Fairy Winner

Chapter 3553: Goodbye old friend

"Lu Mo?"

Zhou Shu looked up, startled slightly.

"Lei Shuo!"

With a shout, the sky full of thunder suddenly disappeared without a trace, and a figure slowly fell, it was Zhou Shu's cheap master Lu Mo in Genting City.

At this time, Lu Mo has been very different from the past. Not only is his realm improved by one level, his appearance and temperament are also completely different. He is no longer the sloppy fat man in the past, standing there in a costume with bright eyes. , The look of majesty seems to be slanderous, and his body is still wrapped with flashing lights. At first glance, he is the kind of boss who waved his hand to destroy the world.

Lu Mo stared at the two and said solemnly, "Who are you and how do you know the old man?"

The sound is like thunder, shocking people's hearts.

Xiao Su was a little frightened, shrinking behind Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand, "Congratulations, brother Lu, now the power of prophecy can be activated with the spirit of words."

"Of course, you can only be called a great master if you speak the law easily...No," Lu Mo's face changed slightly, "How do you know the prophecy law of the old man's cultivation? Also, your name is very wrong. Are you looking for death?!"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Because, that was what I told you, without me, you can't even get in the door."


Lu Mo's figure was shocked, his eyes lighted up, and he looked back and forth on Zhou Shu, still not sure, and then he thought of something, suddenly shouted, "Yang Tian, ​​come and beat the old man!"

Zhou Shu couldn't help but stunned, and took a little cover up, seemingly thoughtful, "Can your prophecy still be used for people? But I don't seem to feel much."

"Haha, it really is you!"

Lu Mo strode over and patted Zhou Shu several times hard, unable to hide his joy, "Yang Tian, ​​you have been walking for hundreds of years. If you don't return to the sky, you won't even show up in the cloud board. The old man thought you I left the sect and forgot about Genting City! I finally came back this time, so I can't leave anymore!"

Zhou Shu was stunned and sighed, "Hundreds of years, it is indeed too long."

Lu Mo pulled off his beard and opened his mouth to curse, "Bullshit, which is just a blink of an eye. It's just these years that the old man thinks you have been thinking too hard, so I feel it for a long time."

When meeting Zhou Shu, he seemed to have returned to his past appearance, greasy and rascal, and his demeanor was gone.

Zhou Shu's face turned dark, and he waved his hand quickly, "Don't say such a thing, I can't stand it, it's too numb."

Lu Mo smiled, unable to hide his excitement, "The old man is so happy to see you. I have waited so many years before you can talk to the old man. That's why you said the wrong thing. Don't blame it!"

"It's what I want to be able to talk to fellow Daoist Lu."

Zhou Shu nodded. He has not made progress in the laws of prophecy. He is still in the stage of understanding. He is far from other laws, but there is no way. Although prophecy is not the highest law, the difficulty of perception and cultivation is still among the highest. It is difficult to make progress if he doesn't understand the fate of cause and effect. Now he has realized cause and effect for the first time. If he can talk to someone like Lu Mo who controls the law of prophecy, perhaps his law of prophecy can move forward.

"What are you waiting for, go to me now!"

Lu Mo grabbed Zhou Shu and realized that there was someone behind Zhou Shu. He took a closer look, "This is your Taoist companion? It seems to be a demon cultivator? Good taste, let's go together!"

Xiao Su pursed his lips and smiled, "I am not."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Your nonsense hasn't been corrected yet. Her name is Xiao Su, my friend."

Lu Mo touched his nose, stretched out his hand and pulled Zhou Shu again, "It looks the same to me, so let's go together. I haven't been there for a long time. I have built such a big cave for nothing."

"Fellow Daoist's current skill cultivation base, unique prophecy law, how can no one ask for Tao?"

Zhou Shu paused, and understood something, "Those who want to visit you will be driven away by you."

"Yes, you know, they were ignorant of the old man back then, don't bother the old man now," Lu Mo smiled and pulled Zhou Shu again, "Go away, don't talk about it, I can't wait!"

"Wait, I still have something to ask you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Why is this forbidden land? Also, why did Elder Xiahou here fall, and where did his disciple Yang Bai go?"


Lu Mo was stunned for a while, then patted his head, "The old man was thinking about talking to you, so he almost missed something! Come with me!"

As he said, he strode towards the mountain, Zhou Shu didn't know what he meant, but followed patiently.

At the top of the mountain, Lu Mo stood in front of the exhausted waterfall and yelled, "Go!"

The mountain wall slowly parted from it, revealing a closed door, one zhang three feet high, with a bronze ring of the Zhumen, and two rows of wooden three-point characters written on the door.

Lingtai Fangcunshan, Xianyue Sanxingdong.

Lu Mo turned around with a solemn expression, "Before the elder Xiahou dies, tell me, after you come, let me take you here. I am worried that someone will be robbed first, so I will apply the rules. Now you When it comes, just leave it to you. He said that only you can open it. The old man tried it, and it really didn't work."

Zhou Shu glanced at it and said solemnly, "Is Senior Xiahou dead?"

"There is no other reason. In the last few years, the aging rate was very fast, and it looked like one a day, but I couldn't recognize it later."

Lu Mo hesitated, "I promise you don't want to see his last look. For practitioners, the end of life is the biggest regret. Obviously there is a chance, in the end, you can only watch yourself grow old and live. It's better to end it slowly, it's better to fight hard, alas, practice won't live forever, after all, it is suffering."

"Don't be emotional."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "Where is his disciple Yang Bai?"

"Elder Xiahou drove him away before he died. It may be that Elder Xiahou didn't want to make his loved ones sad, and even disappointed in his practice," Lu Mo spread his hands. "As for where he went, I don't know. I didn't pay attention either, it seems that there is no news from him on the cloud board."

Zhou Shu pondered for a while and saluted, "I understand, thank you Brother Lu."

Lu Mo grabbed his beard and stared at Zhou Shu, "Forget what you call ~www.ltnovel.com~, old man forbearance! You understand, old man still hasn't understood how the door opened? These words have What's the point? The old man used the power of prophecy to recite it hundreds of times without any response."

"Nonsense, Senior Xiahou doesn't practice the laws of prophecy."

Zhou Shu glared back and said in a deep voice, "You get away."

Lu Mo let go for a few steps, but still stared at the door. Zhou Shu didn't care. He walked quickly to the door, and it became clear after a little perception. The mechanism is very simple, but it is a bit of the origin of the Xuanhuang world. Power, but without this original power, even with the power of the highest law, it will only destroy this portal with the contents inside, and nothing will be obtained.

He paused and pushed the door slightly, opening the door.

"how come?!"

Lu Mo's eyes widened and his mouth widened, "How did you do this?"

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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