Fairy Winner

Chapter 3497: Panic

Soon, Zhou Shu came to the small palace.

However, as far as the square meters are concerned, the surroundings are covered by the big sun **** pattern. Compared with the sky and the outer formation, the big sun **** pattern here is more delicate and dense, and the causal force is also richer. It is said that this is the top priority. Not an exaggeration.

If he came here first, Zhou Shu might not be sure to go in, but now it's different.

Arhat Hall and his party allowed him to take a step forward in the law. Karma and the **** pattern are no longer a big obstacle. When entering Xiaoleiyin Temple, Zhou Shu still needs to look for opportunities. Now there is no need to look for opportunities. Will be noticed.

The temple is nameless, and a lion head is engraved on the door.

A few strokes, but vivid and true, hovering on the door, the description is extremely majestic, as if they are above all living beings, and there is disdain and a trace of compassion in the overlooking eyes.

Zhou Shu was startled, a little shocked.

I was roared as soon as I felt it. This silent lion roar was a hundred times better than my own use.

But only for a moment, Zhou Shu calmed down.

This lion head has the meaning of realizing the roar of the lion, and its power is clearly displayed in it.

However, after dozens of breaths, Zhou Shu frowned, as if he had understood the true meaning from it.

Look away and gently push the door open.

It is naturally much easier to understand a trace of cause and effect, and it is easy to recover from nothing.

He stepped in and looked forward, his mind shook suddenly.

For an instant, panic, his whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Sitting face to face is a tall meditation, sitting for fear that it will be two feet high, with roots and roots erected, fierce like a lion, eyes like copper bells, a beard hanging straight to the ear, and the monk's clothes are half open, showing a pinch of black Mao, a string of huge rosary beads hanging in front of him, swayed out circles of golden light.

The meditation practitioner was holding a black mallet in his hand and was knocking the wooden fish one after another.

Boom, boom, boom.

A sound, like hitting Zhou Shu's heart, made Zhou Shu difficult to breathe, and no longer had time to take care of others.

This meditation description is almost the same as the one Zhou Shu has seen, but it is taller and more powerful, coupled with the faintly exuded quasi-sage breath, restrained and powerful vitality, who is this person? No need to think about it a second time.

Absolutely not arrogant!

He was still in Xiao Leiyin Temple! ?

Before the big movement outside, he couldn't stop it?

Before entering the hall, Zhou Shu thought about the dangers he might encounter and made preparations in advance, but he didn't think that he was inside.

Things that were impossible to happen just happened.

Zhou Shu settled down, clenched the teleporting stone to himself, raised his hand and bowed, "I have seen the city lord not deliberate."

No one wants to confront a well-known quasi-sage under this situation, but they have come, and have seen them all, it is useless to escape.

After a long while, there was no reaction, only the muyu sounded and breathed, without any change.

Is he angry and is brewing a thunder blow?

Speaking of it, he was helpless when he came in without permission and was caught.

Zhou Shu paused, and said in a deep voice, "Next Zhou Shu, I did take the liberty to come, sorry."

Shu Zhili has been injected into the teleportation stone and can be activated at any time. As long as there is a little power to attack, Zhou Shu will leave without hesitation. At the same time, the soul shadow is also ready to teleport.

It is definitely not a good idea to be in Wunian City and not to do anything.

After a while, there was still no response, no pressure, no change in breath or strength.

Somewhat strange.

Not presumptuous is just knocking Muyu, just like before, as if he didn't notice at all.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, no matter how ignoring himself, he would not reach this point, saying that it was even more impossible to retreat. If someone broke into here, he would still not smell foreign objects, unless he was dead, ah! ? Could it be that something really happened, the body is still here, but the soul is gone?

But what about knocking on wooden fish?

Regardless, Zhou Shu probed for some spiritual knowledge, but immediately retracted it.

When he first went out, he was suppressed. The absolute realm of unreasonable effect is still extraordinary, and the realm grows according to the heart. Without the spirit, there can be no realm. It means that the unreasonable spirit is still there, so the hypothesis is obviously not valid.

What is the reason for the presence of the soul and the presence of people, but not moving?

Knowing that the soul is still there, Zhou Shu may not want to quit, but now he has not done so, the situation is a bit weird, and there are furnaces and teleportation stones to save his life, even if he is not arrogant. Yes, you can also try it.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said calmly, "People in Wunian City miss the city lord so much, why does the city lord keep hiding here?"

No answer.

"I came in secretly, isn't the city lord unmoved? I really admire this meditation effort."

No answer.

"The two guardian beasts of the city lord have been suppressed by me, the city lord must know that too, don't you plan to rescue them?"

No answer.

"The Devil Jinghui is about to open, the city is messy, the city lord, you are not going out yet, are you scared by Le Yinan?"

No answer.

"If you don't go out or talk like this, Wunian City may be over, you know?"


Zhou Shu said more and more, and he became more and more presumptuous, but no matter what he said, the only response he got was the sound of muyu.

Zhou Shu stopped the temptation. At this level, no matter how much he thought about it, he knew that there must be something wrong if he didn't go out. It wasn't that he couldn't go out, but the key was not to go out.

The soul is intact, the man is intact, and the vitality seems intact.

But apart from knocking on the wooden fish, he couldn't move at all, nor could he release any sense or power.

It looks like it has been banned, but apart from a saint, who can ban a quasi saint?

What reason does the saint have to ban a quasi saint? Even a saint in the fairy world would not do such a thing, right?

It's really weird.

Zhou Shu shook his head, intending not to think about it any more, and carefully looked inside the temple, there was nothing but a huge Buddha statue.

It's not like a place for treasure, I'm a little sorry for the words that are the top priority.

But speaking of it, just not being arrogant to not be able to move this point here is worth these words. This is the biggest secret of the entire Wunian City. If you let others know, Wunian City will definitely cause chaos, maybe not. If it re-exists, it may change its owner.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu felt inexplicably sad.

I am also the owner of the city~www.ltnovel.com~ If you encounter this kind of thing, how should you treat it?

Pity the same fate.

Zhou Shu paused, and said slowly, "Don’t be fooled by the city lord, there should be a way to help you lift this prohibition? If you know the way, just give me a hint. I can help you. Of course, I must charge. Enough price."

Nothing happens.

Only bang, bang, bang...

Ah, this wooden fish, Zhou Shu was startled suddenly, staring at it.

Even in the absolute realm of the quasi-sage, he still felt the familiar aura, the aura of the Profound Yellow Realm.

Can't be wrong, this wooden fish should be part of the magical Nuwa stone!

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your long-term support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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