Fairy Winner

Chapter 3498: Give up temporarily

Big wooden fish.

Oval, oval-shaped, four feet up and down, light blue, impermeable, there seem to be countless clouds inside, the appearance is smooth, there is no trace of flaws, and there is a base of almost the same size below, darker in color, and equally smooth Does not stain fiber dust.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou Shu was basically sure that this was part of the Nuwa Stone.

Take it or not?

This question lingers in the sea of ​​knowledge for a while, and there is an answer.

You can take it, of course you have to take it. Nüwa Shiben is the purpose of this trip, can you find a better opportunity than now?

Bowed and bowed, said offended, and started to act.

The absolute realm of the quasi-sage is indeed very strong, but it is not difficult to break through when it is completely out of control.

Shu Zhili turned into a spear and a spear, moving towards the target.

It was very slow at first, like using a chisel to gouge a hole, inch by inch, and cautiously, but it didn't take long for Zhou Shu to discover that the Absolute Domain had no response and had no intention of resisting at all. His courage immediately rose. Dig in one foot by foot.

After a short while, an invisible passage was dug.

Surrounded by the Absolute Realm, in the middle is the full power of Shu, completely controlled by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu was very satisfied. He couldn't do so well before he changed it. The power of causality in the Absolute Realm should have penetrated into Shu Zhili, affecting and changing Shu Zhili's state, but now he can't do it. Know how to prevent the force of cause and effect.

Of course, there are also reasons for not being arrogant and not manipulating.


Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and as the last obstacle was broken, a dull and deep breath of the black and yellow world passed along Shu Zhili, making Zhou Shu's spirits shocked and his eyes brightened.

There is nothing wrong, that's it, Nuwa Stone.

Grasp the wooden fish and take it out a little bit along the passage. This is not difficult. The base and the wooden fish are connected together, but they are not fixed.

Soon, the booming sound stopped.

The wooden fish is gone, and if he doesn't pretend to see it, he continues to beat the mallet, although every time he knocks it in the empty place.

Seeing Nuwa Stone getting closer and closer to him, Zhou Shu's mood was getting better and better. Who would have thought that he would get the artifact in this way, or under the eyes of Quasi-Sage...Of course, he would still He gave the Nuwa Stone to Lin Qingjue, and he accepted Kunlun's favor. Like Cihang, Kunlun is still a help that cannot be ignored.


When the hand was about to touch, Nuwa Stone suddenly became disobedient, quickly backed up and returned to the original position.

Boom, boom, boom.

Hearing the familiar Muyu sound again, Zhou Shu was a little depressed.

What happened, is it possible to be fooling yourself?

When I look at it, I don’t look arrogant, and it doesn’t look like it. At first glance, this face born from the heart is not the kind of person who deliberately teases people, let alone practicing meditation if I don’t arrogantly act. Rage shot Zhou Shu, why wait until this moment?

But what's the matter with this Nüwa stone? After thousands of years of cultivation, has it been inseparable from unreasonableness, and even recognized the Lord?


Although there is indeed some Buddha-nature on the Nüwa stone, it is almost negligible compared with the breath of the Xuanhuang world. Its essence is still a divine tool, not a Zen treasure. It is impossible for a divine tool to regard a quasi-sage meditation as its master, regardless of whether it has There is no weaponry.

Having said that, if the Nuwa stone had become a Zen treasure, Zhou Shu would not take it at all.

Perhaps it is the power that is not left behind in Nuwa Stone?

The possibility is unlikely. Even Zhou Shu would not be able to keep his Shu Zhili in the Xuanyuan Sword or Kunlun Mirror. The artifact has a complete self-circulation system, which is similar to a practitioner, and generally cannot be tolerated. The entry of external power can only be guided by the use of it. For example, the Kunlun Mirror can only be guided by the power of reincarnation. Various magic arts effects come from the Kunlun Mirror's own power, while the Xuanyuan Sword is guided by the law of life and death, and the rest rely on the sword. Zhou Shu can't do much when he always plays by himself.

Of course, the Demon Refining Pot was a special case of acknowledging the Lord, and it was Zhou Shu's servant, needless to say.

But speaking of it, these thoughts are also Zhou Shu's own guesses. He doesn't understand the magical tool of Nüwa stone, nor does he know what the power of Nüwa stone is, and where it comes from. He only knows that it is the most mysterious in the Xuanhuang world. One of the two divine artifacts can be separated or combined. It may not be exclusive to practitioners, and has value for many different races, otherwise it will not fall into the hands of the Buddha, Dragon, and Immortal worlds.

Wait until you get it.

Zhou Shu shook his head and continued to try, not feeling overwhelmed by this difficulty.

However, after hundreds of times, there is still nothing. Every time Zhou Shu is about to take the Nvwa stone out of the absolute realm, the Nvwa stone will definitely return, no matter what Zhou Shu does, even if it is completely reincarnation with Shu's power The power and so on isolate it, and still can't stop it from going back.

Maybe this Nuwa stone has really become a part of the unreasonable.

Zhou Shu secretly sighed when looking towards the unreasonable, it would be a little unsolvable, it is impossible to attack the unreasonable?

Let alone whether it can be defeated or not, as far as the current situation is concerned, this is definitely not a good choice.

Before coming to Wunian City, Zhou Shu had already made it clear that this time his main opponent was Le Yinan, and he was not an enemy. Afterwards, Zhou Shu’s actions in Wunian City did not disturb or offend Wunian City. The city plan is the standard. This time he came to Xiaoleiyin Temple and wanted to achieve his goal without knowing it, but he didn't expect to be in it without presumptuousness, and finally encountered it.

——Although it is an unconsciousness who seems unconscious.

For this reason, Zhou Shu had the courage to do some things, but it can only be done in this way. If you really want to attack without presumptuousness, it is enmity, and the consequences are very serious. If nothing else, you want to win the victory in Wunian City. The possibility is basically gone.

In fact, if you are thinking about gaining victory over evil, it is better to not be sober.

If you have a sober and unreasonable person, you can control Wunian City and limit the quasi-sages in the city. Then, it is not that difficult for Zhou Shu to defeat Le Yinan here, at least than going to Void and Immortal Realm. It's much simpler.

What's more, attacking an immovable person, and then taking away the Nüwa stone, this kind of thing, Zhou Shu who insists on himself can't do it.

Give up for the time being ~www.ltnovel.com~ Without thinking any more, Zhou Shu quickly chose to leave.

Very smoothly, I have been walking out of the palace without encountering any obstacles. I can see that I can't move if I'm not arrogant.

Putting away the tower, the two divine beasts that had been suppressed for a long time immediately jumped out, roaring loudly and furiously, but that was all, they could not find Zhou Shu, they soon returned to the true colors of guardian beasts and disappeared.

Zhou Shu at this time had already walked out of Huayue Peak and Xiao Leiyin Temple.

The streets without Zen power made Zhou Shu a lot easier, but after only experiencing it for a while, he met an annoying guy.

Guan Jiu stood in front of him with an unkind expression, "City Lord Zhou, you are finally willing to come out."

(PS: Thank you fans204 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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