Fairy Winner

Chapter 3510: Unpleasant

Back half an hour ago.

White light flashed.

Lin Qingjue appeared outside Xiao Leiyin Temple.

According to Zhou Shu's instructions, he did not move.

But after a few breaths, a golden light fell beside him, but it was a flying boat. The door of the flying boat opened, revealing a smiling face, "I found you, Brother Lin, come up soon."

"So fast? Brother Zhou?"

Lin Qingjue got on the flying boat with many doubts on his face, "You, why are you here? Are you a clone?"

"Roughly the same."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, we can leave Wunian City at any time."

Lin Qingjue's heart turned, "I see, it's..."

"Just know."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said warmly, "But don't be too eager, let's follow the exit first."

Lin Qingjue nodded, "Well, it's best to not use nature, don't rush over there, are you all okay?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It looks like the situation is okay now, but who knows, I don’t know what it means to be unreasonable, but it doesn’t matter, even if something goes wrong over there, here is a guarantee that you can take the Nuwa stone. go."

Lin Qingjue looked at him with a sincere expression, "I really thank you this time, Brother Lin, I didn't expect to get it, it's still two yuan."

Zhou Shu paused, "It's all from the Xuanhuang Realm. Don't say anything polite. I believe you and Kunlun will make good use of them. I can't take care of too much here. If you have anything to do, just look for Qingque. She knows how to do it."

"it is good."

Lin Qingjue nodded himself, suddenly thinking of something, and then said, "Brother Zhou, what do you understand?"

Zhou Shu looked at him with a solemn expression, "Brother Lin, did you consider Kunlun at that critical time?"

Lin Qingjue's face changed slightly, and he paused before saying, "I don't seem to think at all."

"Have you never had such a moment?"

Zhou Shu laughed, "Brother Lin, in my opinion, you have never been a true practitioner, because everything you do is for Kunlun, no matter good or bad, big or small, even practice, you Never thought that the practice was for yourself, how could there be a practitioner like you in this world? But at that moment of life and death, you forgot about Kunlun, forgot the mission you had on your back, and became a practitioner who was truly just for yourself. That’s why you have a very different feeling, a feeling that makes you excited but don’t understand..."

He took a picture of Lin Qingjue, calmly said, "The feeling of practicing for ourselves, Xu Ran and I have realized as early as the beginning of our practice, so we understand, but you don’t understand, but we really I admire you very much. The moment you became a practitioner, you showed a height that most practitioners would never reach."

Lin Qingjue didn't speak any more, she seemed to be lost in thought.

That's right, I live for Kunlun and my practice is also for myself. Only the moment I want to die is for myself. That feeling really comes from this, but does he really understand himself?

After pondering for a few breaths, he fixedly looked at Zhou Shu and said in a deep voice, "I understand, but I never want to feel this way again."

Looking at the serious Lin Qingjue, Zhou Shu was taken aback, and then smiled, "Brother Lin, I'm not surprised if you say that. In fact, one time is enough. I am afraid that there will be no one time. Just fine."

"What I'm afraid of is not once..."

Lin Qingjue paused, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It turned out that he really understood himself.

Looking at Zhou Shu, he said warmly, "Don't worry about me, Brother Zhou, just go and do it yourself..."

Halfway through the conversation, he stopped, his eyes went straight.

Suddenly, a lot of light appeared on Zhou Shu's body, and his body changed its color, with rust-colored bronze. The rusty color was still expanding, mottled, piece by piece, as if the years were passing thousands of times. The speed of doubling erodes him, and he will rot into dregs in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Shu's whole body also stiffened, and his eyes didn't move, as if he had lost consciousness at all.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Xu?"

"Wow, what are you doing here, mud all over?"

"Shu, does it matter?"

Others also found out what was wrong and gathered around one after another. Among them was an old man, Ouding.

After dozens of breaths, Zhou Shu shook his head, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I'm fine."

Soon, the rust on his body began to fade, but the speed was not fast. After a few hundred breaths, there were still many obvious rust spots on his body. Zhou Shu spread his hands and said, "This is only for the time being."

Lin Qingjue seemed to realize something, "Is it caused by a sudden?"


Zhou Shu nodded and sighed, "The power that is not arrogant is unpredictable. It is obviously the real body of the attacker. I didn't expect that even this clone is contaminated with the power of cause and effect. I have never encountered such a thing... But the problem is not too big, it will return to normal after a while."

Caiying was stunned, "This can affect it, just a clone that isn't there?"

Ou Ting stroked his beard, "The old man said it a long time ago, Zen Sect is easy to provoke."

Caiying curled her lips, "Senior Ou is too timid. If you don't mess with it, this palace will do it."

Lin Qingjue's expression condensed slightly, "Brother Zhou must be careful, it may not be just a clone, your soul, mind, and spirit left outside may become a bridge to attack you at any time."

Zhou Shu solemnly said, "I know, I will be cautious next time."

There is still a bit of fear. If you are a little negligent and don't immediately use your full strength in the manifestation of the Taoist furnace, not only will there be a problem with the main body, but the other soul shadows will also not fall well, and may even be overwhelmed.

Qingque also thought of this, and said in surprise, "Shu, the clone who stayed in Xianshu City? No way..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In theory, it can be affected here, and I definitely can't run over there, but it's my place, and I will reply faster. I believe there will be no problems, so don't worry."


Qingque nodded lightly, but her brows did not unfold, showing that she still had some worries. After all, people are no longer in Xianshu City. If there is another problem with the soul shadow, the consequences will be big or small.

Lin Qingjue hesitated, "Brother Zhou also has a clone in Xianshu City?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Yeah, otherwise how can I come out, the clone is similar to myself."

Lin Qing definitely shook his head unconsciously, "Brother Zhou's ability, I think it's not much worse than not being arrogant."

Zhou Shu didn’t answer ~www.ltnovel.com~ After stagnating for more than ten breaths, he suddenly said, "Brother Lin, I think there should be no problem. Don’t say anything wrong, he won’t chase you, just treat the two Nuwa stones as The reward you saved him is already yours."

"Just said?"

Lin Qingjue was slightly stagnant, and said slowly, "Not being arrogant is indeed a human thing. I had despised him before."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Brother Lin, what are your plans, do you want to stay and look at that evil sword? Just as helping me."

Lin Qingjue shook his head and said without hesitation, "Forget it, I must rush back to Kunlun now, and can't waste time, Brother Zhou, you don't have to test me again. No matter what you say, I will answer this."

"Haha, I knew it."

Zhou Shu laughed, not at all angry.

(PS: Thank you Jiang for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~~)

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