Fairy Winner

Chapter 3488: past

Zen Master Heidou put down the bowl, and the atmosphere eased a little, but the four people crowded in the small Buddhist room still looked stagnant.

Zhou Shu smiled, "I also agree to cooperate, I don't know how to cooperate?"

Xu Ran slowly said, "First talk about each other's purpose, the city lord ventured in, maybe just to ask if there is any miscellaneous?"

Zhou Shu paused, "That's the first one, and the second one, do you know of Outing?"

Guan Jiu nodded, "It is said that the descendants of the creator of the Evil Sword also came to Wunian City, but later...oh, is the city lord to track down Outing?"

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu looked solemn, "Ou Ting is my old friend. I must find him. I heard he was locked in Xiaoleiyin Temple." He turned his eyes and fell on Heidou, "Master, is this true?"

Zen Master Heidou said, "I don't know."

Zhou Shu was indifferent, "What about the miscellaneous things? Why didn't you recruit people? Where did the original people go?"

Zen Master Heidou did not move. "More than 20 years ago, there was no one on my side to do chores. As for where I went, I don't know."

Zhou Shu frowned and said slowly, "The Zen master doesn't know anything, and hasn't he asked the abbot if he is not presumptuous?"

Zen Master Heidou is very calm, "I practice in the temple for a different purpose. I don't care about many things in the temple, and I don't care about it. As for the abbot, he is not arrogant." He glanced at Xu Ran, and Xu Ran nodded. It was acquiescence, and he went on to say, "If you don't presumptuously are still in the temple, how could I bring them in? Isn't it just killing myself."

"Are you not in the temple?"

Zhou Shu's mind was stagnant. If this is true, it would be a godsend.

Zen Master Heidou slowly said, "He hasn't appeared in more than 20 years. No one has seen him. Even the daily homework and dharma meeting did not come out as the abbot. This is something that has never happened in thousands of years. He has never been absent from the Dharma before. Yes, Tiangufeng’s statement is not presumptuously in retreat, but it’s impossible to think about it. Meditation is a retreat in a Zen temple. There is no need to retreat alone. Besides, the improvement of Zen principles and Zen power by homework and Dharma is far alone. In practice, giving up these and going into retreat is not something that meditation can do."

Zhou Shu thought for a few moments, "Where is he now?"

"do not know."

The speaker was Xu Ran, "According to our investigation, it has been a long time since Buliu has not personally dealt with Wuniancheng's affairs. Most of the affairs of Xiancheng are handled by several deputy city masters. In addition to the situation of Xiaoleiyin Temple, we can get To make the inference, if you are not presumptuous, either he left Wunian City, or something serious happened, such as being injured or even...In short, he is now unable to exercise the power of the city lord normally."

"You have planned for a long time before you found such an opportunity."

Zhou Shu glanced at them, "Since it is a cooperation, you should also tell me and see if I can help."

Zen Master Guan Jiu and Heidou both looked at Xu Ran, and Xu Ran pondered for a few breaths before saying slowly, "Unlike the city lord, the city lord found people, and what we were looking for was something."

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, "Surely something that can make Xu Jia spend so much thought out of it?"

Guan Jiu snorted, "The city lord has asked too much."

"How? It's good to make it clear first, no one wants to change his mind temporarily."

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't explain. It wasn't that he wanted to ask a lot, but he had to ask. What if the Xu family also wanted Nuwa Stone or Shengxie? These two things are very important and cannot fall into the Xu family's hands.

"What do you mean, do you want other things besides people?"

Guan Jiu's face changed slightly, "If you know that you are not in vain, you can feel unscrupulous? The city lord has too much appetite."

"Okay, Guan Jiu," Xu Ran stopped him, "I believe in City Lord Zhou. Some things are indeed better to be said first, so as not to be entangled later. What we want from the Xu family is a Taoist tool, to be exact. Part of Taoism."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "What kind of Taoism is it?"

It feels a bit wrong, the artifact is also a Taoist tool, does the Xu family really like the Nuwa Stone?

It is never a good thing to change from a collaborator to a competitor.

Guan Jiu frowned again, and Zen Master Heidou was also vaguely dissatisfied.

Xu Ran smiled faintly, "It may not be clear to say that the city lord, but the city lord must get to the bottom of it. I can say, but the city lord may have some trouble after knowing it."

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Rather than troublesome, I would rather ask clearly. This is the basis for cooperation."

Xu Ran pondered for a few breaths, "Since the city lord said so, then it is better for me to respect my life."

He paused, "The city lord knows why he didn't pretend to be on the list of all evils, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "It is said that it was an important person who killed the big sect of the immortal world, 20,000 years ago."

Xu Ran calmly said, "Yes, the person who killed him was called Wei Yun, who was the elder of the sect. The sect had a great hope to become the governor of the sect. As the youngest elder in the sect, Wei Yun has a bright future. Hunyuan Jinxian was listed on the celestial list, praised by the top ten people on the celestial list, and might even enter the fairy court in the future, but Wei Yunhe did not arbitrarily conflict and was killed without arrogance, and the Torrent Sect eventually did not become the leader. Zongmen, this matter has caused a lot of trouble in the fairy world, and the city lord will know it after a little investigation."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Of course I believe what fellow Taoists said, but what does this have to do with the Xu family?"

Xu Ran paused, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, "Few people know that like Guan Jiu, Wei Yun was born in the Xu family and then went to the fairy world to develop. He is not only the future of the Torrent Sect, but also our Xu The hope of home."


Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "I see."

He knew that the Xu family was one of the four most famous families in Outland, but he did not expect that the Xu family's foundation was not only in Outland. He had already reached out to the immortal realm, and even had the opportunity to enter the top management of the immortal realm..., these great families. No matter where it is, there are many roots and it is impossible to prevent it.

Guan Jiu snorted coldly, "I hope the city lord understands a little bit. There are no more than ten people in the world who know about this matter~www.ltnovel.com~ What should not be said, of course I will not say."

Zhou Shu nodded, still having doubts in his eyes, "Then you should seek revenge?"

"This matter has little to do with being unreasonable."

Xu Ran quickly recovered calm, "Although we have no conclusive evidence, we also know that the root cause of this incident is in the immortal world. The immortal world wants the Buddha and the Xu family to fight with each other, and does not presumably coincide with Wei Yun. It will be regarded as a chess piece by the immortal world. If the Xu family comes forward for Wei Yun, many bigger problems will be involved. Of course, we don’t care about it. After several parties wrestle with each other, everyone can see the result, Buddhism. After expelling it, the immortal world will not be wanted. This is a result that can be accepted by all parties. As for the Xu family suffered a dark loss, and the Torrent Sect suffered a greater loss, those can't help it."

He said faintly, "Don't blame it for not being arrogant, but our Xu family, the people chosen are not proper enough, and I underestimate the immortal world."

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to the vote~~What is the monthly ticket funder, congratulations.)

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