Fairy Winner

Chapter 3558: Can't afford

From the perspective of time, the time of those visions should be the moment when the pool of prophecy broke.

The cracked pool of prophecy released a large amount of prophetic power at that time. These prophetic powers sensed the traces Lu Mo usually left, such as randomly drawn beasts, written characters, etc., and began to exert its power, thus The power of the surrounding laws was greatly mobilized...The various powers that were originally buried in this rift valley were also mobilized, and then many visions were formed in the realm.

As a result, the practitioners of Miaocheng Realm have been traced here all the way.

And without Lumo's pool of prophecy, the power of these laws would lie in it perfectly, and would not be guided at all.

As for how Zhou Shu knew that there was a treasure here, it was because of the gift of the Gladiator City Lord.

The green holy jade spoon covered with blood spots.

The jade key that was contested by countless cultivators was the key to unlock a secret place. Through the law of reincarnation, Zhou Shu saw that the secret place was in Miaochengtian. This was his second purpose for coming to Miaochengtian, otherwise why Once you have entered the fairy world, you will come directly to Miao Chengtian.

Of course, it’s not all to blame Lu Mo. If Zhou Shu went to the Vault first and then to Xiahou Zhaoyuan, there would be no such problem.

But who can think of it?

From Zhou Shu's point of view, the importance of finding Xiahou Zhaoyuan is beyond the secret.

In the final analysis, it is all causal, and the pros and cons of chance are not predictable in advance.

"You knew it?"

Xiao Su looked at Zhou Shu with some complaints, "When did you perceive the vision, don't tell me."

Zhou Shu shook his head and reluctantly explained a few words, "I am not familiar with Miao Chengtian, and I don't perceive anything..."

Xiao Su laughed unconsciously, "Ha, it turns out that's the case, it's fun now."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Is this fun too?"

Xiao Su nodded seriously, "It’s better to have an opponent to compete, than if two people are bored to search for treasures. Besides, what treasures do you need now? Dealing with the strong may be more valuable and the competition is fiercer. The benefits are often greater."

Zhou Shu looked at her, "Aren't you afraid of something? There are several quasi-sages here."

Xiao So measured him and shook his head, "You are not like someone who is afraid of accidents. You can't get out of Xishan Realm at first. As for me, don’t worry, I encounter similar situations every day in the Devil Realm. There are many more benefits than this."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu laughed, "I still miss the feeling of first entering the Demon Realm."

Xiao Su's face suddenly became cold, "Looking forward? Missing me killing someone?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In the Demon Realm, everyone is the same, and Xianshu City is not comfortable."

Xiao Su paused, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Compared with the Demon Realm, Xianshu City is a heaven."

"I said friend..."

Mao Youyi on the side looked at the two of them, feeling a little unbearable. Although he couldn't hear what they said, he wouldn't have anything to do with him if he wanted to. "What are you planning? Do you want to join me? ?"

Zhou Shu looked at him and said slowly, "Sorry, I haven't told fellow Taoists yet, my name is Yang Tian, ​​I am a disciple of Genting City."

"Genting City?"

Mao Youyi's eyes changed at once. It was very complicated, awe and irritability, and he said, "Friends of the Taoist did not say too early, but I will explain it for a long time. If it is Genting City, there will be a quasi-sage of yours. , You can go there."

"I didn't plan to go there."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I don't know him, so why should I share the benefits with him, but fellow Taoists are willing to tell me so much, I think you are good."

Miao Chengtian’s greatest power is Genting City. There is a quasi-sage of Genting City here. It’s not surprising at all. It’s been a month, and there is no news of a heavy treasure here on the cloud board. It seems that the quasi-sage has no hope of the sect. The people in the door have a share.


Mao Youyi was stunned, and smiled bitterly, "The Daoist's words make me very pleased, but how does it sound like saying that the treasure here is already a Daoist? What the Daoist said does not mean it, haha ."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "It doesn't matter whether it is or not, if you are willing to come, I will share with you."

Mao Youyi hesitated for a while, and whispered, "The fellow Daoist is from Genting City, and he looks down on his fellow quasi-sages. Presumably his background and strength must be good. Then I will be attached to Jiwei. It may not be of much help, but protection A fellow Taoist fellow, it should be okay."

Xiao Su smiled, "You protect me? Thank you so much."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Family Daoist thinks so, that would be great. Do you have anyone you know well? For example, your fellow Xuanyumen?"

Since meeting is predestined, he doesn't care about sending out more.

Mao Youyi hesitated, "There were a few, but they all left."

Xiao Su looked at him, "Really gone?"

As if he had noticed some pressure, Mao Youyi unconsciously avoided the bright and sharp gazes. However, his heart still couldn't help shaking, and he followed the road, "We were originally five, but two died. Two, I was the only one who was beaten away."

Xiao Su paused, "Then why did you stay?"

Mao Youyi sighed, "Where is the chance to meet so well, I'm leaving, maybe this will be the case in this life, it's better to fight for it."

Xiao Su nodded, showing some approval, "Yes, you have a chance to live in the Demon Realm."

"Devildom? Fellow Daoist, what are you talking about... hehe."

Mao Youyi was startled, but when he looked at Xiao Su, he felt that he shouldn't go on, so he laughed dryly.

Zhou Shu looked at Xiao Su, with a hint of worry in his eyes, "Xiao Su, your suppression of your mind seems to be a unique method of the Demon Race?"

Xiao Su was very calm, "I learned something from the Demon Race, but I use the power of the Demon Race. Don't worry, I will never get any more magic power. I can use both Demon World's magic arts and Demon Race's magic arts. , But there is only one kind of power."

Zhou Shu nodded, "That's fine, but how do you do it, the magic arts of the demon clan can be used with other powers? I have never heard of this kind of thing. The magic power is very special, even my Shu Zhi Power is just borrowing magic power, and it can’t really turn into magic power, even simulation can’t be done.”

Xiao Su thought about it for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know, it will happen naturally, maybe it is because of my physical condition? "

What did Zhou Shu think of, "When I get the incense burner, I will?"

Xiao Su shook his head and groaned, "It can only be said that after getting the incense burner, it has been smoother, and I have already had this ability, and I have been using it. For example, when planting trees, you always Did not notice."

Zhou Shu did not apologize, "I said it was my reason, sorry."

"I'm sorry, you are too weird."

Xiao Su smiled, "A fellow like you, I didn't need to borrow my power, but when I really need it, I will try not to leave your hind legs. By the way, Zhou Shu, you don't think, After so many years in Xianshu City, I can only plant trees and lose everything else?"

When the two spoke, Mao Youyi stood pitifully on the side.

Although he couldn't hear it, he didn't dare to intervene anymore, he could see that these two were both unprovoking people.

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