Fairy Winner

Chapter 3542: Fantie

Zhou Shu was stunned, and quickly picked up the sword.

Seeing that Caiying in the sword was still there, he relaxed and turned to Fang Jian to salute, "Master, I'm sorry, I've damaged your three rosary beads, I will definitely fix it."

"No, Lao Na will give it to you and you will know their results."

Fang Jian's expression was indifferent, "These few rosary beads, Lao Na, have long wanted to get rid of them. You can be regarded as perfecting them, and you have a chance."

"Thank you, Master, for your accomplishment."

Zhou Shu couldn't help but said slowly, "The master said too profoundly, but I can probably understand that it is because I have a relationship with the Buddha, right."

Fang Jian laughed as he touched his beard, "Haha, you can teach you a child."

If something is undecidable, it means having a relationship with the Buddha, but there is no reason to say that this is false.

Zhou Shu looked at the extremely evil sword in his hand and said solemnly, "Master, Caiying is really inside? When will it come out?"

Fang Jianshi said, "The monks don’t tell lies. You have to respect Lao Na’s profession. Lao Na saw her in it with his own eyes, the vitality, sword and spirit, etc. are all there, intact, but when he comes out, Lao Na can’t say anything. , But Lao Na can be sure that when she came out, she was definitely better than now."

Zhou Shu paused, "The master meant that she would purify the evil sword from within and turn it into her own use?"

"You know the answer, why don't you ask Lao Na?"

Fang Jian frowned, "She is yours, don't you know what she will do? As a sword repairer, trapped with the enemy, the only thing she can do is to completely defeat the opponent. Otherwise, she cannot control it. It’s impossible for the extremely evil sword to come out again. I don’t even think about it. Do you still have to teach it?"

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled unconsciously, "I know, I just want an answer from the master."

Fang Jian snorted, "It's ridiculous to say that when you defeated the sword of extreme evil, how firm your will was. That kind of willpower blessed your strength, and even the gods and Buddhas have to avoid even the old Na. Feeling ashamed, how come things are done, but they start to talk again and again, asking again and again, being such a child, and even seeking some comfort from Lao Na, so sentimental, how is it like a practitioner?"

With thunderstorms, Zhou Shu's heart was stagnant, and he nodded and said, "It's my fault, thank you for your guidance, I won't need it in the future."

As he slackened, his spirit also slackened, and he began to doubt himself, seeking solace from the outside world.

This kind of thing, only once, can't happen again.

Fang Jian was right. At the moment when the rosary shattered, he did feel that his strength had increased a lot, and his essence had improved. Shu Zhili had surpassed the power of causal reincarnation in an instant for nearly 100,000 years. The evil soul and the sword of extreme evil were also completely suppressed.

Is the blessing of willpower?

When facing the ghost emperor, he initially understood this powerful force, and now he has a more personal experience.

This is a good sign.

If you can maintain this state forever, you don't have to be afraid to face the quasi-sage, but it should be difficult to do so.

Fang Jian suddenly drank, "Don't be in a daze, others are waiting for you, hurry up and end this chaos, Lao Na will also leave."

Zhou Shu bowed and walked to the crowd.

The domain of demon purification has disappeared, Jing Tianshan looked at him with some worry in her eyes, "Brother, Caiying is okay?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "It's okay. The purification is basically over. She is still in the sword. If you don't completely surrender this sword, she will not come out."

"Oh, all right."

Jing Tianshan breathed a sigh of relief and said thoughtfully, "When Fellow Daoist Xu exclaimed just now, I thought something happened to you."

Xu Ran paused, "Perhaps I was wrong. Brother Zhou said that it would be fine if nothing happened, and now the sword is in his hand."

He who was born with the eighth sense naturally saw clearly better than others, more clearly than Zhou Shu. When he saw Caiying being swallowed by the Evil Sword, he couldn't help but exclaimed and attracted other people to ask questions. Especially Ou Ting and Jing Tianshan, but after Zhou Shu stood up, the battle situation quickly changed, and they teased the past.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said warmly, "Thank you, Brother Xu."

Xu Ran frowned, "What is my hard work? If you say that the hard work is also you and Daoist Jing, I just yell, I don't even have a chance to shoot, am I, Daoist Miao?"


A wry smile appeared at the corner of Miao Yue's mouth, "It's the fourth time, huh."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "What is the fourth time?"

Miao Yue looked at Zhou Shu and settled, "It's nothing, City Lord Zhou, sorry."

Zhou Shu became more confused, "What's wrong?"

Miao Yue pondered for a few breaths, and said slowly, "I thought you were a thief who cheated the world, but in fact, I was the one who cheated the world and stolen your name. I sit in a well and watch the sky, and I underestimate other people too much."

It is difficult to describe how she felt when she saw Zhou Shu holding the Evil Sword, and the shock was not enough to express.

Just defeated Caiying, a powerful sword that was no less powerful than his own, but Zhou Shu squeezed it, like a chicken, struggling for hundreds of breaths and didn’t escape, and even absorbed it. It was useless after all the surrounding dead air was gone, Zhou Shu always stood there steadily, as if Taishan did not move, purifying the extremely evil sword little by little... Just now she was surprised by the four elephants' methods of calming souls. However, the four elephants that seemed to be powerful, the soul of the four elephants was broken and failed, while Zhou Shu succeeded with only one hand.

Her surprise and shock are not enough, she can only admire.

Zhou Shu shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Daoist Miao is absurdly praised. In many respects, I am inferior to Taoist Miao. The knowledge of Taoist Miao can never be described as sitting on a well."

Miao Yue nodded stubbornly, "In my opinion it is."

Zhou Shu paused and didn't have time to pester her. He looked at Outing and handed the sword over, "Old Ou, what do you think of this sword now?"

Ou Ting couldn't wait a long time ago, and grabbed it with his eyes light, and carefully rubbed it inch by inch.

Compared with the one hundred thousand years he expected, this seriousness and desire are far from enough, but he, who is old and weak, may no longer be able to bring up this sword to use it~www.ltnovel.com~Consolation The hero of the ancestors.

Time flies quickly, and it seems to be very slow.

"I can't see the devilishness and evil aura at all, and the appearance and material have not changed at all. The purification should have been successful, and it is perfect."

Ou Ting raised his head, with a lot of doubts in his eyes, "But why is it not even a first-grade immortal implement, it seems to be no different from Fantie?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "There are still some finishing touches in it. Once Caiying takes care of it, it will be fine. She used to be a sword spirit, so it's okay."

The current Evil Sword is no different from Fan Tie, because neither the Caiying nor the evil soul of the Evil Sword has control of the sword. This sword currently has no owner and has no magical properties until it has One day, when Caiying steps out, this sword will regain its former strength, and it will abandon all the filthiness of the past and become a true victory over evil, shaking the heavens.

It's definitely Caiying, it can't be an evil soul.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20170908222537279 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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