Fairy Winner

Chapter 3482: long time no see

Looking around, Zhou Shu raised his hand in a salute and greeted Caiying to go down.

The whole process was accompanied by cheers, loud and loud, and it didn't stop for a long time after Zhou Shu left.

Immortal cities like Wuniancheng have a natural hatred for immortals, not to mention the immortals on the celestial pole list. I can see that they are naturally refreshed when they eat, not to mention such a big defeat. Generally it is more comfortable to be played with.

"Hehe, City Lord Zhou really opened my eyes."

Ning Yan walked over quickly, with a smile on his face.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said, "It's troublesome for fellow Taoists."

Ning Yan was stunned, "What's the trouble with this, it was originally what we should do."

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't explain. When Ning Yan cleared the field, he would naturally find that the battle on the field was just a spare matter for Zhou Shu. More often, he was observing the formation and the **** pattern. , Of course, I also tried to crack it, so there were some traces that were difficult to deal with, and some areas needed to be repaired, — it didn’t matter, Wuniancheng didn’t care.

Ning Yan's expression was slightly condensed, and he slowly said, "City Lord Zhou has become famous in the first battle this time."

"It's better for others to find less trouble."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Friends of Taoism, I'll leave first."

Caiying and Xiaosu were chatting over there. They were mostly "whose white spot is bigger, the harder this palace is", "that side looks too bad" and so on. Seeing Zhou Shu come over, Qing Que smiled and said, "Slow down a bit."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Looking at the formation, you are all right."

Qingque shook her head, "It's okay, where are we going now?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Wait here for a while."

Although the others had doubts, they all stood still and gradually merged into the world, no one cared about its existence.

A group of people kept coming out of the competition field, all of them were still discussing the battle just now. They were not afraid of speaking, but they were full of praise for Zhou Shu in their words, all kinds of envy and jealousy, and they were relieved to hear.

Qingque whispered unconsciously, "Shu, are you just waiting for them to evaluate you?"

Caiying chuckled, "Zhou, you are nasty, really shameless."

Zhou Shu just smiled and shook his head without explaining.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and when the meditation was almost gone, a monk (almost a monk, let’s change the name) walked out quickly, bowed his head and read the scriptures silently, and stopped when he walked, because suddenly in front of him Four people appeared and blocked the way. He looked up, smiled bitterly to himself, and muttered, "Can you recognize it like this?"

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled, "Long time no see."

The bhikkhu paused, his eyes flashed, "This is not the place to talk, come with me."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded and followed, and the three women followed suit, wondering in their hearts. Who is this monk, and how can I follow? Had Zhou Shu planted an undercover in Wu Nian City? Doubts turn to doubts, Zhou Shu didn't speak, and they wouldn't ask more.

Winding all the way from east to west, through many unknown formations, into a Zen temple.

After passing through several layers of protection, I came to a backyard covered with white floor tiles and Zen beads hanging everywhere.

The monk took out a wooden fish, looked at the nose, and knocked it.

The sound of bang bang resounded through the courtyard, and the hearts of the people also followed with bang bang.

Zhou Shu looked at the monk, and said thoughtfully, "You Muyu is not professional enough, didn't you learn well?"

"This is the Kunlun drum, I just use wooden fish to make the sound."

The monk said faintly, "The sound of Kunlun drums is aimed at Zen power. It can affect Zen power, and it can also form a unique Kunlun space in Zen power. It’s just that my current realm is not enough. I can’t do it. I can only do it. To confuse perception and not let people notice."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "As expected of Brother Lin, everything is perfect."

"Brother Lin?"

The three girls looked at each other, "Who is that?"

Only Qingque thought of something, his face changed slightly, "Are you Lin Qingjue from Kunlun?!"

The bhikkhu nodded, "The Daoist Blue Bird also recognized it. It seems that my cover is still far from enough."

Qingque shook his head, still a lot of stunned, "I definitely can't recognize Kunlun if you don't talk about it, but speaking of it, why did you become a monk?"

Lin Qingjue smiled without answering, looking at Zhou Shu, "How did Brother Zhou see it?"

"Brother Lin, you have concealed it well enough. No one would have thought that you actually entered the Zen temple to do meditation. I didn't care when I saw you, but then I noticed your eyes," Zhou Shu said slowly. "The characteristics of Kunlun disciples are particularly evident in your eyes. The firmness and perseverance of sacrificing one's life for righteousness. How can I not recognize Kunlun after so many dealings with me?"

Lin Qingjue frowned, "You should treat it as the Zen mind for meditation."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Everyone else would think so, but I definitely won't."

Lin Qingjue looked at Zhou Shu for a while and suddenly laughed, "Brother Zhou is really my confidant."

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "It is in the Xuanhuang Realm, and of course it is here."

Lin Qingjue paused slightly, and said slowly, "Why did you come to Wunian City? Is it really for that evil sword?"


Zhou Shu was very calm, "It has been entrusted by the descendants of the Ou family to solve the problem of overcoming evil."

Lin Qingjue seemed to realize something, "Ou family descendant, Ou Ting?"

Zhou Shu was surprised, "Have you seen it too?"

Lin Qingjue shook his head, "I haven't seen him, but I know him. Wuniancheng was talking about him some time ago."

"Is Ouding here too?"

Zhou Shu was startled, but it should be the same if he thinks about it. If Ou Ting is still alive and hears that Shengxie has fallen, there is no reason not to come here. In fact, things should be easier to handle when he comes. He is a descendant of the Ou family. , Who is also the caster of suppressing evil, will definitely stand on Zhou Shu's side.

Thinking of this, I felt a little bit happy, "Brother Lin knows where he is?"

"I'm just a monk, Brother Zhou."

Lin Qingjue knocked on the wooden fish. "I don’t know. There will be no news after he came. Some people said he was killed by Le Yinan, some said he was imprisoned, and others said he was taken away. The answer really depends on Brother Zhou looking for it~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu paused, "I see. "

Caiying couldn't help but said, "It must be Le Yinan's problem. He is afraid that Ou Ting will take the sword back, so he just put Ou Ting..."

"Will not."

Qingque shook his head, "Le Yinan has no need to do this. Shengxie has no owner. Even if the descendants of the Ou family come, there is no reason to go back. Besides, killing Outing will only reduce Shengxie and his own reputation. On the contrary, it is even more difficult to find someone to purify. I think the possibility of house arrest is great after all. Le Yinan needs Ou Ting to help him find a method of purification, or to help him check, see if the people who come to purify the evil are reliable."

She looked at Zhou Shu, "If I were Le Yinan, I would definitely control Ou Ting in her own hands."

Lin Qingjue smiled slightly, "Elder Qingque's analysis is as sharp as ever. Sometimes I really envy you. Brother Zhou always has many good helpers by your side, haha."

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