Fairy Winner

Chapter 3563: Jade break

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Zhou Shu stood up.


   glanced around, smiled, "Let everyone wait a long time."


   Li Huayu smiled slightly, "Don’t rush or rush, it’s best to take your time, and it’s not easy to go wrong. Of course, I’m not saying that little friends will go wrong.”


   "Thank you fellow daoists."


   Zhou Shu took out three light blue jade charms, "San Xian, please come and get them."


  The Three Sages of Liangshan came over, bowed to Zhou Shu, took the jade symbol, and looked at it carefully. After a few breaths, his face became very solemn, "Friend Yang, I didn't expect you to really make it."


   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "How many can tell the truth?"


   "As a descendant of Liangshan Palace, if you can't even do this, then you are really ashamed of your ancestors, thank you fellow daoists."


A few people bowed and thanked them again, with a lot of doubts on their faces, "The formation method to open the secret store should be the secret of the Liangshan Palace. It has been lost in the heavens, and even the original jade key cannot be copied. Come out, unless the Daoist has also learned the **** of Liangshan Palace... Is there a connection between the Daoist and Liangshan Palace?"


   "That's it."


   Zhou Shu nodded and looked solemnly, "I have learned something by chance, and it has helped me a lot. Therefore, I am very grateful to Liangshan Palace, and I admire a few of them. I hope I can have a chance to talk to them in the future."


   The three sages raised their hands, "If you are destined to see you again, definitely, let’s say goodbye for now."


   They got the jade talisman, and their mood became more and more urgent. They quickly walked to the depths of the rift valley. No one blocked them. Most people's attention was in Zhou Shu's hands. There were two jade talisman there.




   There was a muffled sound, and the ground suddenly cracked, revealing a large hole, seemingly shining through.


   When no one is bothering, it is not difficult to find the location of the secret.


   Liangshan Sanxian glanced at each other and jumped down without hesitation.


   Li Huayu was so distraught that he couldn't help but said, "Little friend Yang, the jade charms you promised me, give me quickly, don't let them grab the top spot."


Zhou Shu said calmly, "Friend Li, there is nothing to worry about. Liangshan Palace is not only a strange man, and there is not only one mechanism in the secret store. There are traps everywhere. Someone will go in and open the way for you. Is it a good thing?"


   "Hehe..." Li Huayu smiled and shook his head, "But they are familiar with each other."


   Zhou Shu followed with a smile, "Do you believe that they are descendants of Liangshan Palace? Then you shouldn't fight for their treasures, haha."




   Li Huayu's face changed slightly, "Isn't my little friend going to make a mistake?"


   "Of course not. As a disciple of Genting City, doing what you say is a rule you must follow."


   Zhou Shu looked at Mao Youyi not far away. Because of the symbolism, Mao Youyi took the initiative to walk away, "Daoyou Mao, come here."




  Mao Youyi pointed at himself, believing it in doubt.


   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I promised to share your chance, and I will naturally go with you."


  Mao Youyi happily approached, "I know that fellow daoists talk about friendship, I don’t want anything, just pick up a little along."


   "How can that be called chance?"


   Zhou Shu picked up a jade charm and gave it to him, "You take this."


   "This is not a chance!"


  The hairy winged rabbit jumped away and didn't pick it up at all. "Daoyou Yang, you are harming me like this. I will go down with the jade talisman. I'm afraid I will be killed in minutes. Where is the chance?!"


   "Hold it and hold it. If someone protects you, there will be no accident."


   Zhou Shu put the jade talisman in the palm of his hand, turned to Li Huayu and said, "Friend Li Daoyou should understand, right?"


Li Huayu's thoughts turned, but he still didn't understand, and his face was very ugly, "You give him the jade talisman and let me take him to the secret store? This secret store itself is very difficult. There are still people competing, but you have to Let me bring a dragger, then what use is it for me to go in?"


   "It's better than not going in."


Zhou Shu didn't look at him and turned to Mao Youyi. "This jade symbol is enough to protect the two of you. Remember, you must be ready to crush it at any time. Don't do this..." He glanced at Li Huayu. He continued, "Most of your life cannot be saved. Of course, if you crush it, you may not be able to save your life, but you may also drag a quasi-sage to die with you. You decide what to choose, and take it if you want. ."




Mao Youyi thought for a few breaths, and suddenly grabbed the jade talisman in his hand, and said with a long smile, "I want it! How can I fight for it? It's better to get in than to waste time outside. I'm not that way. Long time!"


   Zhou Shu nodded approvingly, "Then you go with Daoyou Li."


  Mao Wing saluted, with a solemn expression, "Thank you Daoist Yang, if you are lucky enough to get a chance, I will definitely return."


   Watching Mao Youyi walk away, Xiao Su said unconsciously, "He really fits the Demon World."


   "You... don't say anything."


  Mao Youyi froze, and looked back at her with a wry smile.


   Li Huayu couldn't wait a long time ago, holding up Mao Youyi, and the two hurriedly flew towards the big hole, disappearing instantly.


Zhou Shu straightened his sleeves, looked at the last jade symbol in his hand, and sighed, "It's a pity, the materials are really insufficient, so I can only make five. If anyone has a Taoist instrument, I can barely make it again. One sheet."


   Wang Baizhan couldn't help it anymore, and looked at Zhou Shu and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, who is still here with Taoism?!"


   Zhou Shu smiled, "The Taoist friends are really anxious, haven't they been able to get the Taoist tools for tens of thousands of years?"


   Wang Baizhan sneered, "Do you think it's so good? As long as you can get an instrument that can be used, the old man will never be on the celestial list!"


   "It takes Dao Qi to enter the celestial pole list... well, forget it."


   Zhou Shu looked at the friendly Wang Baizhan and Zhang Qiansheng, "Speaking of which, haven't the two of them decided the winner yet? I only have one jade symbol here?"


   "Don't bother Yang Daoyou please~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhang Qiansheng paused, and said slowly, "I don't want to be fooled by your instigation, Wang Daoyou has already given me enough compensation, I don't care. "


   "No wonder it's so urgent, it's already been decided, so let's take it."


   Zhou Shu smoothly tossed it, and a jade talisman flew past the unreliable imperial king Baizhan.


   Everyone looked at the jade charms flying in front of them, with a look of envy, and they wanted to let their eyes fly out and touch the jade charms.


   Seeing that Wang Baizhan was about to be in front of him, Zhang Qiansheng suddenly stretched out his hand and caught him.


   Wang Baizhan's face changed suddenly and he shouted, "Zhang Qiansheng, what are you doing?!"


Zhang Qiansheng firmly grasped the jade talisman and said with a calm expression, "Friend Wang Dao, I have no interest in your fairy city. Besides, you don't think I really gave up, do you? We are a quasi-sage, but It's hard to meet chance."




   Wang Baizhan stood there, and the pressure began to rise. The only two Hunyuan Jinxians behind him were not noticed for a while, and they were shot off.


   "You have to do it, and I will play with you when I come out."


   Zhang Qiansheng smiled, his body turned into a beam of light, and in the blink of an eye he went into the cave in front of him.


   (PS: Thank you, old angels, for your continued support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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