Fairy Winner

Chapter 3462: Have work

Zhou Shu smiled, "The city lord can't bear it?"

Ding Zhi hurriedly explained, "Whether the Daoist said anything, the Daoist only took two pieces. What is the old man's reluctance? It's just that piece of jade that made the old man think of something. I can't help but feel a little bit emotional.

The expression worried about Zhou Shu's misunderstanding seemed a bit humble.

"I just talked casually."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Is that this?"

It was a piece of sapphire with jet black blood spots. It was round, hollowed out in the middle, and there were moiré patterns on the sides. There were several cracks on the surface. The blood stains also leaked in, making the jade body impenetrable at all. There are many inside. The fuzzy texture does not look like a treasure.

"Well, this green sacred jade key is said to be the key to unlocking a secret somewhere. When the immortal realm appeared in this world, it caused a turmoil. Thousands of practitioners went to fight for it, and later shocked three big sects. The quasi-sage, the beating was so dim, the casualties were countless, and the jade key was broken..." At this point, Ding Zhi glanced at Zhou Shu and sighed, "As the saint's designated Taoist material, The blue sacred jade is the hardest jade in the heavens. It is said that many Taoist artifacts cannot be destroyed, but even it was beaten like this. Daoists can imagine the fierce fighting at that time."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I can imagine it."

He doesn't need to think about it, just watch it.

He took this treasure because this jade reacted most strongly to the power of reincarnation, which aroused Zhou Shu's curiosity.

At this time, under the guidance of the power of reincarnation, he was already in that battle, and he felt the scene at that time. It was indeed tragic, but it was also worth experiencing and understanding repeatedly. The fight between several quasi-sages was not It was easy to see, and at the same time he also saw the secret hidden behind this green saint jade key, a place that even the quasi saint would be tempted...

Of course, I also saw how Ding Zhi took this piece of jade into his own hands.

He is a lucky person.

"The quasi-sage who finally got the jade looked at the jade for a long time, but sighed and lost the jade. It seems that this piece of jade has been completely destroyed, and even the value of the material is lost. Unfortunately, it When it was thrown down, hey, the old man was busy running for his life at the time. He had already ran away for tens of millions of miles. Who knew he was hit by accident, and it hurt for several months."

Ding Zhi gritted his teeth unconsciously, as if recollecting the feeling, "This is also a chance, so I left it, but now I don’t know where the secret is. Even if I know it, it’s a broken piece. The jade key of "must not be opened, otherwise the quasi-sage would not throw it away at will, just take it if you like it, but the old man felt that this was not a treasure at all, and it was only for the Taoist to take more.

When he noticed something, he paused, "All Daoist needs are Dao artifact materials, right? There is also a complete blue sacred jade over there. Why don't you take it? You don't have to be polite to me."

Zhou Shu smiled, "This piece is fine."

He does need Dao artifact materials, but not materials like Qingshengyu. He has used Shu Zhili to go through everything here before, and there is only one material that can fit him, and it is already in his hands. .


Ding Zhi showed some helplessness, and his gaze fell on the other item, "The old man can't remember the one that fellow Taoist took, but it shouldn't be a good treasure...Both are like this. I really make the old man feel guilty."

It was an earthy-yellow substance full of wrinkles, like a stone and mud. The material was not too hard. It seemed to be easily broken in half, and it didn’t feel any immortal energy or the power of other laws, even a little smelly. Wei, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't remember why he put it in, it didn't match other things at all, it was like throwing a lot of cow dung in the flowers.

Zhou Shu doesn't think so.

At the beginning, there was a rare material in the Xuanhuang world, called the residue of the five elements. It was extracted from the five elements, but it did not belong to any of the five elements. This material could not only resist the forces of the five elements, but also an excellent neutralizer. Integrating the different powers of the five elements together is the best material for refining tools, but only those who really understand know how to use it.

And this weird piece of **** has similar characteristics.

It doesn't seem to belong to any law, but it can reconcile the power of many laws. According to Zhou Shu's previous experience, to create a Taoist device suitable for Shu Zhili, with its participation, it will be more effective.

It's just the origin of this thing...

The power of reincarnation cannot affect it, nor can it be seen how it is formed.

He looked slightly condensed, "How did it come, the city lord can't remember it at all?"

Ding Zhining pondered for a long time, but still shook his head, "Sorry, I really can't remember, Xiancheng is too busy, and my memory is confused, but the old man has never seen it before, and no one will come here. Could it be formed by himself? "

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "It doesn't matter, don't think about it, I'll just take this, it's quite interesting."

It should be formed by itself.

There are too many treasures of different laws stored here, but there are not many formations blocking them. They are intertwined and collided with each other. Over time, some things that have nothing to do with various laws are formed. They are rejected by many laws, and they cannot leave the world bag and gather slowly. Become such a tuft.

Like the dust gathered in the corner of the house.

The whole process is somewhat similar to the formation of Hanshan and the Promise Talisman, except that there is no similar chaotic power generation. It is definitely not the difference between intentional and unintentional, but it makes sense.

There are many places where the laws of the heavens meet, but there are very few that can eventually form the power of chaos. What is the law of this?

Zhou Shu is now very concerned about these, but has no answer.

If you can find out this law, you can use the power of the postnatal chaos. What a terrible and beautiful thing this is.

"My Daoist is really sorry for doing this."

Ding Zhi looked at Zhou Shu with regret and couldn't help shaking his head, "I came in here and took two useless things."

"City Lord, I have one more thing to ask."

Zhou Shu thought about a few breaths~www.ltnovel.com~ took out a jade slip and handed it over.

Ding Zhi took it and asked in confusion, "This is?"

Zhou Shu solemnly said, "This is a booklet I wrote. It contains some introductions to Xianshu City, and there is also a guide to getting started. Please trouble the city lord to help me pass it out. It’s better to make a few hundred thousand copies. Everyone in the city gave it to everyone who passed by, and sent it in the name of the city lord, asking them to keep it for viewing, or throw it away if they could not get it."

Ding Zhi's expression changed a little, and he hesitated, "There is no Cihangzong content in it, right?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I don't preach for Ci Hangzong. Even if I think, the city lord will not do it, so why force it."

Ding Zhi quickly agreed, "I will tell you to go out and do my best for fellow Taoists in the remaining twenty years."

Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, "Then there will be City Lord Lao."

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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