Fairy Winner

Chapter 3557: Chongbao appeared

With that said, Zhou Shu opened the picture.

It was exactly the same as the scene in memory, except that one saint was missing.

The power of reincarnation is attached to it, and a lot of information enters the sea of ​​consciousness, covering up and contemplating, and understanding.

The person who painted this painting is a golden fairy named Li Shaozhu. His painting skills have reached the level of magical skills. The entire painting process, such as clouds and water, fairy vitality, etc., are naturally integrated into it, without a trace. Obscure, Zhou Shu was very intoxicated. Of course, Zhou Shu didn't forget what he was going to do. Li Shaozhu should be a disciple of Linglongtian, and judging from the place where the picture scroll was generated, most of it did not come from Luojia Realm, but Linglongtian.

Linglongtian is the great sect of the heavens, and it is said that it may replace the Ten Thousand Soul Sect as one of the sects in charge.

As far as Zhou Shu knows, Linglongtian only accepts female disciples, but this Li Shaozhu is a male cultivator, which is doubtful.

It happened to be in the fairy world, and sent a question to the cloud board to find the answer.

Soon, after paying ten cloud cents, Zhou Shu got the result.

Linglongtian does not accept male disciples, but female disciples’ Taoists can enter Linglongtian. They do not belong to Linglongtian’s true disciples, but they can use Linglongtian’s resources and environment for cultivation, and they cannot enter the realm of Linglonglong. Stay and live in Linglong.

However, this is the case of other male cultivators, and this Li Shaozhu is an exception.

Li Shaozhu is a newly emerging celebrity, a rare practitioner promoted by Tao, and it is not a Tao, but the five Taoisms of poetry, calligraphy, painting, piano and chess.

It is said that when the five ways are separated, there are still some people in the entire immortal world who can compare him, but when the five ways are combined, no one can compare him.

There is poems and books in the belly, and a person has five kinds of Dao to accompany him, so naturally he has no temperament to say.

Li Shaozhu did not join any sect, but many sects in the fairy world are proud of inviting Li Shaozhu to paint inscriptions for him. Linglongtian is no exception, and may be one of the more persistent ones. Li Shaozhu often lives in Linglong most of the time. Heaven, and you can enter the small and small realm without restriction.

Why did such a celebrity draw the Xuanhuangjie Dongtian 100,000 years ago?

Zhou Shu couldn't understand it, and couldn't continue to find answers on the cloud board. Linglong Realm couldn't go to it for the time being, but it wasn't a big problem. He would make a cloud voice later and entrust Xiaozhao to think about it.

Putting away the picture scroll, Zhou Shu shook his head, "I don't know for the time being, let's do something first."

Xiao Su nodded, "But I don't even know what to do."

"Follow me and you'll know."

Zhou Shu checked the direction and swept forward quickly.

The distance of millions of miles would not be long before Zhou Shu and Xiao Su arrived in front of a barren rift valley.

Xiao Su felt out, "There seem to be many people inside?"


Zhou Shu felt it early, but he was very strange. How could there be so many people suddenly appearing in this barren land where there is almost no immortality, and there are even three quasi-sages among them.

"Ha, here comes someone again!"

"It seems that our Miaocheng Realm is not so desolate. It can gather so many people if something happens."

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I always felt that our Miaocheng Realm had already been abandoned by the Immortal Realm, haha!"

Hearing the words inside, Zhou Shu smiled bitterly and walked in with Xiao Su.

In the rift valley with a radius of less than five hundred miles, there were at least thirty or fifty people. Some gathered in twos and threes, and some stood apart. They looked relaxed, but in fact everyone was ready to do it at any time. Preparation, almost murderous everywhere.

As soon as Zhou Shu and Xiao Su entered, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Especially Xiao Su, those wings are indeed too attractive.

But after seeing their cultivation level clearly, many people turned around, showing a little disdain, and some people moved closer.

"Fellow Daoist felt it too?"

A middle-aged Hunyuan Golden Immortal came over, slender and lanky, with a compliment, "In Xiaxuan Yumen with hairy wings, which sect belongs to the Taoist fellow?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "What did you perceive?"

"Hehe, what else can I hide when all the dao friends are here."

Mao Youyi laughed dryly, and pointed to the distance, "What else can it be? Of course Zhongbao has appeared."

Zhou Shu stopped, "Huh?"

This is not a pretense. He is indeed here to look for treasures. Why did he become alive before he opened the search?

"Still hiding, Fellow Daoist is really not a good person."

Mao Youyi shook his head slightly, and he was about to leave, but he turned around after not taking two steps, "It's okay, then I'll follow fellow Daoist, and fellow Daoist must be here because I felt it was a month ago. Abnormal, right? It's strange to say that the Miaocheng Realm has always been very stable, almost the same as the Dead Realm, but one day more than a month ago, a large number of different kinds of law powers surged out, forming visions everywhere. "

Zhou Shu seems to understand something, "here is the source?"

Mao Youyi nodded again and again, "Yes, dozens of different powers of laws have collectively appeared. Everyone traced their roots and found that those abnormal powers all ran out of this rift. Do you think there are any treasures here? ?"

Zhou Shu paused and sighed, "Well, I did come because of it, but I didn't expect so many people to perceive it."

"You should be able to perceive only one or two special powers of the law, so I think I have discovered it, and I want to come and try my luck by myself," Mao Youyi laughed a few times, feeling grief, "I also thought Only I can perceive it and get a great opportunity. After all, those visions can’t be perceived without understanding the power of the law, but where I know, many people have perceived it, and the perceived power is different for each person. That is to say, here The treasures of this world are related to at least forty or fifty laws, many of which are high-order laws, even the highest ones!"

Mao Youyi became excited when he said that, and his voice became much louder.

Someone looked at him with an unhappy expression, he was still a quasi-sage, Mao Youyi quickly apologized and saluted, and his voice was lowered a lot, "In short, this is the situation now, everyone has been together for more than a month~www.ltnovel.com~ The first came later, and I have played dozens of games, but now there is no victory or defeat. I can only discuss how to divide the treasure in it. Xuanyumen is not a big sect, and I don’t know a few people. , I saw that fellow Daoists had a very good face. It was about the same situation as mine. It’s better to be together. When the time comes, we can also divide more."

He looked at Zhou Shu and said frankly, "I have spoken very sincerely. It depends on what the fellow daoists mean."

"Friends of the Taoists are quite right."

Zhou Shu laughed and teased, but secretly sighed in his heart.

This is really a reverse opportunity from heaven. He was definitely not here because he had sensed something a month ago, but because he had known that there are important treasures here, so he came. If there were no such visions, he could take it quietly. Go Zhongbao, and now? So many people know that if you want to take away the treasure, I am afraid that it will take a lot of setbacks, and you may not even get it.

I am afraid that one person must be blamed for all this.

Lu Mo.

(PS: Thank you Le Yadao for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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