Fairy Winner

Chapter 3511: Do not worry

On the vast plain, there are several extremely high peaks standing abruptly, straight into the Cloud Palace, you can't see it clearly.

Many people are fast moving towards those peaks, Zhou Shu and his party are among them.

Caiying snorted, "This is not arrogant and does not know what to think. I am not in the city yet. If I have to run to such a far place and climb such a high mountain, I am not allowed to fly up. Damn it. It's very."

Zhou Shu was also a little puzzled, "The Zen School has many troublesome rules, so bear with it."

Xu Ran said warmly, "Brother Zhou, this mountain is exquisite."

Caiying frowned, "Then tell me, what's the particularity?"

"Okay, girl Caiying."

Xu Ran nodded, "These mountain peaks are essentially a large formation, called Lingshan Treasure Land, built by the combined efforts of tens of thousands of meditations. They are usually only used during the Zen ceremonies. Wunian City sets up this formation for opening. The Jingmohui means that the Jingmohui is treated as a Zen ceremonial ceremony and it is extremely important. Since it is a Zen ceremonial ceremony, there must be requirements for those who come to participate. Walking up the mountain is the most basic, and it is impossible to fly around here. It’s too disrespectful to Zen."

Caiying curled her lips, "I can't refute what you said in such detail."

"It's okay to look for trouble, what do you refute?"

Zhou Shu patted her on the head, pulled her aside, looked at Xu Ran and said, "Brother Xu, should this treasure land of Lingshan be able to suppress demons?"

Xu Ran smiled and nodded, "That's nature, Lingshan Treasure Land is a great Zen sect, and it is a masterpiece to suppress demons and exorcise evil spirits. At the Purification Fair, the extremely evil sword must be born, and Wunian City must first prepare."

Caiying leaned over again and muttered, "Speaking of which I don't understand, is there anyone in the world who knows purification better than Zen? I'm afraid it's better not to be arrogant? Who can compare to such a big battle at Zen Sect!"

"Although the Zen gate is good at purification, it is not only the Zen gate that can purify in the world, let alone the sword."

A voice came from behind, old but loud.

Zhou Shu turned around and bowed slightly, "It would be better for Mr. Ou to answer this question."

Ou Ting nodded and stroked his beard, "The Zen gate and the sword naturally inhibit each other, and the Zen gate does not practice sword cultivation, nor does sword cultivation never practice Zen. The difficulty of purifying the sword of Zen gate is much greater than that of ordinary practitioners. The sword of evil conquered evil, and the wrong person was found from the beginning."

Caiying touched her chin, "Is that so?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Actually, he didn't pretend to come from Leiyin Temple. The Zen method is profound, and he is still a teacher of the Buddha. He has one of the best reputations in the outer domain. Most people want to purify something, they will think of not arrogant? A quasi-sage who has a way out can find the best person to help him, and he will naturally use the best."

Outing snorted, "If Le Yinan really has a way, why not go to the Buddha country to find the Buddha?"

Xu Ran paused, and said thoughtfully, "Old Ou, I heard that he had been to the Buddha country, but he was rejected, and he could not even enter Leiyin Temple. Perhaps it was for this reason that he could not find him. Master Wu's."

"No wonder, hehe."

Caiying chuckled, not knowing what came to mind.

Au Ting paused, "The meditation that does not pretend to be the abbot is very high and profound. Among the meditations that the old man has seen, it must be ranked first, but for the victory of evil, it is not very useful. , Nor can it purify the evil spirits."

Xu Ran bowed, "Why is this? Can Ou Lao enlighten me?"

"What can't be, Xu Xiaoyou is too polite."

Ou Ting returned the gift and shook his head unconsciously, "Speaking of which, this is the fault of the Ou family. When the family ancestor got the piece of flame gold back then, he didn't know that the evil spirits were already inhabited in the flame gold. The evil soul is regarded as part of the characteristics of the flame gold itself, and the subsequent sword-making process is also based on these characteristics. It can be said that this sword is tailored for the evil soul inside, alas."

With a long sigh, his eyes gradually became muddy, as if he was getting older.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Old Ou doesn't need to be like this. Those who don't know are not guilty. The swordsmith makes the best sword based on the material, and it's not wrong.

Xu Ran nodded, "Brother Zhou said, I think so too, neither the swordsmith nor the sword is at fault."

"Hehe, you are open-minded, but it may not be so at the time. I don't know if there is..."

Ou Ting stagnated for a long time before calming down, his eyes regained and clear, "It's the old man who said a lot. Now that the sword has been completed, the evil soul in it has naturally become part of the sword. The two are one. The sword Destroying the soul, the sword of the death of the soul, although the purification of the Zen gate can destroy the evil soul, but doing so will mostly destroy the sword, at least part of it, and it is impossible to make it a real Taoist weapon."

Xu Ran seems to understand, "It seems that Master Buwang is not unable to do it, but not doing it well, so he has been dragging on."

Ou Ting nodded, "Yes, the abbot also mentioned to me that if you don't pretend to be purified, he must find another way. You can not destroy the evil soul, but forcefully surrender the evil soul and let it take refuge in Zen. The effect of the Purifying Sword can also turn the evil soul into a sword spirit, and make Shengxie a Zen sword, guarding Wu Nian City for him, but the old man told him that this is impossible. The first evil soul is the ancient battlefield of Yanhuang It has been born in it for hundreds of thousands of years. How strong is the hostility and resentment. It is impossible to surrender it to the Zen Sect. Second, the Zen sword and the sword spirit of the Zen Sect, this... The abbot is really whimsical. "

Xu Ran smiled, "The master probably doesn't believe it?"

Ou Ting nodded himself, "Of course he doesn't believe it. The abbot only believes in his own judgment. He also said that he was going to make some preparations, which surprised the old man, but after that time, the old man never saw him again. Unexpectedly, A great Zen master like him can also go wrong in his cultivation."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "If you don't pretend to ask Fang Jian, you should be here to help."

Xu Ran nodded, "I think so, but before Fang Jian came, he trapped himself in the wooden fish. Now that the Demon Club has started, maybe they have no chance to try again."

Zhou Shu calmly said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yes, the Jingmohui will be postponed for so long. Le Yinan only treats them as if they can’t do it or is not sincere, and will not give them the sword to try again, he I hope to find a solution at the Clean Devil Meeting. By the way, Ou Lao, you are most familiar with swords, do you think there is great hope? "

"The old man has always been in Xiaoleiyin Temple, and I haven't seen a few people who come to participate, but the old man still feels hopeful."

Ou Ting groaned, "There are many capable people in the heavens. The more I understand, the more I feel this is the case. My thinking has also changed. At first, the old man only wanted to use evil to destroy the evil and make this extremely evil sword completely. Disappeared, but now the old man believes that making Shengxie worthy of the name is the best result of it and Ou's family."

"Yeah, we think so too."

Caiying nodded quickly and vowed, "It's a shame to ruin it. It's better to get it back. Don't worry, this palace can definitely do it."

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