place consumes more energy than attacking each other. If this goes on, it must be yourself that gets tired first.

Then he tried the other way around, giving the ghost emperor some territory, and then attacked, trying to get the ghost emperor into his previous troubles, but it was ineffective. The ghost emperor would not stick to a certain place at all, because it is unnecessary and higher than the law of annihilation. The will of the ghost emperor can invade the power of annihilation at any time, as long as he neglects this kind of thing will happen.

The Ghost Emperor is different from him, he needs to be integrated to capture the power of annihilation, and the Ghost Emperor does not need it, just take a look.

The role of strategy Before the war, after truly entering the battlefield of strangling each other, the role of strategy became smaller. If it were not for Zhou Shu to seize the opportunity to integrate into the dead, such as the ghost king, now he would not even have the opportunity to seize control.

After trying many times, Zhou Shu had no other good way. He could only continue to transform, continue to fight, and look forward to opportunities.

But where is the change?

If, if you have a handy Dao weapon, you can better play Shu Zhili, you should be able to break the game.

It's a pity that there isn't. Dao tools suitable for Shu Zhidao are not so easy to have.

It would be nice to bring Xiao Kun.

Xiao Kun himself is a Kunlun mirror and has been blessed by a saint. He is basically unmatched in terms of reincarnation. It can definitely play a role in such a battlefield. Even if there is no sense of direction, it can bring many changes, such as constant consumption and annihilation. The power of the ghost emperor is exhausted, but just thinking about it. He didn’t bring it and he would not bring it. Xiao Kun’s mind, although pure, is in danger of being contaminated. If he is bewitched by the ghost emperor, he will become a helper to the other party. , It would be harmful.

And Qingque and Xiao Su's words should not be of much help.

Looking at Jing Tianshan behind him, Zhou Shu also secretly shook his head.

Jing Tianshan is very good in all aspects. He is talented and willing to work hard. She has a firm heart. She has also cultivated the most difficult domain of Demon Demon in Ci Hang Sect. It is the best Ci Hang disciple in the heavens he has seen. (Although I have only seen two). If you train well, it will definitely be a very good help in the future, but at present... she can't get in the battle of this level. It is good to use the Holy Shield Talisman without dragging her legs, and cannot be forced.

Caiying and Zhugehuan outside cannot be expected either.

When the ghost emperor arrived, Zhou Shu sent them out.

By the way, Zhou Shu can fully control the light curtain formed by the power of compassion. Using the power of the law to move the space inside is just a matter of effort, not to mention that Zhuge Heng was originally in the formation he delineated and wanted to escape. Too late.

Caiying was already a true practitioner, but in Zhou Shu's eyes, she was still the sword spirit in the past many times.

Like Xiao Kun, Sword Spirit’s will is pure but easily affected. It is definitely not the picture Zhou Shu wants to see when she fights against the ghost emperor. He subconsciously refuses, even if he knows clearly in his heart that Caiying’s heart is very firm. Others are bad, but he is still reluctant to take risks, because once he makes a mistake, it is too late to regret.

Some people are important to him, so important that they cannot take risks.

As for Zhuge Heng, this guy is very interesting, he is still a member of the Zhuge family, and it would make a lot of sense to bring him to Xianshu City, but now asking him to help, it is whimsical... No, I seem to have overlooked something?

"Friend Zhou, are you okay?"

At this time, Zhou Shu heard a voice.

Coming from outside the battlefield, Zhou Shu felt it because of the power of reincarnation.

Before they knew it, Caiying and Zhugehuan had already gone outside, only dozens of miles away from the battlefield.

A quarter of an hour ago.

"Friends, can't wait any longer."

Zhuge Heng's expression is serious, "It has been going on for many days, so you don't want to know what's going on inside? I know Zhou Daoyou is very strong, much better than me, but he may also be in trouble and need help from others, even if It’s just a moment, maybe you can help him."

"My palace thinks you might not be able to do it at once," Caiying hesitated and explained, "this palace is not underestimating you this time."

"I know."

Zhuge Heng nodded, and had a stalemate with Caiying for a long time. He also learned about Caiying, "For this, I can give a lot. As long as it really helps, Daoists should understand that the current situation is probably already very dangerous. That's the ghost emperor."

Caiying is a bit irritable~www.ltnovel.com~ My palace knows it, but Zhou didn't speak, how can I help? "

After so long, she couldn't hold back anymore, and her mind began to loosen. In fact, if Zhuge Heng were not here, but she was alone, she would have rushed past. Even if she gave up everything, she had to find a way to rush there. The battlefield is gone, but Zhuge Heng is there, she must consider Zhou Shu, restraining others while restraining herself.

Zhuge Heng looked at Caiying with an extremely sincere expression, "You believe me, I can definitely help him, and I also have a hole card."

Caiying was startled, "Do you have a hole card? You really have a hole card. Isn't it worse than Jing Tianshan's field?"

"I think it's not bad."

Zhuge Heng nodded affirmatively, "She is very powerful, but mine is the same, and Zhou Daoyou also knows."

"Then...all over and take a look."

After thousands of exchanges, Caiying finally gave in, and the two flew to the battlefield together.

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