Fairy Winner

Chapter 3460: 4 elements of quasi-sage

Entering the hall, the majestic treasure rushed towards his face, barely able to breathe.

Zhou Shu counted his breath carefully and said slowly, "Are all the things the city lord hidden here?"

Ding Zhi heard the sound and turned around slowly, his eyes flickered, "What do you mean by this phrase? Do you think I have hidden the treasure on purpose, or want to...take the opportunity to take advantage of it? Haha."

"The city owner misunderstood."

Zhou Shu was a bit presumptuous to ask, and raised his hand, "I saw too many treasures, and I couldn't hold back for a while, and I was worried that I accidentally took away the important treasures of the city lord and affected the lord’s advancement. That is me. Guilt."

Ding Zhi stared at Zhou Shu and smiled calmly, "It turns out that fellow Daoist was thinking about it for the old man and thanked him, but ah, fellow Daoist should still say less about similar things, which is easy to misunderstand."

Zhou Shu nodded, "The city lord pointed out that."

Ding Zhi turned to the front and said bluntly, "My treasures are here, and fellow Taoists don't need to worry about it. Take them as you want. As for my most important treasures, hehe, fellow Taoists can't take them away."

He stroked his beard and smiled, proud of his generosity. It is true that a practitioner rarely has such a moment to take out all his treasures for others to choose from.

"Then I'm not welcome."

Zhou Shu smiled and bowed, as if thoughtful, "The most precious treasure of fellow Taoists is Xiancheng, right?"

Ding Zhi nodded, "Everyone is the City Lord of Xiancheng, tacitly."

Zhou Shu paused, "Speaking of which I am puzzled, is Xiancheng very helpful to the promotion of Quasi-Saint?"

Ding Zhi looked at Zhou Shu, with a lot of doubts in his eyes, "Isn't Daoist also the city lord, why would you ask such a question?"

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, showing a trace of embarrassment, "To be honest, I rarely stay in Xiancheng. I have far less experience in this area than the city lord, so I just wanted to ask."

Ding Zhi suddenly said, "I remember that Dao Luo Jinxian built Xiancheng, and then he was promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian. In this process, Daoists felt that there was little help from Xiancheng, or even no help, right?"

Zhou Shu felt stagnant, and shook his head, "I have gained a lot of practice law experience from Xiancheng. It has helped a lot. It can't be said that there is no such thing."

"That's right," Ding Zhi caressed his beard, "but the experience of the law, even without Xiancheng, can do it with time, right?"

Zhou Shu paused, "It's true."

Ding Zhi said slowly, "That's why Daoists have the idea that Xiancheng is useless, but the old man wants to say that this is wrong. At this stage of promotion to quasi-sages, Xiancheng is essential, especially for us practitioners in the outer domain. "

Zhou Shu solemnly said respectfully, "Please the city lord for advice."

How to combine Xiancheng and self-cultivation? This question is considered as a knot of his. In this regard, he has not met anyone who can give pointers to the maze. Now he is rarely met with one, so naturally I don't want to miss it.

Compared with this ubiquitous treasure, getting a definite answer is more important.

Ding Zhi pondered for a few breaths, "Does fellow Daoists should know the four elements of the quasi-sage? It doesn't matter if you don't know. If you are not in the Great Sect of the Immortal Realm, this question is a bit difficult. They seldom pass these experiences to Outland."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I heard a senior say that they are the palace of life, the core of the law, the wheel of life, and the bridge of soul."

"Friends know that it's best," Ding Zhi smiled and nodded. "Except for those who are born saints or Taoist practitioners, most practitioners must start from these four aspects in order to become quasi saints, step by step, and the core of the law. Skip it first, this Hunyuan Golden Immortal has it, so don't think about anything if you can't create the power of the law by yourself, ha ha."

Zhou Shu nodded freely, concentrating.

"Then there is the bridge of souls, the spiritual souls of practitioners must go up to the heavens, and down to the yellow springs. They will be able to establish contact with all things in an instant, regardless of each other, mutual proof of existence, the so-called heaven and earth can be holy... "

Ding Zhi glanced at Zhou Shu, "This kind of feeling can't be experienced until after promotion, but at the stage of mixed yuan and golden immortals, we must start to make serious preparations. At this time, Xiancheng will play a big role."

Zhou Shu nodded, seeming to understand.

Ding Zhi was somewhat satisfied, "As a city lord, you have good conditions to exercise your spirits. You can start with the simplest practitioners and communicate with each other, then the creatures, and then the inanimate things. When connecting with the latter two, it is difficult to use the law. After all, one person has limited principles of cultivation, and all things contain numerous laws. How can we achieve this? You can only understand it, you can’t say it, you need to use your own mind. Try to figure out, all I can say is that willpower and time are key."

Zhou Shu nodded gently.

Xuan Huang Jie actually has a similar function. With Jian Mu’s origin, Zhou Shu can communicate with everything, regardless of each other, but Xuan Huang Jie and Jian Mu did it, not themselves. In fact, this kind of thing has brought countless people. Convenient things may be a hindrance to personal cultivation. The more convenient and lazy, the more difficult it is for an individual to break through the limit.

As the city lord, you should use less when it is not necessary, Zhou Shu thought.

"Fellow Daoist understands so quickly."

Noting Zhou Shu’s expression, Ding Zhi was a little surprised, and continued, “Then it is the wheel of life. Daoists should not mistake it for the core of the creator’s law. There is a big difference between the two. The wheel of life keeps running. The consumption will not flow out, and it is not restricted by other laws. Before the life palace is damaged, it can give the quasi-sage almost infinite life."

Zhou Shu felt, "The law of creation does not achieve this effect, but how should I practice this wheel of life."

Ding Zhi's expression became solemn, "Everyone has their own way, my method may not be able to be used for reference, how can I put it..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it."

"It's not that I don't want to say, I have some methods..." Ding Zhi closed his eyes, "Do you think fellow Daoists look at my fairy city?"

Zhou Shu thought a few breaths, "Very good."

Ding Zhi said indifferently, "Really good? Daoists are creators, so you might as well speak up."

Zhou Shu paused, "Then I'll just say that there is a problem with the vitality that the city dwellers reveal~ www.ltnovel.com~ The vitality of practitioners of the same realm is completely the same, and every golden fairy is the same. The same is true for Luo Jinxian. The same is true for those at a lower level. It shows an emotional state, as if every city citizen is under control. Of course, I am not accusing it. This may be the management method of the city lord."

If you understand the laws of creation of life and death, you can see the birth mechanism. They linger above the creatures, thick or light. The stronger the practitioner, the higher the mood and the stronger the vitality. The loss or existence of these vitalities will affect the mood and state, but It does not increase or decrease the life of the practitioner himself.

They can be used, for example, when Xuanyuan Sword Spirit awakens, most of the vitality in Lingyu City is taken away for recovery.

"It's the creator, I can't hide it."

Ding Zhi smiled and nodded, "This is indeed my way of managing Xiancheng, trying to keep everyone and creatures in a vital balance. Daoists can blame this, but I want to say that this is not harmful to them. It may be better and more focused. Practice."

Zhou Shu nodded, "If it's really bad for them, they won't be able to stay, but I don't understand why the city lord did this, it takes time and effort, and there is no benefit."

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