Fairy Winner

Chapter 3537: Self crossing and crossing people

"Hahahaha, this is the baby I'm looking for!"

Amidst the wailing of the practitioners, a figure flew up quickly and swept towards the evil sword in the blood.

Ou Ting was stunned, "Who is so brave? To take the initiative?"

Xu Ran stared at him, not realizing a lag, "It's Qi Tian, ​​why is he here?"

Several people were startled, "He is not from the three teams, why did he come in?"

"Of course Le Yinan put it in."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and said in a deep voice, "He is in control of the Clean Devil Club. It is not difficult to let anyone in. There are three hours left and right. The more chaotic and fierce it is, the less likely it is to succeed in purification."

Fang Jian smiled slightly, "Yes, I put it in at the last time, this old guy has no plans to talk about any rules."

"Master, you are still laughing, what should we do now?"

Caiying glared at him, "You said you want to help my palace, so grab the sword first."

Fang Jian said indifferently, "What are you worried about, Lao Na is the first time I have seen the Evil Sword, and he has to see the path clearly before making plans. At the moment, I don't pretend to be right. This sword is indeed very troublesome."

Xu Ran seemed a little worried, "But Qi Tian is also an extremely evil person, with the same qualities as the extremely evil sword. Is it possible for him to get the sword?"

"He overestimated his own evil, and killing people alone can't compare to that sword."

Fang Jian stroked the rosary and slowly said, "It happens to be borrowed from him to watch the sword. You should also pay attention. Don't be polluted by these evil spirits. If it doesn't work, stay closer to the old man. Hey, you..."

Among the crowd, a snow-white lotus blossomed suddenly, the light was dazzling, and the darkness was driven away in an instant.

The light continued to expand, forming a thick mask, holy and bright inside, and filthy and dark outside.

Many practitioners perceive the difference, and involuntarily approached this side, and soon hid in the mask one after another.

There are totally two worlds, there is no fear, and the body and mind are much settled.

Jing Tianshan would not stop herself. She stood in the middle of the lotus with a peaceful expression, but there was a trace of apology in her eyes, "Brother, I'm sorry, I can't help it."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You don't need to apologize to me, do whatever you want, Junior Sister."

Jing Tianshan lowered her head slightly and said in a low voice, "No, it's my fault to shoot without authorization, and I don't want it, but I can't see the filth..."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I understand, but don't be too tired. Although the Realm of Pure Demon is reliable, it consumes too much. Just do your best. Don't do it for others... Forget it, I know it's just for nothing."

The disciples of the Cihang School deserve the name of Cihang, and they have exerted their human nature to the extreme. No matter what environment they are in, the first thing they think is to try their best to help others, and they don’t hesitate to compare with the selfishness of other practitioners. It's too strong, but such actions will undoubtedly bring some extra trouble to the team, but Zhou Shu doesn't care.

After all, he is used to it, and the same is true of Yangmei in the past. This kind of genuine kindness is worthy of his protection, even if he pays some price.

"It's safe. It's safe. Thanks to this fellow Taoist, I thought it was dead."

"Friends of Taoism are kind and kind, we will depend on you to take care of them."

"May I ask what kind of sect elder Daoist friend is. After I go out, I will come to thank you."

"Dare to ask fellow daoists what is this trick? Do you need our help?"

Many practitioners walked over to say thank you, some were sincere, some were perfunctory, some had twinkling eyes, and they stayed and didn't leave, but they had different thoughts.

"Quiet! You're all seated!"

Fang Jian reprimanded in a deep voice, "No matter how long, Lao Na throws them out one by one!"

Feeling the pressure, the immortal cultivators were all stagnant, and soon quieted down, sitting in a circle in the mask.

"Little girl, you really are..." Fang Jian looked at Jing Tianshan, frowning gradually, "Lao Na hasn't seen a kindhearted person like you in a long time. How about entering Leiyin Temple and being a layman? ?"

Jing Tianshan was stunned, and quickly refused, "Master, this is not the case."

"Why not? Lao Na is very sincere."

Fang Jian shook his head and smiled like Maitreya. It's a pity that the bearded man was so horrible that he really couldn't see how kind.

Jing Tianshan lowered her head, shaking left and right, "This..."

Zhou Shu walked over and sighed, "Master, don't make it difficult for others, and I have never heard that Leiyin Temple can recruit female nuns."

Fang Jian paused, and his expression solemnly said, "That's because you haven't been to Buddhism. Not all Buddhists are monks. Some laymen are also very strong. Regardless of cultivation or morality, Lao Na is inferior to them. Lao Na sees Daoist Jing's temperament, and A female layman that Lao Na knew well was very similar. If Fellow Jing Tao could worship her and believe that the future is extraordinary, it would not be impossible to become a Buddha in the future. It would be better than to be swayed in the heavens and to be in the world..."

"Enough, Master."

Jing Tianshan suddenly interrupted Fang Jian's words, "The younger generation knows that the master is kind, but there is no need to mention this matter."

Fang Jian hesitated for a few breaths, and said slowly, "It's a pity that people who are pursuing others don't know how to cross themselves."

Although the voice was soft, it was as loud as a Hong Zhong. The practitioners around were shocked and couldn't help standing up, while Jing Tianshan stared at the distance indifferently, but just ignored it.

"It seems that Lao Na made a mistake, hehe."

Fang Jian shook his head and said lightly, "Friend Jing Dao, you don't have to take it to heart, Lao Na is just a reminder."

Jing Tianshan turned around and gave a polite, "The younger generation understands, but the master does not need to say it again. The younger generation always feels that it's okay to cross the people first and then cross by oneself."

When I saw the eleventh ceremony, I didn't say more.

Xu Ran looked a little confused. I don't know what machine they were playing. Caiying couldn't help but said, "Zhou, what are they talking about?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "There is nothing to ask, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not."

The difference between the order of self-passing and crossing people is actually the difference between Cihang and Zen in this world. Zen pays attention to crossing people by oneself. First crossing by oneself and then crossing people. Once you have cultivated yourself well, you can take care of other people. It’s the people who cross first and then cross by oneself~www.ltnovel.com~. The order of the two avenues is different. There is a big difference between the two avenues. Although they can go to the same destination by different routes, they can reach the highest state no matter what, but in the middle of the process of practice, Cihanghui A lot harder.

Seeing that Shicai persuaded Jing Tianshan to go to Leiyin Temple, it was to persuade her to abandon Cihangzong and enter Zen. He also specifically cited an example, a female layman who Fang Jian knew well.

Undoubtedly, that layman must be a former disciple of Cihangzong. He left Cihangzong and joined the Buddhist kingdom. To Jing Tianshan, this was unacceptable, so she interrupted.

"My palace just asks casually, it sounds troublesome."

Caiying snorted and turned to Fang Jian. "Master, you said you need to look at the sword carefully. Why are you talking about other things? Have you seen it?"

Fang Jian looked at her and said slowly, "Old Na has been watching, don't worry, it's almost over."

Zhou Shu stagnated slightly. The black mist outside was too dense, which confused perception. Even he couldn't see clearly, but Fang Jian could see it. Obviously, Fang Jian opened his eyes.

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