Fairy Winner

Chapter 3556: Not long ago

More than a month passed quickly.

Looking at Xiao Su standing still on the edge of the cliff, Zhou Shu walked over gently, "Xiao Su, what are you doing?"

"Ah, are you finished talking?"

Xiao Su was startled, turned around and smiled, and pointed his arm, "Look, it's here."

The longer Su Hexiang, the better, there are already seven or eight leaves, the top one has passed the wrist, the leaf is trembling slightly, crystal clear, shining emerald green luster, it looks like a vivid to stunning tattoo, if Really tattooed, maybe it's better.

Zhou Shu paused, "Is nothing wrong?"

Xiao Su shook his head and smiled, "What can happen? It's just a little slower to cultivate, but now that there is an incense burner, it can be made up completely, do you think that if this continues, I will become a tree?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "I'm a little worried, I don't know much about Yaozu, and I don't know what your situation is."

"Other demons are from trees to people, I am from people to trees, hehe, it's not a bad thing."

Xiao Su didn't care. He looked at Zhou Shu and said with a smile, "If I really become a tree, you must not make me a magic weapon. It's better to plant me in a rich fairy. In the future, I will repay you when I transform into a demon. At that time, I think I must have completely gotten rid of the devil world, and it won't take you to bother."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, even though he knew that this kind of thing could not happen.

Xiao Su seemed thoughtful, "What about him, that crazy senior."

Zhou Shu sighed unconsciously, "It may be an epiphany, this guy is really a genius in terms of prophecy."

Over the past month or so, he has made great progress, from understanding to transparency, and although Lu Mo's realm has not changed, in Zhou Shu's view, his progress must be greater than his own.

Speaking of the law of prophecy, it is indeed a very magical law. To a certain extent, it is similar to Shu Zhidao.

Like Shu Zhili, the laws of prophecy can also create a variety of laws. The level of power is the same as that of the laws of prediction. Lumo controls the laws, and the power of other laws created by his prophecy is also in control. The degree is quite tough.

Only on the surface.

The creation of the law of prophecy is actually to guide. For example, the previous sky full of thunder light is that the power of prophecy guides the power of thunder scattered in the realm and even the border here, thus forming a daunting divine thunder. The same is true for the vitality of the immortal energy in the cave. The power of prophecy is guided by prophecy. These powers exist. If this world and the surrounding world do not have these powers, the power of prophecy will not be effective. Of course, if The prophecy law of the practitioner is strong enough, and the surrounding area can continue to expand until hundreds of realms, and even the heavens and all realms, to the level equivalent to a saint, there is no difference between the guidance and creation of the power of prophecy. .

The power of law created by Shu Zhidao is switching.

Shu Zhi Dao itself contains many laws in it. Shu Zhi Li can switch to different laws of power at any time, or several combined laws of power, just like a thing has countless forms. Limited by the world, it can be done at any time.

Of course, this is not to say that Shuzhi Dao is definitely better than prophecy.

For example, with a thousand-weight thunder power, Zhou Shu needs a thousand-weight Shuzhi power to switch to get the same thunder power, but Lu Mo is different, he needs to obtain a thousand-weight thunder power , It may only need dozens or even a few orders of magnitude of prophecy.

——This is the reason why he can cause great destructive power even though he does not store a lot of prophetic power.

It is also because Miao Chengtian is one of the thirty-three days in the ancient times. It has a strong roots and countless various laws and powers. Here, Lu Mo is very advantageous. However, if you change the small world of Outland Xiancheng, that would be a big trouble.

The quality of the law lies in the practitioner himself.

In addition, Shu Zhidao has a great advantage in one aspect, surpassing many laws.

That is Shu Zhi Dao itself deliberately expands infinitely. As long as Zhou Shu understands other laws, he can incorporate this law into Shu Zhi Dao, including the laws of prophecy, and there are many more to use different laws. Changes, such as using the law of reincarnation, Shu Zhidao can even incorporate magic into Shu Zhidao's system, which is incredible.

The law of prophecy, however, cannot be guided by all the power of the law, such as the power of annihilation, which is a painful hand for the law of prediction.

Of course, the power that can guide most of the laws in the heavens is worthy of the high-order laws.

By the way, there is a big difference between the law of desire and the law of prophecy. Desire is born from the heart, pure and powerful, and can be achieved without the help of other forces. In essence, it is a level higher than prophecy.

Xiao Su looked at Zhou Shu, "Oh, then are we waiting here?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Wait, he has such an epiphany, who knows how long it will take, this time we come to Miao Chengtian, we have something to do, and seeing Lu Mo is something outside of our plan, we can't delay it too long."

"Well, then go down the mountain."

The two quickly went down the mountain and moved on.

As if thinking of something, Xiao Su paused, "Do you really want to find that place when you want his painting?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "What do you think?"

Xiao Su shook his head, "It doesn't look like it. Although Xianqi has a lot of vitality, it is not uncommon for Xianshucheng to want something similar. Why bother to stay close and farther? Besides, the heavens are so big, where to find it, maybe that place has long been there. It’s changed, no longer what it used to be."

"It's not that it's changed, but it's gone."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed and slowly said, "Actually, I know where it is, but it's gone now."

Xiao Su didn't speak, but looked at Zhou Shu, pretending to be listening.

Zhou Shuwen said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Don’t lie to you, there is one of the 36 largest caves in the Xuanhuang world, Taibai cave sky, this cave sky disappeared 100,000 years ago, and this painting was not long ago The finished painting...is exactly the same as the cave sky one hundred thousand years ago, and there are no missing details. According to the truth, no matter in the Xuanhuang world or in the heavens, very few people have seen the cave sky. The same is true for people, so I really want to know who painted this picture and why he understood the past Xuanhuang world. "

"No wonder, this is really weird."

Xiao Su pondered for a few breaths, with some doubts in his eyes, "But how do you know that this painting is exactly the same as the cave sky 80,000 years ago? Have you seen it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Yes, I saw it not long ago."

One hundred thousand years ago, he could see the cave sky clearly. In the final analysis, he was bestowed by Xiao Kun. It originated from a wave in the long river of reincarnation, and in that wave, he saw more than the sky in the cave. , And a saint.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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