Fairy Winner

Chapter 3487: chance encounter

There are two people in the Zen room.

One was sitting on the futon with nothing to do, and the other stood very straight, looking at the door with a little surprise in his eyes.

The door opened slightly, and a figure walked in.

The sitting person was startled, and quickly stood up, "Ah, who?"

The person standing calmly said, "City Lord Zhou, there is no need to hide here."

The figure gradually became clear. It was Zhou Shu. He glanced at the two of them, and he was very surprised. Not only was he not meditation, but the person he had paid attention to, but his face was still calm, and he raised his hands. ."

"Zhou Shu?"

The sitting person recognized it and looked at the standing person suspiciously, "Have you seen it?"

The standing man gently chins his head and turns to Zhou Shu, "I am Xu Ran, this is my best friend Guan Jiu."

"I know, I have been admiring two big names for a long time."

Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "I just didn't expect to see the two here. It was a coincidence. I am Zhou Shu. How did you come in? I came here to find out what is wrong, or for that Zen. Where's Bom?"

Guan Jiu's expression immediately changed, "City Lord Zhou asked interestingly, as if you were the master of this little Leiyin Temple."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Are the two masters? Xiao Leiyin Temple hasn't been opened for many years."

Xu Ran said indifferently, "The city lord is very good at preemptive strikes, but it is useless. Frankly speaking, we did come in privately, but unlike the city lord, we will not cover up."

Guan Jiu snorted, "Yes, it's hidden, who knows what you are doing here?"

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said solemnly, "Okay, it's my rude words. I apologize to both of you."

Guan Jiu was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while, Xu Ran replied politely, "We are not polite enough, sorry."

After a few breaths of silence, Xu Ran said slowly, "This place is simple, so I don’t want to talk about hospitality, City Lord Zhou, you must be here alone, there must be something, is there anything we can help? Of course we are not the master. I can only say do my best."

Guan Jiu's face changed slightly, and he winked quickly, but Xu Ran just pretended not to see it.

Zhou Shu groaned, "There is indeed something to ask for your help. I heard that Xiao Leiyin Temple will recruit meditation practitioners to do chores every ten years, but it has not recruited for more than 20 years. , And the original meditation practice is gone. Why is this?"

Xu Ran thought for a while and said, "Sorry, I don't know the reason for this."

Zhou Shu pointed upwards, "Don't you know the great virtue meditation here? It's impossible for the two Taoists to hide from him here. The two should also come in through him."

Guan Jiu stopped and shouted, "City Lord Zhou, don't make wild guesses."

Xu Ran said lightly, "I asked, he doesn't know the reason, only the abbot should be clear about this matter."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "There has been no one around me, so he has to do unnecessary things to affect his practice. He hasn't asked the abbot? This big change, most people will ask?"

Xu Ran shook his head, "He never said it."

Guan Jiu scolded coldly, "If you want to know, you can ask him."

Zhou Shu stared at him and shook his head unconsciously, "Friend Guan Daoist is quite hostile to me, but it makes no sense for you to do this."

Guan Jiuyi was speechless, "What's the point of what you said...what did I do?"

The door suddenly rang softly, and a middle-aged meditation practitioner who described the withered came in, with a hint of discomfort in his eyes, "What are you arguing? I reminded you not to make any movement, otherwise... Ah, how much One?"

When he saw Zhou Shu, his face changed, and he was on guard, "Is this also with you?"

"Master Heidou, he is not ours."

Guan Jiu shook his head, stood beside Xu Ran, and quietly pinched a talisman.

"It broke in secretly, what's the matter?"

Zen Master Heidou looked at Zhou Shu, suddenly holding out a pale golden bowl in his hand, in which Zen light appeared.

"Don't do it, Zen Master Heidou."

Xu Ran waved his hand and looked at Guan Jiudao, "Guan Jiu, I know what you think, and I have been looking for opportunities to warn Master Heidou and ask him to come and help him, but it does not make sense to do so, even if you add Master Heidou and here We won’t be able to win the city lord next week, and it’s even more impossible to do this without disturbing other people in the temple."

Guan Jiu hesitated, "But..."

Xu Ran said sternly, "Don’t do unnecessary things. Now everyone is in Xiaoleiyin Temple, and the situation is not good. Fighting against each other is not good for everyone. It is better to cooperate. I believe that City Lord Zhou will not treat us Tell me about the things I entered here."

Guan Jiu sighed slightly and let go of his hand, "Is this the timing you mentioned earlier."

Xu Ran did not nod or shook his head, and said slowly, "The status quo is like this, who wants to get it."

Guan Jiu nodded, "In that case, I'll just listen to you, Brother Ran."

Zen Master Heidou also held the bowl, and raised his eyebrows, "What the **** is going on? Who is the Lord Zhou?"

Zhou Shu spread his hands and smiled bitterly. He guessed something, but didn't know what it was.

Xu Ran calmly said, "Let me explain, City Lord Zhou is Zhou Shu, City Lord Xianshu, I arrived in Wunian City a few months ago, and it is said that he came for the extremely evil sword. Zen Master Heidou is the master of Xiaoleiyin Temple. De meditation is also a former visitor of the Xu family. He is a life-and-death friend with the head of the Xu family. We entered Xiaoleiyin Temple this time with the help of Zen Master Heidou."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "I understand."

Zen Master Heidou did not put down the bowl, "I still don't understand, how did you come in, and what did you come in for?"

He stared at Zhou Shu with a gleam in his eyes. Zhou Shu seemed to have known him before, as if there were thousands of righteous talisman rotating around him. If his answer was slightly contrary to his intentions, those talisman would blow himself to pieces. Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, driving away the initial feeling of cultivating immortality at will, and slowly said, "I walked in like this, the sun **** couldn't detect me, and the formation could not be restricted."

"Is this...really?"

Guan Jiu trembled and looked at Zen Master Heidou~www.ltnovel.com~ Zen Master groaned for a few breaths and sighed, "It seems that this can only be the case. There is no warning for the formation, and I have not felt any change. If he is If I forcibly broke in, I can know it, and the entire Xiao Leiyin Temple will know it."

"You can come and go freely in the face of the sun swastika..."

Guan Jiu paused, and with a wry smile, he arched his hands, "City Lord Zhou, sorry, it seems that I still underestimate you. I used to think that you came in by others just like us. I knew you were alone. Come in, why should I offend you."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's okay, I don't care."

Guan Jiu looked at Xu Ran, "Brother Ran, did you guess it early?"

Xu Ran shook his head, "I never thought that anyone could circumvent the big sun **** pattern. I chose to believe in City Lord Zhou because of the current situation, not because of the strength of City Lord Zhou or other reasons."

(PS: Thank you fans204 for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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