Fairy Winner

Chapter 3554: 1 wish

Zhou Shubai glanced at him, "You don't understand even after saying it."

Lu Mo snorted, looked through the crack of the door, but couldn't see anything. The area around the door was occupied by Zhou Shu's absolute realm. He couldn't get through it at all. He couldn't help but said, "Damn it, can't the old man go in?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Thank you fellow Daoist for guarding, but Senior didn't say to let you in."

"The old man said."

Lu Mo snorted, turned around and left, "I'm waiting for you down the mountain, don't delay too much time."

Xiao Su hesitated and planned to follow, but Zhou Shu stopped him, "Xiao Su, come with me."

Xiao Su doubted, "Isn't it the predecessor left it specially for you? Can I go in?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "You are destined to come here, otherwise, look at your hand."


Xiao Su raised his hand, his face changed slightly, and the erected leaf couldn't help shaking towards the entrance of the hole, as if he couldn't wait, "This is where it said?"


Zhou Shu nodded, pushed open the door and walked in first, Xiao Su hesitated for a few breaths and followed.

When I entered the door, I smelled a strange fragrance, quietly refreshing, and my mind calmed down unconsciously.


Xiao Su couldn't help being surprised, "The fragrance of Su Hexiang?"

"Sure, you have a similar aura, but it's not as strong as here," Zhou Shu pointed to an incense burner in front of him, seemingly thoughtful. "The whole body is refined by Su Hexiang, and it is already considered a 9th grade immortal implement. ."

Before Zhou Shu could finish, Xiao Su had walked to the incense burner, carefully held it up with both hands, and felt a trace of sadness on his face unconsciously.

Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "Actually, keeping the original colors in this way is not necessarily a bad thing."

"I'm not sad, it's just..." Xiao Su shook his head, "I can't tell you, can you give it to me?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Of course you can, but you don't want to learn how to behave."

Xiao Su was taken aback for a while before he understood what Zhou Shu meant, and shook his head, "Of course not, I am me, she is her."

Zhou Shu nodded and continued walking inside.

The space of the cave is not large, and I walked to the end in a few steps. You can know from the Suhe Incense Burner that this is just the place for Xiahou Zhaoyuan’s usual practice, and it cannot be large. Of course, Zhou Shu did not expect to be surprised here, Xiahou Zhaoyuan He wasn't such a person, even if he had any treasures, he had already given it to Yang Bai.

Excluding the incense burner, there is only one futon in the cave. The authentic Besheng futon is much better than Zhou Shu's.

Sitting on the futon, the body suddenly became hot, and a breath of the mysterious yellow world rose from the futon and spread in all directions.

Looking along the breath, one by one, like bamboo shoots after the rain, slowly appeared on the walls of the cave, as if they had their own lives, with strong will.

After a while, the four walls plus the floor and ceiling were all filled with words.

I'm afraid there are not hundreds of thousands.

Zhou Shu looked at the past line by line, focusing on selflessness.

One person and one demon, immersed in their respective worlds, don't know how long it took.

Zhou Shu stood up.

The speed of standing up was very slow, as if he was under uncountable pressure, but he stood still very steady.

He smiled, "Senior Xiahou, it's about the Xuanhuang Realm, and I will do it."

It seemed that he had received the promise. After Zhou Shu said those words, the writing on the wall flickered, and the light burst for a while, and then disappeared completely, and there was no more word, smooth as a mirror.

Zhou Shu looked at Xiao Su and said warmly, "Xiao Su, can you go now?"


Xiao Su raised his head, but there was a comfortable smile on his tear-stained face.

Tacitly, they didn't ask each other what they saw or got, so they went out and walked down the mountain.

"You two, it will really delay time."

Lu Mo cursed angrily and leaned to Zhou Shu, "What did Elder Xiahou leave for you? Just talk about it."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Wish."

"The law of desire?"

Lu Mo's expression immediately changed, "So he still hides such a good thing? Later, you must tell me that the old man is very interested in the law of desire and should be able to apply it to prophecy!"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not a rule, it's a wish. I hope I can do something for him."

Lu Mo was stunned, and sighed, "The old man thought it was a rule. After a long time, he asked you to do something for him. What did he do so hard? Isn't it just a last wish? Just tell the old man, the old man tells you. You are not over."

"Oh, say that," Zhou Shu stopped and looked at him, "Do you want to know what that is? It's not difficult, but once you know it, you can't do it if you don't want to."

Looking at Zhou Shu’s expression, Lu Mo realized something and thought for a while, “Forget it, Elder Xiahou’s talent cultivation is better than me. What he has not been able to do in his entire life is definitely difficult. Maybe...not to mention it, if the old man takes over this matter, it will be bad if he ends up with the same result."

Zhou Shu glanced at him deeply, then laughed, "You are right."

Lu Mo seemed to heaved a sigh of relief, "Of course it is right. Practice is for longevity. You can't do things that go against your heart. Let's go, it's almost there."

Unconsciously, a few people arrived in front of a big mountain.

Lush and beautiful air floats, everything is reborn, and the weather is extraordinary.

Zhou Shu stagnated slightly, "Compared with before, it is indeed much stronger, and the vitality and immortality are far beyond Miao Chengtian's other places."

"You didn't mention the point," Lu Mo smiled, "Vitality and immortality, I have as much as I want."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "As much as you want?"

Xiao Su curiously said, "I don't believe that immortal energy comes from immortal veins, and vitality comes from the origin of a realm. You can have as many as you want."

"Do not believe?"

Lu Mo snorted and took out a picture from his sleeve.

There is a splendid mountain in the painting, magnificent and splendid~www.ltnovel.com~ The mountains are full of beauty, spring is everywhere, even more beautiful than the mountain in front of us, the vitality is about to overflow, and you can feel full through the scroll. Full of fairy spirit.

Lu Mo looked at the painting, raised his hand to copy out of thin air, his mouth did not fall, "Look at it."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to block it, "Hold on."

Lu Mo frowned and scolded, "Why, don't you believe me, don't you let me demonstrate now?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "I believe it now. You predicted it, but because the power of the law is insufficient, Yan Ling can't achieve the desired effect. You have to compare it with a picture, right?"

"Just know what to do in such detail?"

Lu Mo looked a little sad, "Do you think it is easy to predict such an environment? The old man can only do this step after practicing for a long time, and it is not always effective... If you talk too much, it will be boring, you It’s good to understand. In short, the vitality of immortality here is real now, and even more old men have it."

Zhou Shu shook his head and pointed to the picture, "I didn't ask this, I wanted to ask, where did you get this painting?"

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