Fairy Winner

Chapter 3461: Puzzle

"How could it be no good?"

Ding Zhishi smiled and said, "Think about it, a good fairy city, under the condition of continuous development, there will only be more and more people, more and more vitality, tens of thousands of years, I can get a lot of The surplus vitality, and then let these vitality return to the origin core, and then distribute to other creatures, always maintain a state of balance, the origin flow, the origin core will not have the suffering of lack, the fairy city will never be exhausted, this is a life The embryonic form of the wheel, and I can gain enough experience in this process, and gradually understand the true meaning of the wheel of life."

Zhou Shu groaned, "I seem to understand a little bit. The practitioners who yearn for promotion are indeed much more vigorous than other creatures, but if you use practitioners to nourish all things, will there be no problems with this operation?"

"Of course there are problems. For example, it is unlikely that there will be real strong people in my fairy city, and genius will be limited."

Ding Zhi showed a trace of regret, "So my Xiancheng seldom can cultivate talents who can be alone. It is very troublesome to encounter ghost soldiers, but it should be said that if someone shows strong enough talent, I will Send him away. I don’t need a genius in my fairy city, but I will not bury the genius and let him go to other cities to develop."

"The city lord is interested."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, a little admired, knowing that his fairy city is not suitable for geniuses, he even sent it away specially. It is probably impossible for another city owner to change it. He paused, "The city owner relies on the management of these tens of thousands of years to understand life. Can the wheel be constructed in the body?"

Ding Zhi shook his head, "It's so easy. Understanding doesn't mean it can be done. Although I take Xiancheng as a part of my body to understand and experience, it is still very difficult to truly replicate all circulation in the body. Nothing can't be done without ten thousand years of hard cultivation."

Zhou Shu was puzzled, "It's very difficult, ten thousand years? But the city lord said before that it would be possible to do it in twenty years."

Ding Zhi stared at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Father Taoist rescued Xiancheng. I told you it’s okay, but please don’t tell me, and it’s best not to follow me, because I don’t know if this is 100% effective. Success is not necessarily worth it."

Zhou Shu realized something, "I understand what the city lord meant, please tell me."

Ding Zhi looked into the distance and said calmly, "I don't plan to make a wheel of life by myself, because it is really difficult, so I plan to directly use the origin core of Xiancheng as the wheel of life for promotion."

The words were very calm, but even Zhou Shu could feel the sadness in his heart, and it was overflowing.

"That's not going to destroy Xiancheng?"

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, and he only quickly said, "If you can become a quasi saint, most people will choose this way."

He could understand Ding Zhi doing this, but he would never choose this way when he changed himself. Xianshu City did not belong to him, but a part of the Profound Yellow Realm. He had no reason to destroy it for himself, and he would do it too. Not.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Ding Zhi expressed a lot of gratitude in his eyes, and said with a wry smile, "Thank you for your understanding. Although the old man established Xiancheng to become a quasi-sage, he thought that he would eventually destroy all these years of hard work. There are so many practitioners. Work hard...hehe, the old man is indeed a very selfish practitioner."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "I don't understand, can the essence core be used as the wheel of life?"

"Other Xiancheng's origin cores can't work, but Gladiator City's must be."

Ding Zhi smiled slightly and nodded very confidently, "From the moment I established the fairy city, I have separated a part of the soul and the origin core to co-exist and develop, otherwise I will not be able to achieve the balance mentioned before. Now, the battle The original core of the city has completely become a part of me, and it is logical to return to me in the future."

Zhou Shu suddenly said, "I see."

Ding Zhi nodded, "Fellow Daoist now understands why I must protect Xiancheng. In fact, I am protecting myself."

Zhou Shu looked at him and said slowly, "If the city lord succeeds in doing it in the future, please be sure to tell me."

"Do you want to try it too?" Ding Zhizheng said, "No problem, no matter whether it is successful or not, I will not stay here anymore. If it succeeds, I will go to the Taoist Xianshu City to talk. "

"Thank you City Lord in advance."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I have a general understanding of the wheel of life, and the palace of life is the rest. I also ask the city lord for advice."

Ding Zhi paused and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist has heard so much, don't you understand? The Palace of Life is this gladiatorial city."


Zhou Shu's mind was slightly shaken.

The core of the law means the city lord, the wheel of life means the origin, and the bridge of the soul means the connection between the city lord and everything. Isn't the palace of life that embraces all this fairy city?

The various methods used to consolidate the city of Xiancheng can also be used on the Palace of Life. How strong the city is, the Palace of Life is more reliable.

Before self-achievement of the quasi-sage, first build a model of the quasi-sage outside, which is Xiancheng. Is this the way for the city lord to be promoted?

Looking at the pensive Zhou Shu, Ding Zhi thought for a while, "Friends of Taoism, in fact, these are my personal insights. Other people may not be the same. There may be a better way to get the wheel of life instead of In addition to the city lord, there are also geniuses who are born to be candidates for saints, and even the geniuses who are descendants of the Dao, they will not have this understanding. Daoists must not stick to them. With such talents, they will definitely have their own methods, most of them Would be better than my stupid method."

"The city lord is too self-effacing. First, other people are not as honest as the city lord. They may not tell me their understanding. Second, I think the city lord can describe the cultivation process in detail. It has become a system, which is really not simple." Zhou Shu looked at him and saluted very sincerely, "Thank you for the guidance of the city lord, I will benefit a lot from the next step."

"Friends of Daoist saved Xiancheng, that is, they saved me. Saying something is nothing," Ding Zhi smiled and shook his head, quite proud. It is a great pleasure for practitioners to solve the puzzles by preaching, but with some in his eyes. Worry, "but fellow daoists must remember that these words are only in the palace, and don't speak after you go out."

Zhou Shu is very serious ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ this is natural. "

"Well, having said so much, it's time for fellow Taoists to choose what they want," Ding Zhi looked at the treasures quite contentedly. "These are the treasures of the old man for many years, but fellow Taoists don't even look at them. Is it disgusting?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Whatever fellow Taoists say, my eyes are dizzy, and I can't wait to take them all away."

Ding Zhi shook his head unconsciously, "That won't work. Do you want the old man to become the poorest quasi-sage in the heavens? At least leave a foundation for the old man, otherwise the travel expenses to Xianshu City in the future will be gone."

Zhou Shu smiled and stretched out his hand, grabbing two things in his hand, and said thoughtfully, "Then these two."

"Have you chosen so soon?"

Ding Zhi was surprised for a while, but looked at the things in Zhou Shu's hands, but smiled unconsciously, "Friends of Daoism are really tricky."

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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