Fairy Winner

Chapter 3483: For Kunlun

Looking at Lin Qingjue, who bowed his head and knocked on the wooden fish, Zhou Shu said calmly, "Brother Lin, is this to teach barbarians to grow skills to control barbarians?"

"Teach barbarians to develop skills to control barbarians?" Lin Qingjue was taken aback for a moment. "Brother Zhou said that, but I didn't think so, at least not now."

Caiying curiously asked, "You can't really plan to do meditation, right?"

"of course not."

Lin Qingjue shook his head, "I have something to do lurking here, and I will leave when things are done."

Caiying said again, "Could it be that you want to steal the Zen treasure here?"

Zhou Shu hurriedly said, "Caiying speaks straight, Brother Lin, don't be offended."

"No matter what is straight or not, normal people would think so, and she didn't make a mistake. I did intend to steal something, but not Zen treasure, but..." Lin Qingjue glanced at Zhou Shu. The words stopped.

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "As long as the things Brother Lin is interested in, as long as it is not victory over evil, I will definitely not be tempted, and I can help."

Lin Qingjue seemed to be relieved, "Of course it is not Shengxie, but a wooden fish hidden in Leiyin Temple."

Caiying's eyes widened, a little dissatisfied, "You just said it wasn't from Zen Bao!"

Lin Qingjue thought for a while, "Looks like a Zen treasure, let’s not hide it from a few people. The wooden fish was originally part of the magical instrument of the Xuanhuang Realm. It was later obtained by the meditations of the heavens. With Zen power, the magical tool was used as a wooden fish. Over time, the magical tool also had a trace of Buddha nature, and it was regarded as a Zen treasure by other people, but in fact it was not. It was still a magical tool."

Caiying lowered her head, "It turns out that this is the case. My palace said something wrong, sorry."

Qingque said thoughtfully, "Many people in the heavens do not know the value of the artifact, so it is easy to become like this, but the artifact is also very powerful and can absorb the Buddha nature. If it is not for a long time, it may change. Cheng Chan Bao."

Lin Qing absolutely nodded unconsciously, "This is what I worry about."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Is that magical artifact a Nuwa stone?"

He had long known that there were artifacts with Buddha nature in Wunian City. He was puzzled before, and was not matched with the artifacts in his memory, but now it seems that if Buddha nature is not born, it is part of the artifact. , Those nine achievements are Nuwa Stone.

Lin Qingjue nodded, only a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Zhou Shu has a lot of research on artifacts."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Understand some."

Lin Qingjue smiled and looked at him, "Brother Zhou also wants to do that, too?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and solemnly said, "My opinion is that the artifact should return to the Xuanhuang Realm. As long as it is in the Xuanhuang Realm, anyone can take it. Brother Lin is also a member of the Xuanhuang Realm. I have no reason to get the artifact for what it should be. To fight for it will only help."

"Brother Zhou can say that, and I am in awe."

Lin Qingjue knocked on the wooden fish, stood up and saluted, "But I didn't take the Nüwa stone for myself, it was for Kunlun."

Zhou Shu stood up and replied, and said in a deep voice, "Of course I understand that you are doing it for Kunlun. When did Kunlun disciples do it for yourself? If Brother Lin needs me to do something, I am obliged."

Lin Qingjue thought for a while, but didn't say what he wanted to say, "I don't need it for the time being, I will speak when I need it."

Zhou Shu understood something and nodded, "It seems that Brother Lin has already had a plan. If I wait rashly, it will be bad. Then I wish Brother Lin will achieve the goal soon."

"Where is the Nuwa Stone now?"

Caiying was very curious, and looked around.

Lin Qingjue hesitated, "Not here, in Xiaoleiyin Temple, it is a forbidden place in Wunian City, and ordinary people cannot enter."

"Then how do you get in?"

Caiying shook her head unconsciously and touched her chin, "You are a monk in this monastery, but why did you go to another monastery to steal things? This is a slap in the face?"

Zhou Shu couldn't help but said, "What's the sound? It should be a different story...No, what I said," Zhou Shu looked at Lin Qingjue and apologized, "This guy just likes to talk nonsense, Brother Lin ignores him. "

"Taoist Caiying is still so brilliant, very good."

Lin Qingjue smiled and said warmly, "In the heavens, you can hardly see a cultivator like her. I won't blame her."

"Yes, yes, it's a different story!"

Caiying thought of something, clapped her hands and smiled, "You should go to Xiaoleiyin Temple to be a monk. That's right."

Zhou Shu was rather helpless, so he could only spread his hands.

Lin Qingjue looked at her and said with a smile, "Xiao Leiyin Temple never accepts people, but every ten years, they will choose some bhikkhus from the Zen monastery in Wu Nian City to help with chores in the temple."

Caiying understood something and said excitedly, "My palace understands, it's no wonder that you are a monk here, just hoping to be selected to Xiaoleiyin Temple! Then take the opportunity to steal the Nuwa stone!"

"Fellow Caiying said that."

Lin Qingjue smiled and nodded, not being polite, but real laughing, with a sense of relaxation that had been missing for a long time.

After entering the heavens and learning about Kunlun’s situation, he no longer felt relaxed. He walked on the ice every step and couldn’t relax at all. Because he knew his mission and knew that taking a wrong step would be forever. Just oneself, Kunlun may also be the same forever... In such a situation, how can he relax.

However, today, when his identity is seen through, from Zhou Shu and Caiying, he feels relaxed.

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying nodded and looked at Zhou Shu, "Is the analysis of this palace very good?"


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded. It was indeed very powerful. Lin Qing never spoke to him, but told Caiying. It seems that sometimes, Caiying's heartless temper is easier for people to relax, which is very dignified. The atmosphere has become more relaxed.

Lin Qingjue didn't mind, "My Lord Palace, I used to call that before, when I was in Lingyu City."

Caiying blinked, "Do you remember? The palace is about to talk about you, I remember that you are good at playing the piano, but now this wooden fish is very piercing, and I am about to cover my ears, you I'm not good at this at all."

Lin Qingjue smiled faintly~www.ltnovel.com~ After this happened, it would be fine to play ten songs for the palace lord. "

"The palace can wait!"

Caiying happily said, "By the way, do you really need our help? When will the ten years you said will arrive? When you enter the Xiaoleiyin Temple, can you take the main palace to see it? The palace is quite curious."

Lin Qing stood still and smiled bitterly, "I don't know. It is reasonable to say that Xiao Leiyin should have chosen someone to go in fourteen years ago, but there has been no movement. The Zen temple here has already recommended me. As long as they choose people, I can go in, but this time it was delayed for so long, I don’t know what went wrong, I don’t know, and other Zen temples don’t know the reason."

"Ah, is that right?"

Caiying looked at Zhou Shu, "Zhou, what should I do?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Brother Lin, tell me about Xiao Leiyin Temple, I want to know."

(PS: Thank you Xiaotian for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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