Fairy’s Box

Chapter 486: In front of me, you are like a body


Just before the three-edged stabbing sword hit Nicole, a palm suddenly reached her chest, and he leaned forward, holding the blue lightning in his hand.

Ding Ding Ding-!

Once captured, the blue flash was like a poisonous snake that was pinched seven inches.


The female knight saw the figure of the visitor for the first time, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Give this person to me, and you go after the remaining prisoners." Yale said intently, because he came in a hurry, he didn't even wear shoes, bare feet and only a silk pajamas on his body.


Nicole's figure immediately followed the voice shuttle, quickly catching up with the shadows who had fled away.

"Squatting on the ground with your head in your hands, I'll only say it once."

The black-haired knight focused on the thin figure in front of him, the strength in his right hand continued to increase, and he directly squeezed the three-edged stabbing sword and continuously deformed it. With the light sound of the arc splashing, it was completely reduced to a lump of scrap metal.


The other party did not speak, but just drew a long sword from his waist, the hilt was wrapped in a layer of linen, and the silver blade gathered the moonlight, making it burn like a flame.

His knuckles were a little pale because of the excessive force, and his eyes were fixed on the figure in front of him that had no fighting spirit at all.

Compared to this man's actions, Yale's gaze was unusually calm, a kind of ignorance that wasn't even contemptuous. The vindictive body spins wildly, and the feeling of numbness follows the movement of vindictiveness.


There was a woman's miserable howl in the air, which was strange and harsh. At this moment, the entire figure of the shadow suddenly flew out, the lightsaber in his hand flashed, and a silver thread was drawn towards the opponent's heart.

The howl of pain like a woman giving birth continued, rippling in the sky above the town, making people upset, and many of the mercenaries who were watching the battle situation opened their mouths and vomited like motion sickness and seasickness.

Yalei stood there indifferently, stretched out his hand and smashed a punch in the space, hitting the opponent's chest, and suddenly heard a clicking sound on his sternum, and his whole body suddenly retreated rapidly.

The scarlet blood splashed on the slate floor and dyed the cloak of the black shadow red, but at the moment he didn't care about the injury, he turned around and planned to run away.

After three steps like lightning, the speed of the shadow suddenly stagnated, as if he was carrying an invisible boulder, walking slower and slower, but insisted on taking four steps again, could not help bending his body, and spit out a wow. Mouth of blood.

Why is this happening?

A dull growl came from his throat, but before he could struggle to stand up, a figure had already appeared in front of him.

Compared to his size, Yale was like an adult and a half-year-old child, just standing in front of each other, shrouded him in a cold shadow. He threw a punch again, hitting him directly in the face, and the force pouring out of the fist slammed into his forehead, causing the man to faint.

The night sky suddenly sprinkled crystal ice chips, and with the breeze, it rippled into a shining ribbon, and with a light sound of flying through the air, Bruno appeared in the light belt, with two ice sculptures in his hands.

"These two guys couldn't beat Nicole, so they ran away in the direction of the Dryad Forest and were caught by me." He put down the ice sculpture in his hand and said lightly.

"Accidentally killed seven and left two alive, is there any problem?" Nicole and her voice appeared in front of them together, and threw the two people in cloaks to the floor.

"Take it back to the Earl's House and talk about it."

Yale rubbed his swollen eyes and said tiredly.


Earl's House - Crypt tomb.

After the three threw the five surviving mouths into the cellar and knocked them all out, Yale tore off their black robes. Most of these people are burly men with long white muscles and blond hair and blue eyes, with peculiar tattoos on their backs and faces, and unusually developed arms and waist muscles.

Among them, the thinnest intruder also had a straw doll hanging from his waist, which should be the source of the strange noise.

"This tattoo... Why do I seem to have seen it somewhere?" The black-haired knight sat on the edge of the tomb, holding a straw doll in his hand, and said thoughtfully.

"Wake up and ask."

Nicole grabbed a less injured intruder from the ground and looked at him questioningly.

"One by one."


The female knight reached out and slapped the opponent on the face, instantly awakening him.

"You hateful invaders, the true God will not let you go!" He stared at the crowd with resentment, half his cheeks swollen, and roared vaguely in Celtic language.

"What is he talking about?" Nicole and Bruno looked at each other with expressions like they were listening to a book from heaven.

"It's Celtic! They're Celts!"

Yale stared at the tattoo on the other's face, and suddenly realized that he slapped his thigh. No wonder he was so familiar. Which book should he read when he was learning Celtic.

"Celtic?" The two looked at each other again and scratched their hair in shame.

"They were one of the barbarians defeated by the Rosevians, and old adversaries of our ancestors. From about 500 BC, their ancestors invaded and occupied the Celtic islands from the Atrium, One group settled in the highlands, and the rest occupied the southern and eastern Celts today. At about the same time as the invasion of the Celts, some Celts crossed the Rhine into northeastern Gaul, and Live there."

Relying on the fact that he had read a lot of Celtic classics, Yale spoke incessantly, and even the captured invaders looked at him stunned.

"It seems to be very powerful." Nicole said vaguely.

"It's really amazing. In their heyday, they conquered today's Gaul Province, Tarago Province, Apennine Province and other regions, and even Asia Minor has traces of their activities, and they once sacked Alonidan." Lei glanced at the prisoner whose eyes were shining, and said lightly.

"Then why have they almost disappeared now?" After Bruno said this, the Celtic captive immediately showed an angry expression.

"Because of savagery, even if the Celts conquered almost half of the Atrium, they were still a loose tribal federation. Facing the Roservian army organized through strict discipline and advanced tactics, it was only natural that they would be gradually suppressed. ."

Before Yale's words were finished, the prisoner roared angrily in Celtic language:

"Because of your vileness! You Rosevians are liars!"

"Tell him to shut up for a while."

The black-haired knight waved his hand impatiently, and Bruno immediately stepped forward to remove his chin.

"Later, after the death of Emperor Agaric, his successor, Emperor Claudius, led an army of 40,000. It took three years to finally conquer the central and south-central Celtic Island, and almost slaughtered the local Celts. People. However, this barbarian tribe is not completely extinct, they still have kingdoms in the highlands of the northern peninsula, although... they are still like tribal federations and kingdoms."

"You are so knowledgeable!" The two looked at him admiringly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yale laughed proudly. He didn't expect that the knowledge that he had never used after he learned it would shine today. The year he spent at home was really not wasted.

"No more talk, let's start the trial of the prisoner." He coughed a few times and returned to his serious expression.

"Let's get started then." Bruno stepped forward and closed his chin.

"I won't say anything, just torture you." The Celtic prisoner snorted coldly, holding his head high, with an expression that would rather die than yield.

"Is it?"

A golden flame ignited in Yalei's eyes, he raised his right arm, and a suction force came out of his palm, directly sucking the opponent's head:

"You can't hide anything from real fear."

The dark-haired knight's voice gradually became weird, as if there was another invisible figure standing behind him, repeating the same words over and over again.

With the sound waves in his ears, the Celtic invaders felt a trace of icy power invade the body, peeled off his soul and body, and the warmth gradually separated from the body, leaving only endless coldness and loneliness.

In an instant, he saw the sky covered with blood and clouds, the blackened earth covered with blood and sulphur, and the resentful spirits hovering between the heavens and the earth, with nowhere to go and only drifting in the wind day after day.

I don't know how long it took, his soul has been depraved in despair, sinking in the gray fog... Finally, in the endless darkness, he saw a pair of eyes full of golden light, it was definitely not Human eyes, those are the eyes that belong to the king of **** only.

"Oh my god, forgive me." The intruder cried helplessly.


A strange voice suddenly approached, dragging his soul back into his body with an irresistible force.

"It's time to tell me everything."

Yale restrained the origin of his fear, the golden light in his eyes quickly faded, and at the same time he removed his hand from the opponent's forehead.

"You devil."

The intruder fell to his knees crying and pressed his originally high head to the soil.


"Celtic Island has been secretly infiltrated by highland warriors for so many years, and our government has no knowledge of it. Just based on this news, the Celtic Governor should be dismissed."

Nicole looked at the five obedient figures crawling on the ground and said bitterly.

"This is not something we should be concerned about. The current question is, how should we deal with these infiltrators." Bruno looked at Yale who was bowing his head in contemplation, and suddenly gritted his silver teeth:

"Just let us take action and kill all these people."

"Public execution."

The black-haired knight raised his head, his pupils flashed with cold light, and said slowly and firmly: "Notify everyone that after three days, we will publicly execute this group of intruders."

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