Fairy’s Box

Chapter 485: night raid

Brave Town - Brave Hotel.

All the members of the White Crow mercenary group were sleeping soundly. Since the security of the town has always been in place, the new mayor is a legendary knight of natural disasters, so they will no longer watch the night and sleep comfortably.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound outside, and the violent explosion shook the entire hotel.

"what happened!"

The four of them broke out in cold sweat at the same time and jumped up from the bed.

"Who dares to make trouble in our town?"

Wayne quickly ran to the edge of the window and looked ahead with the heat of the howling flames. He saw that the town administration building in the center of the town had turned to ashes, and the surrounding ground had sunk five or six feet, revealing black paint. Paint the foundation.

"Such a destructive force..."

Hill shrank his head, a stunned expression on his face.

"Who would be so crazy, doesn't he know who the lord here is?" Kassan Dai subconsciously held the Silver Snake Staff to his chest, looking at the town administration building that had been reduced to ruins, muttered.

"Could it be a monster on the island? I heard that Celtic Island in Rosevia is an island of monsters." Martin said with a frown.

"Why did the monster cross the town wall and attack the town hall?" Wayne glanced at him sideways.

Just after they were attracted by the explosion, no one noticed that a figure had passed through the air and landed on the roof of the Brave Hotel.

The figure wrapped in black robe, suddenly pulled out a flashing blade from his waist, and stabbed the brave hotel completely made of volcanic rocks.


Just as the man stabbed the blade down, a half-moon-shaped silver light swept across the sky and slashed directly to his waist, forcing the opponent to raise the sword to the sidebar, and his body was instantly smashed and thrown out. .


A dazzling silver flame suddenly lit up in the ruins, and the huge vitality that was unique to the knights of natural disasters radiated out, instantly shaking the blackened ruins into powder.


In the center of that dazzling flame, a tall figure in full-body armor could be seen vaguely. When she raised her right hand, dozens of half-moon-shaped silver lights covered the night sky, locking in a few fleeing shadows.

"Go to death!"

Nicole shouted in anger, and directly turned into a phantom. The electric light flickered, sliding through the dark space, and chasing the nearest shadow.

If it wasn't for the fact that I just slept in the township building today on a whim, I might have let these **** **** run away.

"It's the armored knight of Roservia! You go first, I will stop her!"

The shadow roared wildly in Celtic language, and his figure suddenly turned around. He pulled out a long sword full of light and rushed towards the female knight.


The sword he swung like lightning slashed on Nicole's gauntlet, and the burning blue flame was quickly suppressed by the silver fighting gas. The female knight resisted the man's slash, and then a knee slammed, slamming the opponent into the street.


The black shadow fell to the floor like a shooting star, smashing the stone floor into a deep place. Without waiting for the smoke and gravel to spread, Nicole's figure suddenly jumped down, and the white mist-colored light surrounded the right arm, and the shining light immediately It penetrated the smoke and the night, and attracted the attention of all the spectators.


The other party's eyes showed horror, and a few pieces of charred internal organs spewed out from his throat, trying his best to support his body, struggling to raise his lightsaber.

However, it was easily smashed by a silver sword light and cut directly into his body. His body shrouded in the black cloak was like a soft straw, and was torn in half by the silver light, and the blood was like a surging spring. , mixed with the internal organs of the human body rushing all over the floor...

Boom boom boom boom!

The half-moon-shaped silver light quickly caught up with the other shadows and shot them down one by one, forcing them to give up their escape and gather in a group to pounce on the female knight.

"None of you want to leave!"

Nicole was bullied by the frog **** just the day before yesterday. Yesterday, she saw the decree of the empire tossing farmers. Today, she was bombed in the township building. It can be said that she was completely pissed.

In the face of eleven lightsabers emitting strange waves, the female knight raised her arms with contempt, and the double-coil springs on the gauntlets suddenly compressed to the limit, accompanied by the hazy sky that stretched out from her. Shadow, dense silver light spots suddenly lit up the night sky.

Bang bang bang bang!

In the face of this power beyond the imagination of mortals, the shadows seemed to see dense lightning in a trance, and even just one encounter, the three people in the front cracked and fell together with the lightsaber in their hands.

"It's amazing, is this the Calamity Knight!?"

In a window of the Brave Hotel, the white crow mercenary group scrambled to look out. In addition to having contact with the natural disaster knight in the tree demon forest once, they had never seen the true strength of the legendary fourth-order knight. . In the face of this natural disaster-like power, even if all the mercenaries in the entire brave town join forces, I am afraid there is no chance to win.


The sharp-eyed Martin suddenly pointed to the side of the female knight. There, a thin figure shrouded in black robes suddenly aimed at Nicole in the fierce battle, and raised a sharp three-edged stabbing sword in his hand.

"Despicable! He wants to sneak attack!"

After seeing this scene, the people of the White Crow Mercenary Group immediately shouted hoarsely:

"Mayor! Be careful behind you!"


At the same time, Nicole felt a tingling in her scalp, and a tremor that she had never felt before came to her heart instantly. This was not fear, but the natural resistance of the living to face death.

Kill that guy first!

The female knight immediately gave up the pursuit, pointed her toes on the ground, her body tore the air directly, and quickly rushed to the source that made her feel the threat of death.

"Piercing her!"

The shadow snorted softly, and instantly raised the rapier.

There was a click of lightning, and a dark blue electric light flashed and stabbed into Nicole's heart in an instant.

Although the female knight could not see where the weapon was going, her powerful instinct as a knight of natural disaster was still there.

But even if she relied on her instinct to dodge, the shadow of death still shrouded her heart. Almost at the same time, the stabbing sword actually adjusted its angle and continued to pierce her heart.


Nicole began to move sideways at an extreme speed. With her strong instinct, she moved seven angles in a row, but the stabbing sword still locked her heart.

Damn it!

Only now did the female knight realize how strange the opponent's weapon was, so she could only pour her vindictive energy into the natural disaster weapon, trying to forcibly resist the piercing sword.

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