Fairy Winner

Chapter 3509: I will

The three walked out of Xiao Leiyin Temple.

Zhou Shu smoothly returned the tower to Xu Ran, "Return to the original owner, Brother Xu, you are really good."

Xu Ran didn't answer, and stretched out his hand to block it, and said calmly, "If it works for Brother Zhou, use it. When I find the Sky Tower, I can make a pair. I think it will be more useful then."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, smiled and said, "What about you, I don't want to take advantage of others."

Xu Ran shook his head, "Don't worry, I have something more convenient here. I'm not used to using this magic weapon."

"Then I will borrow it temporarily."

Zhou Shu thought about it for a few moments, but didn't refuse.

It’s really convenient to have a tower. Besides, Xu Ran has been regarded as an alliance. You don’t have to be polite, just use it. When you find the tower, you can return it to Xu Ran. From a familiar perspective, it may be easier to find the Sky Tower than Xu Ran.

Xu Ran glanced at Guan Jiu and said, "Guan Jiu, you should go back first, and you will say nothing is wrong. It is Shuxin City that is going back, not Dongcheng. Remember, there is no need to say anything else. Who will ask? Don't say anything."

"It will take a long time to return to the main city now? I see."

Guan Jiu nodded, with some hesitation, "Brother Ran, don't you go back with me?"

Xu Ran was very calm, "No, I stay in Wunian City, and I have work to do."

"I can also help if I have something. It's just a matter of delivering a letter. There is no need to let me go, just find someone in the city..."

While speaking, Guan Jiu noticed Xu Ran's face and immediately stopped, "Oh, then you must be careful, City Lord Zhou, I'm leaving."

Guan Jiu turned around and walked away, feeling rather gloomy, and his steps seemed heavy.

Xu Ran glanced at his back, sighed, and said unintentionally, "He has followed me for too long, and he doesn't know that he has to think about many things. It is better to leave, and it is both for me and him."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Friend Guan Dao is good, it's enviable to have such a helper."

"I know, but... forget it."

Xu Ran looked at Zhou Shu with condensed eyes, "Brother Zhou, thank you for what you said just now."

"There is nothing to thank, it's all alliances, you help me, I help you, what are you polite."

Zhou Shu's expression was indifferent, "Speaking of which, in front of you, I have separated you from the Xu family, will you be offended?"

Xu Ran shook his head and smiled, "It's okay. You have never been to Xu's family before. Except Guan Jiu and I have never seen other people from Xu's family. Is there any reason for Xianshucheng to connect with them? It’s strange to say that that will make Master Buwang more dissatisfied. He will feel that you and the Xu family knew each other in the first place, and came here for another purpose, wanting to take away Wunian City."

"Taking Wunian City, this crime is too great."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Don't you be so suspicious? Obviously we saved him, and we always suspect that we have no purpose."

"It's Lin Qingjue, Brother Lin who saved him. He can distinguish clearly. Even if Nuwa Stone is rewarded, as for us, no one knows what he thinks," Xu Ran said lightly. The master was suspicious at first, and he became even more suspicious when it came to Xiancheng. He must be very cautious when dealing with him. Xu Jia often said in private that his lack of thought was simply because he had too many thoughts and could not tolerate others. It’s just human thoughts."

Having said that, he paused and sighed, "But speaking of it, he is really different to you. This is the first time I have seen him like this."

"may be."

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't intend to talk more about this topic. When the Daolu Founders are not making it public, they don't know if there is no way. It is better to avoid it or avoid it.

Xu Ran was also very clever and didn't struggle anymore, only saying, "But Brother Zhou, you are still doing something wrong. You should let him. As far as I know, Master Buwang has never taken the initiative to find someone to cooperate. With that said, he will definitely not come to you. After that, most of the pure magic will not help you, at most they will not help you."

Zhou Shu didn't care, "Let's do it, who knows what will happen, it's not bad to say that you don't help each other."

Xu Ran thought for a while, "Brother Zhou, are you sure to deal with Le Yinan?"

Zhou Shu was startled slightly, and looked at him with a smile, "Brother Xu meant that Chai Dun is still there, so I don't care about it?"

Xu Ran shook his head and said calmly, "Since the Master Buwang is still in Wunian City, the other quasi-sages can’t compete. I will say a few more words. It shouldn’t be a big problem. Only Le Yinan can fight with you. First, the sword you want is in his hand. Second, he is in charge of reason. The master is not easy to control, so he is your biggest trouble, but you also You can’t just look at the sage. This time, the Demon Surgery Club can be regarded as a grand event in Outland. There are many golden immortals from Outland and Immortal Realm. Among them, there are many strong people in the Celestial and Ten Thousand Evil Rankings. Not low, much higher than me, I will help you sort out a list."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Then thank you Brother Xu."

Xu Ran looked indifferent, "You and I are allies, you help me, I help you, what to do with these kind words, I will find someone first."

Without taking a step, he stopped again, "By the way, Brother Zhou, Fellow Daoist Lin has left, right?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "I told him that he won't be held accountable, but he has important things over there and he really can't stay."

Xu Ran sighed unconsciously, "Unfortunately, it would be nice if I had a chance to see you again."

Zhou Shu smiled, "There will definitely be a chance. As I said, you might become good friends."

Xu Ran seemed to realize something, "I hope so. I'm going to find information about Kunlun. I'm very curious, how could a sect with such an excellent disciple as Lin Daoyou be so silent in the heavens, so silent that even me I haven't paid special attention to it, and I just start to understand now.

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed and slowly said, "I can't give you the answer right now, but you can check other sects from the Xuanhuang Realm. Everything you want to know is in it."

Xu Ran nodded slightly, feeling a little solemn, "I will."

Zhou Shu paused ~www.ltnovel.com~ tossing something over, smiling and saying, "If you have any news, please tell me too. By the way, this thing is for you to communicate with each other."

After taking a look, it was a simple ring. Xu Ran thought of something, "Xuan Huangjie?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, Brother Xu has also heard of it."

"It's so famous, why haven't you heard of it?"

Xu Ran looked at the ring and looked at it with interest, "How to use it?"

Zhou Shu explained a few words and said with a smile, "There is not so much usage outside. It can only be used for communication. It can be separated by one or two circles. If you want to experience all the benefits, I am afraid that you will have to wait for Brother Xu to arrive in Xianshu City. That's fine."

Xu Ran put away Xuan Huang Jie and nodded seriously, "I will go."

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