Fairy Winner

Chapter 3459: Statue


Ding Zhi stagnated.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's my own business to fight against the immortal world. I won't force anyone to stand on my side. You have thought too much about the city lord. You just said a few things. Doing the first point is enough, Ci Hangzong It’s a fact that Gladiator City was saved, and you can’t hide it."

Ding Zhi nodded immediately, "Okay."

Zhou Shu smiled, "So refreshing, it seems that the city lord has already planned what to do."

Ding Zhi followed with a smile, "It's just a few words, nothing difficult."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "A few words will not be effective. I said it today, but I will forget it tomorrow. In my opinion, the city lord had better set up a statue and put it in the city so that people passing by could see it. To."

Ding Zhi twitched his mouth a few times before hesitatingly said, "Also, I will erect a statue for Taoist friends."

"It's not me, it's my junior sister."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said with a smile, "What's the point of putting me up there? She can do it, and others are willing to watch it."

Jing Tianshan couldn't help shaking her head, and whispered, "Brother, this can't work."

"What's the matter? If you wear a veil, you don't need to wear the statue, and then blur it a little bit. You can't see anything," Zhou Shu turned to Ding Zhi and said slowly, "The important thing is the green lotus under your feet. Yes, City Lord, do you understand what I mean?"


Ding Zhi nodded, but sighed secretly, not fooling him.

Anyone can say a few words. Today I said it was Ci Hangzong’s help. No one will remember it after a while, but the statue is always there. There is no need to indicate the words of Ci Hangzong. The characteristic Qinglian pendulum There, anyone who sees it will know that this is Cihangzong.

It's not that he wants to fool Zhou Shu, but he doesn't want to tear his face with the fairy world.

Although he wanted to do this when the fairy world refused to support Gladiator City, let alone tear his face, but now it is different, the danger of the fairy city has been eliminated, then there is no need to smash the net with the fairy fish, and it may depend on the fairy world for help. It's so powerful that you can't hide in Outland. It's best to keep peace.

But Zhou Shu can't be offended either.

He has tried Zhou Shu several times. After communicating with Zhuge Heng, he can be sure that Zhou Shu's strength is above him. Even if he uses Gladiator City himself, he can't kill Zhou Shu, and as long as he can't kill Zhou Shu, he It means that Gladiator is over.

Xianshu City, which can block the attacks of the four quasi-sages of the immortal world, is definitely not something Gladiator City can contend.

It doesn't matter, wait until you are promoted to the quasi-sage, and then you can do it again. The twenty years will pass safely anyway.

Jing Tianshan bowed her head silently, looking at her toes in silence.

Zhou Shu patted her lightly, and said in a deep voice, "Junior sister, do you think this is not good? You deserve it, and what Cihangzong needs."

"no no."

Jing Tianshan raised her head, her eyes sparkling, "I can build a statue in the fairy city. It's still such a big fairy city. How can I feel bad that even the master has never received treatment? As a disciple of the Cihang sect, you can have this One day, I have nothing but joy and pride."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "That's good, looking at you like that, I thought you were worried or complaining about me."

Jing Tianshan gently shook her head and said warmly, "No, I just don't know what to say, thank you brother."

"You're welcome, it was given by the city lord, and the effort should have been rewarded."

After speaking, Zhou Shu looked at Ding Zhi with a smile. The smile made Ding Zhi panic again, calming down, "What is the third thing about fellow Daoists?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said, "No, now is the time for me to get paid."

"Well, follow me."

Ding Zhi felt relieved and walked quickly to the back hall.

Zhou Shu took a few steps, turned around and said, "Junior sister, are you not coming?"

Jing Tianshan whispered, "No, I want to be quiet."

Zhou Shu nodded without saying anything, and followed Ding Zhi into the apse.

As soon as he walked in, Zhou Shu felt it was the apse, but it was actually another space.

The unique space created by the city lord is still in this realm, but it is in a position that no one can find. It is no different from the one in the Kuiwei realm. It can be seen that Ding Zhi did a lot of hard work in Gladiator City. , Is completely familiar with the world, and Zhou Shu cannot do this in Xianshu City. Of course, it is not difficult for Zhou Shu to get rid of the shackles of this space. In the end, the cultivation base is different, and there is a big gap between Ding Zhi and the old scholar.

"The taste of the city owner is very unique."

Zhou Shu looked forward with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

There are jade and jewels everywhere, a magnificent palace is erected in the meantime, and there are endless golden mountains in the distance. There is no vitality in the space of hundreds of miles. Even the trees and grass are things like coral agate. .

Anything that is not illegal or concealed is a real treasure.

Ding Zhi caressed his beard and said with a smile, "I made the Taoist friends laugh. For some reason, I always feel happy to see these vulgar objects, and I have collected a lot without knowing it."

"Who doesn't like it?" Zhou Shu smiled and grabbed a handful of jewels and let them run between his fingers. "Smooth and beautiful, warm and comfortable, pleasing and pleasing to the eye, but the city lord's obsession with them actually has another reason. "

Ding Zhi was quite surprised, "Do you know why?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The last time I used the Wanhua Jingjie, the city lord should have seen it too?"

What Ding Zhi thought of, his mind was slightly shaken, "Ah, you mean the old man's attachment comes from his previous life?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Well, but it's not a bad thing. The interest of the city lord has helped you accomplish a lot of careers. This is the case in your previous life, and it is the same in this life, and you have reached the highest state. With the power of a fellow Taoist, you can achieve immortality in this life. Maybe."


Ding Zhi looked at Zhou Shu, surprised and inexplicable. He didn't see clearly how many lives he had in those few breaths, but only glanced at it. Zhou Shu not only saw all of them, but even understood them in such detail, this person is really amazing...for a while. Many, in the end, it only turned into one sentence, "Thanks for the good words of fellow Taoists."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "You're welcome, but City Lord, why didn't I perceive that there is something suitable for me here?"

"In the palace."

Ding Zhi pointed to the front and strode forward, "It's different from here, it's another space."

"Create another space here?"

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked. Using his familiarity with the world, it is not difficult for the city lord to create a unique space in his own world, but it is difficult to create another space in the space, let alone maintain it for a long time. It is difficult for even the scholar to do it.

Does this City Master Ding Zhi understand the law of space?

Seeing Zhou Shu's look~www.ltnovel.com~ Ding Zhi was also shocked, and slowly said, "Does fellow Daoists have taken a fancy to this world bag? That can be..."

"World Bag?"

When Zhou Shu heard the sound, he shook his head immediately, "No, I don't need this."

It turned out to be a space magic weapon.

But Zhou Shu himself was wrong, thinking too much of Ding Zhi. It was not the space created by Ding Zhi at all. It was just a magic weapon of inner space. This kind of magic weapon is also very rare, but it is normal for Zhou Shu. .

He smiled bitterly.

Always thinking about these things, it is inevitable to make a joke, but when he can see or even understand the laws of space, instead of just using other laws to change the space.


Ding Zhi felt relieved.

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