Fairy Winner

Chapter 3541: This palace is dying

Xu Ran showed a smile, "It looks like the winner is about to be determined."

"Well, Daoist Caiying's kendo is very strong, I'm not as good as her."

Miao Yue stared at the front and nodded unconsciously.

The purple-blue sword light became brighter and brighter, and the black mist on the Bafang stage became thinner a lot, and the people in the Domain of Pure Demon could vaguely see the battle.

Xu Ran smiled, "Daoist Miao is too modest. This is the treasure place of Zen Sect. The Evil Sword has been subject to many restrictions. Just now, it has been worn down by the Sixiang Soul Seal. The master’s rosary and Zen light helped, and Taoist Caiying had a chance to win in one fell swoop, but I believe that it is not difficult to do this after changing to Taoist Miao."

"It's hard."

Miao Yue thought about it for a while and said, "Taoist Caiying’s swordsmanship is so extensive. Above all the sword repairs I have seen, I can’t do what she can do. Now it’s the realm of cultivation and flying swords that restrict her. If she can break these restrictions, she should be the sword repairer who is most likely to become a sword master."

Xu Ran was startled, "Huh?!"

Miao Yue glanced at him, "I think so."

Xu Ran paused, "In kendo, Daoist Miao is an authority. I don't dare to make any mistakes. I just didn't expect that there are so many elders in the mountain that there are not so many elders in Shushan as good as the chance of picking Daoyou?

Miao Yue shook her head, "I'm just saying that it's not that easy to break the restrictions. If... she might be better in Shushan."

Xu Ran laughed, seeming to understand something, "Oh, this... I'm afraid it will be difficult for fellow Daoists to achieve his wish."

In the black fog, the sword light became more and more bright, like a rainbow, forcing the evil sword to flee everywhere.

Zhou Shu encircled and reminded, "Caiying, don't chase too tight!"

Although Caiying has such strength, it seems to be going too smoothly. Could it be that the power of the four elephants before has suppressed the evil soul in the sword, unable to exert its ability?

"Call me Lord Palace! Now I want it to be obedient!"

Seeing a gap, he swept up in a spirited manner, and the sword was like a dragon, passing through the heavy interceptions, and hitting the sword of the Evil Sword.

Obviously, he used a soft sword intent, trying to wrap the Evil Sword, suppressing it, instead of being sharp. If he accidentally smashed and destroyed the Evil Sword, it would be impossible to repair it.

The big face on the extremely evil sword was facing the sword light that Caiying turned into, and he couldn't escape. It simply stopped, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"and many more!"

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly reached out to catch Caiying.

But it was a little late, and the mouth opened and closed, forming a whirlpool on the sword, divided into three layers, red and black, which looked very evil.

As soon as the vortex formed, a cloud of black smoke appeared, and the harvest was not in time. The sword light was completely enveloped by the black smoke. The smoke was so dense that even Zhou Shu could not penetrate it. Shu Zhili and Samsara The effort was blocked, and the Zen light only shone some vague shadows.

"not good!"

Zhou Shu had already manifested the Taoist furnace in an instant, using the Taoist furnace as a device, placed the rosary in front, and slammed into the black smoke.

There was a crisp sound.

The rosary in the head suddenly shattered, and Juli also pushed away the evil sword, and the black smoke disappeared.

But Caiying was completely gone, and couldn't perceive any breath.

Only some incomplete and intermittent voices came slowly, "Zhou, I'm sorry... My palace is going to die..."

The big face on the Evil Sword gave a grin, licked his mouth and let out a gloomy laugh.

The laughter echoed on the court, with a lot of pride in the gloom, like a knife scraping Zhou Shu's heart back and forth, only Zhou Shu remained unmoved, his heart was as solid as iron, his hands raised flat, and a rosary in one hand , The golden Zen light is reflected on the bronze body, like a dead soldier in armor in the afterglow of the setting sun, his expression is extremely firm, there is a kind of decisiveness that is desperate and easy to cold.

Perceiving something, Extreme Sword's face suddenly changed, and his facial features squeezed together, revealing an unprecedented panic.

But it was too late to escape.

A few steps before Zhou Shumai, the end of the world is close, with his palms together, he has pinched the evil sword in his hand.

The Evil Sword struggled like crazy, like a lobster that had just been thrown into a hot pot, scurrying up and down, the blade couldn't help circling and scrolling, but no matter what, it couldn't escape Zhou Shu's hand.

Puff, puff.

With two soft sounds, the rosary could not withstand the pressure on both sides, and suddenly burst into a pile of residue.

The Evil Sword thought that it had found an opportunity, and struggled more frantically, but it was still useless. Losing the causality of Zen power in the rosary, Zhou Shu’s Shuzhi power became more integrated and tacit, and the palms were joined together like two pieces. The welded iron plate could be found without any gaps. Slowly, the Evil Sword stopped moving, as if it had accepted its fate.

It accepted its fate, but Zhou Shu didn't let it go.

Shu Zhili, full of reincarnation, constantly squeezed the sword body, and penetrated into the sword little by little.

The face of the Evil Sword has been pressed into a flat plate, and it also noticed something, knowing that Zhou Shu was going to put it to death, it couldn't help but open its mouth wide, swallowing the black air around it.

Like a stranded fish, not far from death.

This time I really lost my life.

The huge Bafangtai, and the black air everywhere, was sucked back by the extremely evil sword within dozens of breaths.

Even the broken bodies on the ground were inhaled along with the black smoke.

The Bafangtai was clear and bright, as bright as day, but Zhou Shu still didn't let go, and the killing intent in his eyes grew more and more. At this moment, he didn't want to purify at all, only wanted to completely ruin this extremely evil sword.

As Zhou Shu's strength increased, the face on the Sword of Extreme Evil became lighter and lighter, almost disappearing.

I couldn't struggle anymore, there was still a ray of eyes left, and there was no look, and there was despair inside.

At this time, there was a Buddha's name in the ear, like a divine initiation, "Okay, you will pinch her to death in this way."

Zhou Shu didn't see it and was uncertain, and said coldly, "That's what I asked for."

The voice sounded again, long and clear, and shocking, but it was an extremely authentic thunder sound of Tiangu, "Zhou Shu, I said yes, she is not the evil soul in this sword."

Zhou Shu shook his whole body and suddenly understood something. He turned around and saw that Fang Jian was standing behind him with a kind face, as if he was blessed by the Lord Buddha. Even the big beard showed kindness, he paused. Go down ~www.ltnovel.com~ pretending to be calm, "Master, you mean Caiying, right?"

"Look carefully."

Fang Jian nodded, and pointed at the evil sword.

The blood light on the extremely evil sword has dimmed a lot, showing the original color of the sword, and in the middle of the sword, there is a phantom that looks very familiar, although it is shallow, but clearly, it is definitely Caiying.

"She's in the sword."

Fang Jian said calmly, "You have already done what you should do, and she has to complete the rest of the battle."

Zhou Shu stared at the Caiying phantom on the sword, shook his head slightly, smiled faintly, and his heart gradually returned to the original place, and the brilliance of his body slowly dissipated.


The extremely evil sword fell on the ground, like ordinary iron, without arousing the slightest storm.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the island guard, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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