Fairy Winner

Chapter 3564: standard

Zhou Shu spread his hands, "Friend Wang, your obsession is not deep enough, I thought you would come and get it."


"you do this delibrately!"


Wang Baizhan looked at Zhou Shu and didn’t mean to stop the pressure. The Absolute Realm continued to spread out. The practitioners on the side could no longer stand. They quickly saved a clean. Of course, he didn’t go far. Look at the excitement.


   "Whatever you want."


   Zhou Shu looked at him, still smiling, "Now what are you going to do now? What price do you plan to pay to get a talisman?"


   Wang Baizhan looked up to the sky and smiled, "Hahaha, now that the opponents are gone, what formation talisman do I need? It will be enough if you want!"


   Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Oh, fellow Daoist is going to grab me into the secret store?"


   "If you don't want to die, just follow me."


   Wang Baizhan's voice became colder, "Now there is no one to protect you, no one to contain me, I don't care whether there is a talisman, I can take care of you."


   "Then you try."


   Zhou Shu looked at him calmly, and quietly pulled Xiao Su closer.


  The scope of the furnace outside is not large, and he doesn't want the people around him to be hurt.


Wang Baizhan looked at Zhou Shu with sword-like eyes, and his pressure increased a bit, and his voice was louder, like thunderously, "You think this is the area of ​​Genting City, the old man dare not do it? As a quasi-sage, I don’t care about any rules at all! Tell you, I have killed thousands of ignorant idiots like you! Yang Tian, ​​you still can’t come?!"


   Zhou Shu looked at him with a strange look.


   Xiaosu glanced at Wang Baizhan, "Speaking so much without doing anything, it's just stern, you won't live in the Demon Realm for a few years."


"what did you say?!"


   Wang Baizhan's face turned a lot darker, "The old man's name is Baizhan. How can he be a stern person, you are looking for death!"


"Oh," Xiao Su sighed, "It is because I am afraid of fighting that I will use a hundred battles to make up for my guilty conscience. You are almost the same as the one called Qian Sheng. You are obviously afraid of death, but you have to pretend Very powerful, two quasi-sages, after more than a month, they were still wrangling at the door. It's ridiculous. Those who are really not afraid of death have long been beaten up and darkened. I am afraid that no matter how many secrets they are, they will be shot out."


"you wanna die!"


   Wang Baizhan was a little mad, he just raised his hand and grabbed it.


   A big khaki hand appeared out of thin air and instantly enveloped most of the sky.




   The sound of gold and stone.


   seemed to be caught on a rock, his big hand couldn't shake Xiao Su, and he shook it a few times and put it back.


Wang Baizhan's mind tightened. The copper-colored light on Xiao Su's body seemed calm, but as unbreakable as in charge of a sect, and was clearly covered by the power of his own law, the light was still radiating outward, constantly dispelling his own. power……


  In this situation, he seems to have known each other.


   He couldn't help taking a half step back, but soon realized something and stood back again.


   "Hey, I'm not dead yet."


   Xiao Su opened his eyes and smiled, "I was scared to death. I thought I was really going to be caught by you."


   Wang Baizhan stood there and said coldly, "Do you think the old man is really that easy to be fooled by you? This is where the Genting City is located. Killing you, the old man is not easy to explain, goodbye!"


   After speaking, no one was seen, nor did he enter the secret store.




   Xiao Su shook his wings and looked at Zhou Shu, "My fox is fake, isn't it good?"


   Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Hehe, I thought it was going to be a fight."


Xiao Su paused and said, "These three quasi-sages are far inferior to seeing those people without prejudice. They are not a 100% chance. They will not rush to take action. You have shown your ability before, and you have Genting City standing behind you. There is only the courage to try once or twice. If you don't see it, you will naturally run away."


   Zhou Shuwen said, "You're pretty accurate, but you don't have to mention the devil world every time, it's easy to be misunderstood."


   Xiaosu just shook his head, "That's not good, this is my standard, and I only have this one now."




   Zhou Shu smiled and didn't care.


   Xiao Su said thoughtfully, "But in fact, I am also surprised. I am obviously a quasi saint. Why are they so timid?"


"I didn't understand it before, but I understand it a little bit now," Zhou Shu said slowly, "This kind of quasi-sages are all made through hard work. The life is endless, and they gradually lose courage and determination. There is the consciousness of practitioners who give up their lives at any time. After all, not everyone has the possibility of sanctification. Why should we give up all the previous efforts for the last step? When encountering an opponent who can compete with them, unless they encounter that kind Make sure that you have the opportunity to greatly improve, or else you can avoid the war."


   Xiaosu thought for a while, "Yes, when you reach this state, just keep it and do what you can do."


   "Not all quasi saints are like them."


Zhou Shu shook his head, "Some people want to be holy and look down upon the heavens and all beings, some want their way to be one of the choices of all the heavens, and some want their sect to stand forever in the heavens. At the top of the sky, some people want their race to reproduce the glory of the past, some people want to leave a great trace that will never be obliterated... This kind of people may account for more than half, such as those on the celestial list, absolutely I won’t admit that the quasi-sage is my end."


   Xiaosu looked at him, "Which one are you inside?"


Zhou Shu pondered for a few breaths, "Apart from Tao, other things may or may not be. In short, go on according to your own ideas and go to the end. Wherever you go, you will not stop because of anything, and you will die. Can't stop."


   Xiaosu thought for a while, sighed, "For me, it's a bit too far."


Zhou Shu laughed, "Don't say such things now. After you hit the road, you will no longer care about where the end point is. When you turn around one day, you will find that you have taken a long road that you never thought of before. , And the remoteness that I said before has long since become the past under my feet."


   Xiaosu looked at him and waved his wings, "Stop, stop, I just want to go back and take a look."




   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Then let's go."


   Xiao Su questioned, "Ah, don't you stay and see what they got?"


   Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not your chance, why bother."


   Xiao Su said unconsciously, "You really didn't plan, I thought you..."


   "Okay, okay, don't be so dark."


Zhou Shu frowned and said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Someone must be here to fight the ideas of those Depot people, waiting for an opportunity to **** it, but I am not, Miao Chengtian's affairs are over, it is time to go to the next goal, this time We don't have much time to waste in the fairy world. "


   "Then go."


   Xiaosu didn't say much, the two left the Rift Valley one after another, in the surprised eyes of many people.


   Those who stayed to watch the excitement all saw Wang Baizhan's shot at Xiao Su and then escaped. They couldn't hide their shock. To say that Yang Tian was very strong, how could a winged demon cultivator around him be so powerful.


   "I remember one thing, without us, Mao Youyi's treasure might be taken away by others."


   "That means he is still not suitable for the Demon World."




   (ps: thank you book friends 20170908222537279 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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