Fairy Winner

Chapter 3516: Big threat

Zhou Shu looked at Caiying and smiled, "Okay, I'm waiting to see you show off your power, but now, let me meet someone and see what you can do."

"Who? What do you think of me?"

Caiying stood up without thinking and looked around.

Zhou Shu didn't speak, and took her to the corner of the mountain.

Seeing the person standing in front of him, Caiying was stunned, "Ah, it was her."

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said straightly, "I'm Zhou Shu, the lord of Xianshu City, and I have met fellow Taoist Ren Qingyu.

Ren Qingyu, the female cultivator wearing a high-updo, bowed her hands in return, her eyes fell on the two of them, and she said calmly, "Two, I have already lost, and I don't care, what else do you have?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "The Daoist has misunderstood it. It has nothing to do with the competition. I just want to ask the Daoist about one thing. If you guessed it correctly, is the Daoist a demon cultivator?

Ren Qingyu's face changed slightly, he glanced around, and said coldly, "Sure enough, City Lord Zhou has good eyesight. Just tell me what I am after."

Caiying frowned, "You, why are you so hostile to us? My palace didn't hurt you."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said warmly, "Friends of Daoist have misunderstood again. I want to make sure one thing. Jade Sandalwood Realm is under the jurisdiction of Blazing Phoenix City? I have a demon cultivator friend who may want to visit there, and I will be with you then Go, so I will let you know in advance to avoid any misunderstandings."

Ren Qingyu said dubiously, "How do you know the jade sandalwood world?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "My friend told me, Fellow Ren Dao, we actually have many demon cultivators in Xianshu City, and everyone is very harmonious."

"Just put it nicely..."

Ren Qingyu paused and raised his hand. "I understand what City Lord Zhou meant, and I will convey it to the City Lord. I can't give you any guarantee before that."

"I see, don't bother."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and walked back with Caiying.

Looking at Caiying, he felt helpless, "You fellow, I can't help at all. I have brought you here in vain."

"You blame this palace again, this palace just said a word, OK," Caiying stared at Zhou Shu, "and she doesn't look good to deal with, so why bother."

Zhou Shu patted her on the head, "Stop talking, hurry up and prepare for the next one, don't forget it again."

"How fast..."

Caiying murmured a few words, then took out the registration card and held it firmly in her hand.

"Brother Zhou, girl Caiying."

Xu Ran stared at the scene and said slowly, "This female sister, you have to pay special attention. She may pose a great threat to you."

Zhou Shu glanced at him, seemingly thoughtful, "Miao Yue? The Shushan sword repairman mentioned on the list?"

Xu Ran surprised, "You only looked at the list before, how did you recognize it?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "The sword just now was amazing. Maybe I will be a little bit jealous when I am on the court."

"Ah, there is such a strong opponent?"

Caiying's spirit came, staring at it for a while, "Why can't I see it?"

"When you develop the eighth sense, you can see more things."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, and slowly said, "I have never seen such a sword intent, which can guide the highest law, and is not afraid of cause and effect. Shu Mountain is worthy of the world's first sword sect."

Xu Ran paused, "But her sword intent does not come from Shushan. It is said that she was cultivated after encountering Romance. It is very strange and unique. It is called the sword of destiny by others, and it is irresistible. Since she came out of the mountain, no Jianxiu has beaten her. Even the long-famous Jianxiu is at best unmatched. She entered the celestial list decades ago, and she has improved every time a new list is announced. Now it is 731."

Caiying touched her chin, "Isn't the ranking very high."

Xu Ran said warmly, "But she has improved rapidly. In recent years, the only one who can compare with her is Jianxiu Lou Gang, who is also Shushan. However, Lou Gang is a veteran sword repairer, and he has been quiet in recent years. There is no more movement. ."

Ou Ting slowly said, "In the Celestial Pole Ranking, the ranking of sword repairers is the one that has changed the most. They like to challenge and fight everywhere. Most of them are sword repairers, like this kind of rapid improvement in a short time. Don’t underestimate your strength. This Daoist Miao Yue, the old man, has heard several times that she should be one of the people who can challenge Victory Evil, and her desire for Victory Evil is not lower than you."

"Which sword repairer is not eager?"

Xu Ran said thoughtfully, "There are a lot of swordsmanship in the heavens, but there are few magic weapons suitable for swordsmanship. Many swordsmanship does not have a flying sword suitable for him, and even good ninth-grade flying swords are rare, let alone Speaking of flying swords, there are many quasi-sages in the heavens who do not have flying swords. If a golden immortal can have flying swords, it is simply blessed by the saints. The extremely evil swords here, they I will never miss it."

Zhou Shu paused, "This Miao Yue is probably protected by a saint."

Xu Ran nodded, "The outside speculation is so. She got the chance to be favored by the saint and become the seed of the saint, but she has not admitted it."

"The palace you said wants to fight her now..."

Caiying touched the spirit card, eager to try, "Ah, she has already gone up."

Zhou Shu shook his head, looking a bit regretful, "It's a pity that it's not on the same mountain, otherwise you can go get acquainted."

Xu Ran looked at him and smiled, "It's not possible on a mountain peak. I advise you not to try. This Miao Yue is so arrogant that no one will pay attention to him. There is also the Shushan sword guard beside him. Guan Jiu and I visited. But I didn't even enter the door. I think Brother Zhou has to say a few words to her, I'm afraid he will have to enter Shushan."

"Shushan Sword Guard?"

Zhou Shu was shocked for a while, but he knew what the sword guard represented.

"Brother Zhou knows the trouble now, right?"

Xu Ran smiled and nodded, "The Shushan Sword Guard is the most mysterious power of the Shu Mountain. The total number is only forty. It is said that all of them are no less powerful than the elders. They only obey the orders of the Shushan Sect Master. Generally speaking, Only the elders of the fairy court and the main and deputy gatekeepers of Shushan can take the sword guard with him, and this Miao Yue brought the sword guard, although there is only one sword guard~www.ltnovel.com~, it is enough to show that Shushan treats her. Regarding the degree of importance, I estimate that it will not take a few hundred years before she will enter the high level of Shushan, and in the future, she will probably become Xianting elder."

Zhou Shu seems to understand something, "It seems that she is still an excellent trading partner, for Le Yinan."

Xu Ran nodded and said with concern, "If this Jingmo can not purify the evil spirits, Le Yinan will probably talk to her, so I said that she might pose a great threat."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "It is true."

Caiying snorted, "There's nothing to be afraid of, I can beat her in this palace and just not let her enter the top ten!"

Xu Ran paused and said warmly, "Girl Caiying, most of you won't meet it."

Caiying was stunned, and quickly understood, and could not help cursing, "Damn Le Yinan!"

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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