Fairy Winner

Chapter 3496: 10 length


With a bang, the tower of the earth fell from the sky, pressing the blue elephant and Jinpeng inside the tower.

Zhou Shu looked inside. The two sacred beasts were still roaring loudly, constantly attacking the tower wall, but each time they stumbled back and returned without success. The faint and soft light on the tower wall was why they didn’t. A barrier that may be broken.

It is a magical tool after all.

Zhou Shu smiled. He hadn't experienced it on the Haotian Tower, but he tasted it here.

The suppression of the two sacred beasts caused a lot of movement, but don’t worry, the outside world has no way of knowing what happened on Huayue Peak, and inside Huayue Peak, except for these two sacred beasts, there seems to be no other vitality, and it will not. Someone is coming.

Let go of the divine sense and swept around, basically clear.

Except for the two palaces, there is no need to go to other places.

Go to the big one first.

Without the divine beast nuisance and Xu Ran's advance notice, he basically didn't encounter any obstacles, and quickly came to the temple.

The hall is nameless, and there is no formation outside, only two large swastikas are printed on the door, golden light gleaming.

A little closer, there is a faint power coming out, pushing Zhou Shu out, a kind of meaning that strangers don't get close, this power is far and unpredictable, but it is everywhere, such as the breeze and the bright moon, and it is impossible to stop people. Up.

Sure enough, it is the power of cause and effect.

Zhou Shu sighed slightly.

Zhou Shu had experienced this kind of power in the sky and the place with the **** pattern, but it was more clear and pure here.

The two swastikas on the door looked like two eyes, staring at Zhou Shu majesticly, and the hall behind the door was deep and bottomless.

Zhou Shu calmed down, walked a few steps, and pushed the door open.

The door opened with a creak, and hundreds of swastikas rushed over, just like a fireball, covering Zhou Shu up and down.

There is nowhere to escape.

But Zhou Shu didn't even think about fleeing, so he stayed quietly, out of the furnace, and let those swastikas stick to his body, he still strode in.

He could see that these **** patterns full of causal power could not be driven away at all, and they would be attacked again and again if they were broken up, and they could not be consumed. A Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, even with a furnace, would not be strong. A fairy city, just don't care, as long as you can't hurt yourself, that's okay, just treat yourself as a golden arhat.

Inside the hall is an extremely long corridor with no end in sight.

On both sides of the tunnel, there are statues of Arhats standing next to each other, which is more than one thousand.

Is it Arhat Hall?

Thinking of something, Zhou Shu took a deep breath and moved on.

Every time you take a step, there is a sound in the sea of ​​consciousness, or Buddha sings in Sanskrit, or vajra yells, all are like divine enlightenment, deaf and deaf.

In the past, Zhou Shu’s various deeds have been turned into unforgivable sins, listed in front of him, extremely real and clear, and constantly impacting Zhou Shu’s mind, as if Zhou Shu himself is a very sinful person, being inspired by Zen. Embarking on a path of atonement, and in the process of receiving the Buddha's teachings, Zhou Shu will unknowingly become the most devout believer.

Of course, it's not that easy.

For Zhou Shu, this was just a battle.

All kinds of interference are just ignored, as the confrontation of the power of several laws, order and reincarnation, against the entanglement of causal destiny, you only need to strengthen your heart and walk past calmly, and don't care about the rest.

Step by step, without urgency, the attack on the mind became stronger and stronger, but Zhou Shu's heart remained unmoved.

I insist that Qingshan does not relax.

I don't know how long it took, the road finally came to an end.

Looking back calmly, the Arhats on the left and right were nowhere to be seen, but there was only one tunnel, about ten feet long.

These ten feet, at least two hours away, was so hard.

Sure enough.

The Arhat Hall of Leiyin Temple is well-known, and it is also called the place of Zen Buddhism. It is easily not opened. Once opened, the great power of Zen will be born. However, this kind of Zen training center is not used to guard the important place. , Is also ingenious.

Looking up, there is a huge space at the end, afraid that it will not be thousands of miles in radius.

The whole picture can be seen at a glance, there is absolutely no Zen treasure inside, only a futon, a huge original core.

The quasi-sage aura on the futon is much stronger than that on the vajra prongs I got before, indicating that I am not always here, and I never hide myself. There is no doubt that this is the center of Wunian City, and I am usually here. Managing Xiancheng, but the core is still there, but the people are gone.

Shaking his head, Zhou Shu stepped back.

When he walked to the door, he shook slightly, and the swastikas on his body flew off and returned to the hall.

Close the door, as if you had never been here.

Zhou Shu did not leave, but sat down.

It's not that you have to enter a state of epiphany anytime and anywhere, but the Luohantang who has walked ten feet this time really gave him a lot of enlightenment. He suddenly has a clear understanding of causal destiny. This understanding cannot be let go. It must be timely. The catch.

Although there are important things in the body, practice is even more important, and there is no danger here.

Six days passed quickly.

Zhou Shu Anran's practice and comprehension here, but Guan Jiu on the other side is anxious.

It's been a long time since I left Xiaoleiyin Temple, and there is still no news of Zhou Shu, and I can't even feel a little breath. What's going on?

Guan Jiu said gloomily, "Is there something wrong, or Zhou Shu ran away?"


Xu Ran was very calm, "There is the mark of Xu's family on the ground tower. I can't perceive it now. Zhou Shu is still in Xiaoleiyin Temple. He has not been discovered by other meditations. If found, Master Heidou will notify us."

Guan Jiu thought for a while and said, "If he is trapped inside, he will never get out?"

"He has this, it is impossible not to get out."

Xu Ran was still holding the teleportation stone in his hand, and slowly said, "Although I am curious too, but now I have to wait, Guan Jiu, are everyone there?"

Guan Jiu set his mind, "Brother Ran, there are less than twenty in total, and they are all eligible to participate in the Clean Demon Club. If you say in advance that you want the extremely evil sword, it will be fine. Now it is too hasty to find too many. Someone you can trust."

Xu Ran groaned, "It's enough, just strong and strong."

Guan Jiu said slowly, "Previously, Ning Yan from Wanbaolou said that Zhou Shu is now collecting Taoist materials and plans to build Taoist tools. Don't we have a good Taoist tool material to sell? Why don't we send someone over?"

Xu Ran shook his head~www.ltnovel.com~ Soon it will be the Jingmohui, there is not enough time, let's talk about it then. "

Guan Jiu just nodded, "I see."

Another day passed.

Under the brilliance, a rainbow suddenly appeared.

Zhou Shu opened his eyes, a round of bright light gleamed in his pupils, and he felt very comfortable all over.

Although only one problem has been figured out, it is a big step forward for the law.

In addition to joy, there are also some regrets, "Unfortunately, the Arhat Hall here is only ten feet. If you go to the Arhat Hall of Leiyin Temple, I am afraid that the insight you will get is far from that."

The first Leiyin Temple in Zen, the Luohantang has a total of five hundred feet.

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support from Huashuiyue in the mirror, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~~~)

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