Fairy Winner

Chapter 3484: To give

Unlike most immortal cities, Wunian City is not the original core at all. The original core here only provides the necessary vitality. The rest of the sky curtain and so on rely on Zen power. In other words, the dominant position in Wunian City is the Zen temple.

Many Zen monasteries are the foundation of Wu Nian City, and the foundation is Xiao Lei Yin Temple.

The Xiao Leiyin Temple was built without prejudice, and its name comes from the Da Leiyin Temple, and it is also the Zen Tao of Leiyin Temple.

Buwang is the abbot of the temple, but he is not an abbot. To become an abbot, Leiyin Temple must perform the ascension ceremony. Obviously, it is impossible for Leiyin Temple to do so now. They can secretly support Buwang and Wunian City. Doing this kind of effort on the surface will definitely greatly affect the relationship between the Buddha kingdom and the immortal world. The Buddha kingdom is unwilling to conflict with the immortal world, at least not now.

It is said that it is a bit angry to be unreasonable. After all, the position of the abbot is much higher than that of the abbot. Regardless of the size of the Zen temple, the abbot is equivalent to the leader of the Zen gate, just like the sect master, and the abbot is only the administrator of the Zen temple, but he is angry. It can only be accepted.

There is no abbot in Xiaoleiyin Temple, there is only one abbot, so naturally there are no elders, no monks and novices, there are only dozens of prisons, informants, hall masters, etc., although there are few people, all of them are great virtues. Meditation-the honorific name of the wise meditation of Zen Taoism, it is basically Hun Yuan Jin Xian, plus Bu Li himself, it is the top Zen temple in Wu Nian City.

Dade Meditation is busy practicing meditation and does not do chores, so every ten years, some people are selected to do chores.

These people come from other Zen monasteries, and generally require Daluo Jinxian to cultivate, must have good morals and profound Zen principles.

Many meditation practitioners are competing for this limited position. Although you can't stay in the Xiaoleiyin Temple, you can meet many great virtues, have the opportunity to meet the city lord, and you may get the Zen Tao of Leiyin Temple, the largest Zen gate. It is enough for meditation.

Lin Qingjue came to Wuniancheng, disguised as ordinary meditation and entered other temples, and then showed that the extraordinary Zen Tao was appreciated by the temple, and he has been selected as a candidate to enter the Xiaoleiyin Temple for more than 20 years. Now, Xiao Leiyin Temple hasn't selected people to do miscellaneous work.

Because Xiaoleiyin Temple is a forbidden place, it is only opened when recruiting people, and there is no communication with the outside world at all, and the outside world cannot know the reason.

Lin Qingjue showed some anxiety, "This kind of thing, it is said that it hasn't happened in tens of thousands of years, and there may be something serious."

"I think of a way to ask."

Zhou Shu paused, slightly solemn, "If Xiao Leiyin Temple stops hiring, what about Brother Lin?"

Lin Qingjue thought about it for a few breaths, and said in a deep voice, "If you really want to, I can't say that, I have to venture in and fight."

Caiying couldn't help but said, "But you're just a big Luo Jinxian, how can you go in for a fight? Didn't you say that there are all Hunyuan Jinxian? I'm afraid you can't get in, and you can't do anything if you barely enter."

Lin Qingjue glanced at her, and said slowly, "Friends of Taoism, you can't cultivate to discuss Kunlun disciples. I have my method, and the Nuwa stone was once a Kunlun thing. I inherited some methods of using it, if necessary. Can come in handy."

Caiying said suspiciously, "But you all said it was risky, surely it's still difficult?"

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "The difficulty is definitely difficult, and the possibility of not being able to get it is even greater, but at this point, you can't waste this hundred years of time. Kunlun can't afford it, and I can't afford it either."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'll ask, if I can't ask, I'll talk."

Lin Qingjue raised his hand, "Brother Zhou is also a celebrity in Wuniancheng in today's battle. Compared with me, I would like to thank him first."

"It's okay, it's just a small effort."

Zhou Shu smiled, "If there is news, how can I contact you or come here?"

Lin Qingjue nodded, "Except for the Zen Temple in Xiaoleiyin Temple, other practitioners can participate in Zen at will. Brother Lin just comes, I will naturally lead you to come, and no one here will notice."

Zhou Shu got up and said, "Then let me go. It's easy to be suspicious if I stay here for too long."

"it is good."

Lin Qingjue nodded lightly, lowered his head and knocked on the wooden fish before speaking.

Leaving the temple and walking slowly.

No one was following. When others saw Zhou Shu and his party, they all looked in awe, and occasionally there was a few words of greetings, which were also respectful and did not dare to say anything.

Caiying whispered, "Zhou, where can I ask, can I find that Zheng Qiao?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Don't ask, I will go directly to Xiaoleiyin Temple."

Caiying was stunned, "Ah, so you lied to him, didn't you plan to help him?"

Xiao Su explained, "Of course not. It's better to just ask and start the snake. It's better to sneak in and check the results. Zhou Shu is not impossible, but if he clearly says he wants to go, Lin Qing will never agree to let others take risks for himself. It’s something that many cultivators disdain to do. They cultivators, it’s good face."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Xiaosu was right."

Caiying touched her head, "Is that so, but this palace is also a cultivator, and this palace is not good for face."

Xiao Su looked at her and shook his head, "You are not a practitioner."

Caiying crossed her waist and said, "Xiaosu, why doesn't this palace count?"

Xiao Su curled his lips, "You are not complimenting you, idiot."

Caiying frowned, "But this palace is a cultivator. Besides, this palace is not stupid."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and said warmly, "Don't be noisy, just behave."

Qingque paused, and whispered, "Shu, I really got the artifact, do I have to give it to Lin Qingjue?"

"Give it."

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Our divine tools are enough, and we haven't even used their maximum value. Divine tools cannot display their maximum value, which is a huge waste in itself."

Qingque nodded unconsciously, "Yes, Jian Lao Hu Lao hasn't really exerted her strength yet..."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "In the Xuanhuang Realm, Kunlun once had five artifacts, but in the end only one was left. The others went to other sect families in various ways. Is it because they couldn't keep so many artifacts? No, but they know that only by allowing the divine tool to work, it is a divine tool and can protect the Profound Yellow Realm and humans."

"I am too small~www.ltnovel.com~ Qingque nodded slightly, looking at Zhou Shu with a lot of admiration.

I can’t say that I can’t do it with any other cultivator. I can get a lot of powerful artifacts, but I would rather not give it to others. Who can do it? And unlike Kunlun, Kunlun is a collective will that made a decision that is in the interests of all mankind. As an individual, it is indeed very rare for Zhou Shu to have such an idea. Without selfish thoughts, it has gone beyond the scope of practitioners.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's not a big situation, but it's best to do this."

"How do we get to Xiaoleiyin Temple?"

Caiying leaned over, her eyes gleaming, "I will definitely have a good fight this time, right?"

"What do you think? You can't fight at all."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I will go alone this time, and you will all wait for me at Feizhou Soul Shadow."


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