Fairy Winner

Chapter 3538: drop out

"Ah, so fast?"

Caiying tried her best to open her eyes and looked out, but she was startled, and she saw a **** light rushing towards her.

The speed is surprisingly fast.

In a short while, the blood light rushed to everyone, everyone was shocked and involuntarily backed away, but soon discovered that the blood light had stagnated.

Being blocked, one cannot enter, and cannot retreat.

"Let me in!"

The beast-like roar came from the incompetent rage after despair.

It was not the evil sword, but Qi Tian, ​​with black blood stains all over his body, and he couldn't find a clean place.

The blood is obviously his own.

In the battle with the Evil Sword, he failed to gain any advantage. Instead, he was repeatedly tortured by the Evil Sword, and even the soul was shredded. No one could see that he was dying.

"Let me in, please!"

Qi Tian’s voice was getting louder and louder, but his strength was getting weaker and weaker. He clung to the mask and couldn’t enter. He curled up into a ball, his eyes were full of fear, even the courage to look back at the enemy. Owe bong.

Everyone turned their eyes to Jing Tianshan.

She is the controller of the Demon Realm.

Zhou Shu was also a little curious, did Jing Tianshan let Qi Tian come in and save him, or shut him out?

Jing Tianshan looked at Qi Tian with cold eyes. Instead of letting go of the Demon-Cleaning Realm, she strengthened a lot. Her body trembled slightly, and dozens of rays of light popped out from the mask, continuously shining on Qi Tian's body.

However, Qi Tian couldn't resist, and kept backing back, backing back, a scream came, and there was no more sound.

When everyone looked at Jing Tianshan, their minds were shocked. This Pudu world, the woman who rescued them, didn't think the same way as they thought.

"Haha, what a pity, what a pity!"

Fang Jian looked at Jing Tianshan and suddenly laughed, with a lot of regret in his smile.

Jing Tianshan ignored him and looked at Zhou Shu, seeming to explain, "Brother, Qi Tian is also a demon. The Domain of Pure Demon cannot tolerate him, I...I don't want him to come in either."

"It's just to get rid of evil. You are doing the right thing. If you let him in at this time, I will scold you."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, with a smile on his mouth. He probably understood Fang Jian's thoughts. Jing Tianshan was indeed a good seedling for meditation, but it was a pity that Cihang had already taken the lead.

He looked out of the mask and slowly said, "Daoyou Miao, Taoyou Tang, why don't you come first?"

Most practitioners hid spontaneously in the realm of pure demon, but Miao Yue was still standing outside, so did Tang Liu. There were more than 20 practitioners beside Tang Liu. They should be the team that was formed before. It belongs to the kind of Tang Liu.

Miao Yue hesitated for a few breaths, owed her body, "Thank you City Master Zhou for your kindness, I'm here."

She walked in slowly, felt a little, and smiled, "A strong field, it's no wonder that I can stop these deadly anger, I'm really not as good."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "It's not that I'm talking big, but even the ghost emperor is blocked by Junior Sister Jing. Let me introduce to fellow Miao Taoist, this Jing Tianshan is my Junior Sister, Caiying and Elder Ou, you have already met. Now, this is Xu Ran from the Xu family, so there is no need to say more about Master Fang, hehe."

"I have seen you all."

Miao Yue made a salute, neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Ghost Emperor? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Jing came from Gladiator City?"

Jing Tianshan nodded slightly, "Yes, Fellow Miao Dao."

Xu Ran was also taken aback, "So, the statue that was erected some time ago in Gladiator City is Daoist Jing? I didn't even notice it."

Miao Yue saluted and said calmly, "Listening to the rumors over there, Fellow Daoist Jing blocked the ghost soldiers from oppressing the realm, drove away the ghost emperor, and protected the Gladiator City. It was a great contribution to repairing the sky. I didn't believe it. , But when I saw this field today, I realized that under the prestigious reputation, there must be no avatar, Fellow Daoist Jing, I am not as good as you.

In a short period of time, I said a few inferiorities. This is enough to show that Miao Yue, who suffered three setbacks after entering the outer domain, has let go of the arrogance in his heart and no longer regards the identity of the Shushan genius sword repairer as arrogance. The capital of her is now, so she makes people feel a lot more amiable.

Jing Tianshan's face turned red, and she hurriedly said, "Friend Miao Daoist praised, I actually didn't do anything, it's all..."

Zhou Shu hurriedly interrupted, "My junior sister is indeed amazing, haha, but I will talk about this later, fellow Miao, thank you for speaking to Caiying before."

Miao Yue glanced at Zhou Shu and said faintly, "I admire Taoist Caiying's sword body very much. Those words are facts. Don't thank me." After speaking, she turned to Caiying, her eyes shining with expectation. Fellow Caiying Taoist, can we have a match if we have a chance?"

Caiying nodded immediately, "Okay, okay, you can compare it now to see who gets the sword first!"

Miao Yue shook his head, "It's no match now, I have already lost."


Caiying was stunned.

Miao Yue said warmly, "Friend Caiying, the gap between me and Qi Tian is very small. He died of the Evil Sword. I can only escape by myself. If I want to get the sword and purify it, the possibility is zero. It is better to quit. , Now that I have entered your domain and been blessed by you, even if you have joined your team, if you have anything in need, you can open your mouth, and I will try my best to assist...City Lord Zhou, you should have the same idea."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I haven't said that before. Besides, it was Junior Sister Jing who protected you, but I thank you."

Miao Yue was very calm, "You don't need to thank you, but you should be rewarded for your favor. Besides, if you have a master, I should not be able to do much."

Caiying's eyes lit up and she cheered, "That would be the best. We have another good helper!"


Another scream came from outside.

Three or four of Tang Liu's people who insisted on not entering have fallen into the black mist, and somehow they were taken away by the extremely evil sword, and even the spirits were annihilated, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

The Evil Sword is hidden in the black mist, it is impossible to distinguish, only a blood shadow will be left when leaving, and there will be a particularly cold laughter.

Zhou Shu beckoned, "Friend Tang, come in first, it's important to save your life."

With such a shout~www.ltnovel.com~ the minds of the practitioners over there began to loosen up. Although they were all from the Tang family, they lost their lives unclearly. It was too uneconomical. There were a few people. They all looked over here.

"Don't move, I've already made a mistake once, and want to make a second mistake?"

Tang Liu's eyes were cold, and his tone was even colder. Even in the deadly spirit, it sounded chilling.

Practitioners who had intended to go past can no longer stand still. Although they can't do anything outside, they can only do so.

Zhou Shu paused, and didn't wave his hands anymore, "The people of the Tang family are really stubborn."

"They have always been stubborn, but," Xu Ran nodded, seemingly thoughtful. "The family would not treat his own people like this. Tang Liu waited outside like this and allowed his own people to be killed one by one. He is waiting for an opportunity for the special method to deal with the evil sword."

Ou Ting was stunned, "Huh?"

(PS: Thank you Aojue Xiaoshuai for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~

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