Fairy Winner

Chapter 3540: Want to escape

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Illness comes like a mountain.

The crack had expanded to the middle section, the beam of light could no longer be supported, and it suddenly exploded.

The light was scattered, the powerful impact rolled up the huge vortex in place, and the cultivators who were too late to escape were swept away. Only Tang Liu was nailed to the ground, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, holding it in his hand. Long sword, staring at the broken beam of light, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitching, as if cursing something.


A flash of blood.

He came very hard, pierced the darkness and light, and flew straight to Tang Liu.

In an instant, Tang Liu's eyes widened and he raised his sword to block it, but it was too late. Even if it was too late, he could not stop the vengeful blow of the Evil Sword.

The blood passed through.

A bright blood flower bloomed in front of Tang Liu. Before Tang Liu could shout, he fell to the ground.

The extremely evil sword turned back suddenly, seemingly dissatisfied with the blow. At this time, a purple and blue sword light rushed forward, and the two swords hit directly, both of them were stagnant.

"Brother Zhou, pull it back."

Xu Ran threw a group of people to the ground, with some surprises, "You are right, he is really not dead, he can save his life under the sword of extreme evil, I am afraid he will be the first in these years."

All the people who were outside of the Demon-Cleaning Realm were pulled in, Tang Liu was also included. He had long lost consciousness, and he didn't know that the spirit was still incomplete, but the vitality was still there, and it was quite strong, with a pitch black on his shoulders. The big hole was penetrated directly by the sword, and there was still black air hovering on it, and it couldn't help spreading out.

Noticing the anomaly, the power of compassion in the Demon-Cleaning Realm spontaneously gathered, and drove the black energy away little by little.

Zhou Shu raised his hand and said, "I'll go help Caiying, and trouble both of you to look after Sister Jing."

Although the Domain of Purifying Demon blocks death and evil spirits and looks safe, there are reasons why the Evil Sword has not launched an offensive. Once the outside world does not have the vitality to attract the Evil Sword, the Evil Sword will definitely turn here. It is still a big question whether Jing Tianshan can block it by then.

"it is good."

Xu Ran answered, Miao Yue also nodded, with some doubts in his eyes, "Just now, did you block that sword?"

Although she hadn't seen it clearly, she also knew that every sword before the Evil Sword passed through the heart, one sword killed his life, and the most hated sword of revenge left Tang Liu's life, which is obviously unreasonable. .

"Maybe the thorn is crooked."

Zhou Shu smiled and turned to Fang Jian and said, "Master has been watching for so long, should I think of a way? You won't watch me and Caiying deal with the sword?"

"Lao Na wants to stay here, otherwise how long do you think she can last?"

Fang Jian snorted, seemingly inadvertently, "Lao Na always encounters such a foolish fool, but there is no way, who will let me be merciful."

Jing Tianshan stagnated and couldn't help saying, "Senior, junior can be alone."

Fang Jian's voice sank, "Don't talk nonsense, Lao Na is not the first time I have seen you in the realm of Demon Purification. If the person used is her, Lao Na can ignore it, but you... you really think that the sword is extremely evil. Can’t you come in? However, Lao Na is not here to help you. After all, this is the fairy city of Junior Brother. If the Evil Sword has made too many killings, others will blame me Leiyin Temple for being unkind and acting as Zen. repaired."


Jing Tianshan's face changed slightly, "Senior said she, is it..."

Fang Jian ignored her, took off the three rosary beads on his chest and handed them to Zhou Shu, "Wear it for the time being, see clearly, it is not Yuanming's shabby goods! Even the most evil sword, it is probably I dare not touch you."

As soon as Zhou Shu took it, there was a faint Zen light on his body, and his mind was shocked. The causal power in it was more than a few steps higher than his, and the palm of the Buddha who was not arrogant at the beginning was afraid that it would not be as good.

This kind of Zen treasure, I'm afraid it can already be compared with Dao Qi.

It seems that Fang Jian once said that being unreasonable is not a weapon, but it is not a joke. He said that the power of causation is obviously higher than that of non-deception.

Xu Ran hesitated, "Since the master stays to guard the realm of Jingmo, I don't need me here anymore. Why don't you give me some rosary beads and I will help Brother Zhou."

Miao Yue also hesitated for a while, but did not speak.

Jian Xiu never asks for help, let alone Shu Shan Jian Xiu, and Shu Shan and the Buddha Kingdom have never had much friendship.

Fang Jian glanced at the two and said calmly, "You have no relationship with the Buddha, so don't think about it, and you won't be needed this time."

Xu Ran said very stubbornly, "How come, multiple people share more strength."

Zhou Shu patted him and said with a smile, "The Evil Sword may come over in a while. It may not be helping me here. Not to mention, I will help Caiying."

His figure flashed, he was outside the realm, guided by the sword light, and soon joined the battle.

The Zen light is indeed very effective, the Sword of Extreme Evil noticed it, and unconsciously retreated a little bit, for fear of it.

Zhou Shu threw a punch, "Caiying, how are you?"

Caiying smiled happily, "I thought it was so great! This palace can handle it alone!"

Zhou Shu snorted and frowned, "I asked you to leave the main body in it, why are you not obedient?"

"Suppress the evil and conquer the evil, but you still have to keep your hands? That would be too unpleasant to fight! Besides, you are here, what's to worry about?"

The sword light turned, stabbed fiercely in the blood light, and the big face on the body of the Evil Sword Sword shouted, and there was a scar.

"Look, Zhou!" Caiying couldn't help but exclaimed, "My palace really doesn't think it is difficult. He is one with the Sword of Victory, and this palace is also one with Suppressing Evil, and his sword body was later robbed. The palace is born! And what is strange is that his sword intent is very familiar in the palace, and it is clear whether it is good or bad, that is, the cultivation base is a little deeper than the palace, but this is not a big problem, don't worry."


Zhou Shu paused. In fact, he had a similar feeling during the several rounds of the battle.

Caiying is completely in the upper hand, every sword intent appears in the most suitable place, and the sword intent can always take advantage of the vacancy, hitting the flaw of the extremely evil sword...Could it be that Caiying swallowed several times before The reason for a sword spirit, yes, it also includes the evil sword spirit, and fundamentally speaking, the evil sword now is actually an evil sword spirit that has grown for many years~www.ltnovel.com~ and this evil sword The sword intent that Ling understands is definitely not as good as that of Caiying.

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Don't be proud, the sword intent is only part of the power of the extremely evil sword, and its greater power comes from evil spirits, death spirits and so on."

"The palace is not afraid... Ouch! It's all you, remind him!"

Jian Guang dimmed, but was partially covered by the sudden skyrocketing blood light, and it was dark.

Zhou Shu fisted, the golden light shone, Zen light and Shu Zhi's power split into two, and they fought left and right, and the extremely evil sword retreated again and again.

Ziqing Jianguang got out, blinked with dazzling light, and quickly chased after him.

"Want to escape?!"

With this sentence again, Zhou Shu shook slightly, suddenly having a bad feeling.

(Ps, thank you drgjz0 for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~~) (仙界赢家..6666623)--(仙界赢家)

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