Fairy Winner

Chapter 3517: Proud kill

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The test was still going on, Zhou Shubai watched boredly.

Most people's sword intent is lackluster, and some are even worse than their own. Fortunately, they also used the identity of sword repair to sign up, shameless.

Xu Ran watched with gusto, explaining to him and Caiying and others from time to time, and quoting from others. It seemed that there was nothing he didn’t understand, which made people admire, and even Caiying said "Zhou, this palace feels Xu Ran is not much worse than you." In this case... the world seen by the eighth sense of nature is indeed very different.

Zhou Shu only smiled.

He would never think that Xu Ran knew much better than himself. In terms of knowledge, the classics he had read, plus the memories he got from reincarnation, no one in the entire heavens could compare, and Xu Ran was born eighth. Sense, my vision is extremely broad, but after all, what I can see is limited, and I am definitely not as good as myself.

However, if you can cultivate your eighth sense to Xu Ran's level, especially if you use it at will without consumption, it would be even better.

Jing Tianshan was very quiet, occasionally showing a peaceful and content smile.


Zhou Shu stared at the scene, slightly surprised.

Xu Ran said warmly, "Brother Zhou noticed? This black tower-like big man also needs special attention from Caiying girl."

Caiying did not question the usual first, but nodded, "My palace thinks so too. His murderous intent is so serious. He is much stronger than the robbers in the rocky beach. My palace thought those people were enough before. Bloodthirsty."

Jing Tianshan nodded slightly, "When he took out the sword, no one was speaking on the mountain, and I was shocked. Just now, my mind was a little unstable. This is the first time I have seen so many matches."

"Passing through the big sun **** pattern affects the surroundings, and even the precious land of Lingshan cannot be restricted."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "This level of sword intent has surpassed the law of killing and entered the realm of quasi-sage. He should be called Qi Tian of Killing Sword."

Xu Ran nodded, "Yes, no one knows where he came from. He is known for killing. He was on the list of ten thousand evil spirits very early. When he escaped from the immortal realm, he killed all the way. At least 740 immortals were arrested. He died in his hands, and because of this, his ranking of the Ten Thousand Fouls once reached 505, a ranking that is difficult to expect from the golden fairy. Since then, he has been silent and has not reappeared, and the ranking has fallen a lot, too. I only found out not long ago that he came to Wunian City."

Ou Ting sneered unconsciously, "What is he here to do to purify the evil sword?"

"Probably not."

Xu Ran smiled bitterly, "I think he simply wants to obtain the extremely evil sword, and will not purify it at all. The purified sword is not suitable for him."

Ou Ting said in a deep voice, "The old man absolutely does not want Victory to fall into the hands of such a person.

Caiying's eyes were shining, and she confidently said, "Don't worry, Old Ou, this palace will help you beat him! It's all because of that Le Yinan. Even this kind of person is allowed to participate. There is really no morality at all. It's also not arrogant, so it's also a Zen door. Putting this kind of murderous guy in, it's damnable!"

Xu Ran paused and said slowly, "I don't think Master Buwang will let him cause trouble in it. He is really going to make trouble, and he will definitely not let it go."

Jing Tianshan seemed to think, "Friend Xu Dao, I heard that there is a sword repairer who is as famous as him in the heavens, is it also here?"

Xu Ran showed a slight surprise, "Friend Jing Daoist is also very well informed."

Jing Tianshan said calmly, "I heard it in some fairy cities."

Xu Ran nodded, "Oh, there is a sword repairer who is as famous as him, one-eyed and one-armed, walking alone, calling himself Aojian, because of this title, and because he ranks close to the killing sword. Qi Tian was also called by some people as Ao Sha Shuang Sha, and his name is not small..." When he noticed something, he looked at Caiying who was suddenly in a daze, "What's wrong with you, girl Caiying?"

Caiying ignored him, just looking at Zhou Shu, "Zhou, this Aojian, isn't it..."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "It sounds like, what are you so surprised to do, listen to Brother Xu finish."

Xu Ran realized, "Does Brother Zhou know that Aojian?"

Zhou Shu nodded, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said calmly, "Know, he is my best confidant, but I haven't heard from him for many years. Brother Xu knows what else, you might as well continue talking."

Xu Ran seemed to realize something, and sighed slightly, "Brother Zhou is really a confidant all over the world, even Aojian and others are... Aojian and Sajian are equally famous, but in my opinion, the difference between the two of them is very different. Great, Aojian didn't do anything infamous, and there was almost no murder. It may be that his temperament made him offend many immortal sects and he was included in the list of ten thousand evils."

Caiying curiously asked, "What did he do to offend people?"

Xu Ran thought for a few breaths, and laughed, "I don’t know much. I heard that he rejected the invitation from Shushan and the Xuanling Sect, and beat the people who came to him back one by one, especially some who said they could help. The people who left the Ten Thousand Swordsman List were beaten the hardest by him. Among them, there are many famous elders. By the way, he also took the whole world of immortal city known for its swords... I mentioned it step by step, Brother Zhou, I admire him very much. He deserves the word Aojian. If you have the opportunity, please refer me to Brother Zhou."

"Okay," Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "So, he hasn't come yet?"

Xu Ran shook his head, "No, I have read it carefully, he is probably not interested in the Evil Sword."

Caiying pursed her mouth unconsciously, "It's a pity, I still want to ask Master some questions about kendo."

Xu Ran was shocked for a while, "Master? Girl Caiying wants to ask him about kendo?"

Caiying nodded her head, "Of course, he taught me the sword body in this palace, but how could he refuse to be the master of this palace, it's really hateful, but..." She sighed with a rare sigh. A little frustrated, "He refused to make sense, the palace has been misunderstood after all, and has not grasped the essence of his sword, ooh."

Xu Ran paused, "The essence of the sword body?"

Caiying nodded seriously~www.ltnovel.com~Yes, his sword body is not divided into the realm of cultivation, but I have to practice it, and I still have to rely on the realm to break through. I am really ashamed of him. teach. "

Xu Ran thought about it for a while, shook his head and smiled, "Doesn't you know the realm? I don't quite understand this."

"Caiying, it's not that you have learned something."

Zhou Shu looked at Caiying and slowly said, "The sword body you cultivated has its own characteristics, and it's definitely not weak. How can you learn it? You are different from Lao Li. You learned too much about the sword at first. It is impossible to be as pure as him, and it may not be good to follow his cultivation method completely. Now that you have walked out a path that belongs to you only, I think this is not a bad thing."

Caiying stagnated, "Didn't my palace learn the problem?"

Zhou Shu solemnly said, "Of course not, don't doubt yourself, what you do now is the best."

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