Fairy Winner

Chapter 3515: Win for you

"Old Ou deserves it."

Zhou Shu paused, "Sheng Xie originally belonged to Ou Lao, or Le Yinan would give you some preferential treatment, that wouldn't make sense."

Ou Ting stagnated, and smiled, "On the surface, it doesn't matter whether you do it or not. I'd rather not... It seems that the opponent of Caiying girl is not weak."

"It should have been specially selected by Le Yinan."

Xu Ran's expression was slightly condensed, "The tall young man in green robe, named Ai Jing, is one of the deputy city masters of Tianwu City and the youngest deputy city master. He defeated thirteen of his peers in succession during his travels in the Brahma Realm. Many people say that he will soon be on the celestial list. The woman with a high bun is called Ren Qingyu. She is one of the guardians of Blazing Phoenix City. She was still on the celestial list three thousand years ago, but because there has been no record of fighting against each other, she ranked He fell again, but his strength shouldn't be weakened. Another red-haired old man is Qi Prison, from the Han family in the Outer Territory. Although he is a foreign surname, he manages several small fairy cities and his strength is not under the Han family."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "The Han family, like the Xu family, is one of the four great masters of Outland."

Xu Ran nodded, "Yes, the current Patriarch Han Li, the main city relic city, near the Xinghai Realm, and in many places in the Outland, there are sub-cities."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "This arrangement...I can understand the two from Xiancheng. Of course Le Yinan hopes that we Xiancheng will fight each other, but it is a bit strange that there are four more people."

Xu Ran said indifferently, "It's all forces from Outland. No matter who it is, fighting is good for the Sacred Fire Gate. When others fight, they will find ways to merge or break them separately. For thousands of years, the Sacred Fire Gate has been doing this. This kind of thing, our Xu family has experienced several times, it's no surprise."

Jing Tianshan was a little curious, "Then why are they willing to come? Knowing that a fight might benefit others, they jumped in willingly."

When they heard her, everyone else laughed.

Jing Tianshan was stunned and looked at Zhou Shu, "Brother, did I say the wrong thing?"


Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "As long as you can get benefits, you will come even if you know that there are problems. Fighting for profit is the nature of the practitioner."

Xu Ran nodded and said slowly, "The essence of practice is to stick to one's own path in constant fighting. If a practitioner is afraid of challenges, he is not a practitioner. The more intense the struggle, the more it can inspire fighting spirit. , The stronger you can increase your strength, the stronger will not retreat because others secretly behave, but will only ignore all thorns and move forward courageously. After breaking through these, you will reach a higher level."

"Friend Jing Dao, you are different from other practitioners, so you don't understand."

Ou Ting said solemnly, "Practitioners, treat everyone else as stones that hinder their progress, but what about the disciples of Ci Hangzong? It's completely different."

Jing Tianshan answered, lowered her head thinking about something.

At this time, the field is already very lively.

Xu Ran seemed a little surprised, "Girl Caiying is very smart."

"She is extremely talented in combat."

Zhou Shu smiled and boasted, making no secret of his appreciation for Caiying.

Four people are fighting, and one is promoted. Among them, there are many ways. Once they are not handled well, it is easy to fall into the situation of being besieged by three people.

At this time, the three people present are all time-tested fairy spirits. In their eyes, a little girl like Caiying looks confused and not strong. We will solve her first, so after Yan Yi announced the start of the competition , The eyes of several people fell on Caiying at the same time, and Jian Yi couldn't help but go there.

Caiying stared at Ai Jing, and shouted, "Dog thief, my palace has finally found you! In today's battle, either you die or I die!"

After speaking, she rushed towards Ai Jing, the sword domain unfolded, the sword light rose and fell, and the moves looked like a fatal blow. Ai Jing was quite confused, but faced with the pressing step by step Caiying, she could only Challenge.

The other two looked at each other and fought each other.

Obviously, Caiying and Ai Jing had an antagonism before, or a great feud. Now the two are in a life-and-death battle, a life-and-death battle in the same realm. No matter who loses and who wins, the remaining one must be greatly injured, and the battle strength is ten There is no one, which means that as long as you can win one-on-one, the entire victory will be in your hands.

This account is very easy to calculate. One-on-one and one-on-one fights are basically impossible. It is much smoother than after three-on-one fights.

After dozens of breaths, Caiying stood lightly in front of Ai Jing, the tip of the sword trembled slightly and smiled.

Ai Jing shook her head helplessly, but calmly said, "The girl has a good sword intent and is not an opponent below."

All of his sword intent was shattered by Caiying, and the absolute domain was easily broken through. At this level, it wouldn't work if he didn't admit defeat. There was still a trace of doubt on his face, "Girl, I remember your name is Caiying. From Xianshu City? I don’t know what hatred we had before, did you remember it wrong?"

"There is no hatred, sorry, don't care."

Picking up the sword, politely smiled, and flew to the other two.

Ren Qingyu and Qi Prison also noticed the situation here. They didn't know where they had been fooled, but at this time they couldn't take it away.

I don’t know if the timing of Caiying’s selection was just right, or it was a coincidence. The two of them happened to hit the fiercest moment. The two men were like rainbows. The sword domains of both sides were completely entangled together, and they were indistinguishable from each other. , Not giving way, if anyone voluntarily retreats at this time, they will definitely be taken advantage of by the other party, and there is no difference between directly admitting defeat.

Riding a tiger, the two looked at each other, both a little depressed.

When they felt the biting sword intent and went straight in, even the soul was oppressed, the two had to give up.


Caiying smiled and saluted, and turned back to the mountain.

Qi Yu looked at Ai Jing angrily, "Do you have any hatred with her? Have you colluded long ago?"

"If Fellow Qi Daoist wants to fight another round, I don't mind being accompanied by me. Whenever you can pick it, come to Tianwu City and find me by yourself."

Ai Jing snorted, turned and left, feeling a little gloomy in her heart, but she couldn't help but smile when she saw Caiying flying in the air~www.ltnovel.com~, this little girl, a little funny.

Winning the flag, winning beautiful in the first game, it also gave a good start to the Jingdevil Club. Returning to the top of the mountain, Caiying naturally attracted the attention of many people and attracted many admirations. Some people came to say hello. Of course, Without exception, Caiying refused, and she was even too lazy to take a look.

"How about it, my palace is still at stake?!"

Caiying looked at Zhou Shu with a smug expression. Her happiness is only for her own people, and she doesn't need more people to share it.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Very well, at least it didn't worry me too much."

"You don't need to worry about it!"

Caiying curled her lips, seemingly dissatisfied, "Don't underestimate this palace! This palace still hides a lot, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, this palace will win for you!"

(PS: Thank you Long for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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