Fairy’s Box

Chapter 489: inhabitants of hell

As soon as Nicole's figure stepped back, the three intruders in front had already swooped in from different directions. At the same time, a strange cold light flashed around again, penetrating through the air, making her feel like she couldn't dodge. Feel.

Yale took out the cross sword he was wearing on his waist and threw it straight at the crowd. The cross sword body reflected frightened faces, and the reflected light flashed in the space. Then, from the middle of the two mercenaries. Passing by, he went straight to a rickety old mercenary.


The old mercenary just raised his head, revealing a group of cloudy eyes, and at this moment, the icy sword edge stagnated in mid-air, only half an inch away from his forehead.


The cross frozen in mid-air suddenly trembled, and a faint trace of black fire wandered between the blades. The old mercenary's pupils showed a hint of caution, and a strange force condensed directly in the space with his control. .

"All praise goes to the true God, the God of the whole world."

He suddenly let out a thick chanting from his mouth. The thick sound made everyone's eardrums vibrate violently. With the sound of this chanting, the snowflakes in mid-air rolled directly into the sky, and at the same time, a surging cold light It rushed forward like a wave, and the cross sword flew back directly.

The surrounding mercenaries were unable to withstand this shock, and they were instantly overturned.


Yale let out a long laugh, glanced at the cross sword that flew upside down, followed the path of the cold light, and grasped the hilt: "I thought it would be a character, it turned out to be the bishop of the Catholic Church, what? You want to stand up for the Celtics?"

"Everything in the world was created by the Lord. The Rosevians, Achaemenians, and Celts are all followers of the Lord. Before the Lord of all things, all living beings are equal."

The "old mercenary" knocked on the wooden stick in his hand, and the disguise on it suddenly came off as if it had shed its skin. This was a shepherd's staff. He closed his eyes reverently, and said if he meant something:

"He who is not religious and denies the signs of God is the inhabitant of Hell, and he will dwell in it."

"Doesn't your catholicism say that we just believe in the wrong scriptures and belong to the hearers? Why are you sentenced to **** with one mouth?" Nicole walked towards the intruder who was retreating step by step. Suddenly sneered.

"Of course you are hearers, of the Lamb of the Lord."

The bishop turned his gaze to the black-haired knight at the top of the stairs, and said with a low eyebrow: "There is only one person in this land who may fall into the Inferno, and that is the Count, if you still refuse to return to the right path."


Charlene immediately raised her small eyebrows, raised her hand and prepared to punch him, smashing the strange old man to pieces, but Yale intercepted it.

He patted his lover's shoulder, motioned her to calm down, and took a step forward. The shadow of the backlight immediately enveloped the other party under him, and the double vibrato that belonged to the devil rippled from the space:

"It's a pity, you can't scare me. If there is a Hellfire, it will only be my back garden."

"Praise God, forgive this bewildered lamb." The bishop suddenly sighed and bowed slightly to Yale: "

Then at least please Lord Count, for His Majesty's sake, and spare these believers of the Lord. They are just a bunch of ruthless men with no intention to offend your majesty. "


Yale raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips curled into a sarcastic arc: "Are you saying that a group of people who bombed my town are reckless, or a group of people who dare to hijack the law field are reckless?"

"Is Your Count insisting on killing them?" The Bishop raised his dry face and looked at him calmly.

"Yes, but anyone who hijacks the court must die."

While the black-haired knight spoke, he drew another sword from his waist and stared at him sharply: "Except for you, this is the basic etiquette for a Hellfire resident to treat a bishop."

"You want to kill me? If you kill me, aren't you afraid of causing a full-scale war?" the bishop asked indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to kill you, just playing a game."

Yale clenched the Arrondette in his hand, squinting at the other side condescendingly, and the steel grudge poured into the hilt of the holy sword:

"You just caught my throwing sword. You are indeed worthy of the title of bishop. So as long as you catch my sword again, not only you, but even these terrorists can survive."

"Lord Count... You still want my life." He finally couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

The black-haired knight smiled back, glanced at the Celtic invaders on the field, stepped forward abruptly, and instantly slashed out a sword.


The black flames that covered the sky surged out, engulfing the entire field like a tide, and swept away in the direction where the bishop stood.


The bishop closed his eyes. He didn't expect that he would be pulled out of the crowd by the other party, and he didn't expect the earl to be so stunned that he would kill himself if he disagreed, and even use the holy sword!


A scorching wind rushes in, and then...stops abruptly...

what happened?

He opened his eyes suspiciously, but there was a long laugh in his ears. The earl had already retracted the holy sword into the sheath, and said with a smile that was not a smile:

"Just kidding, Bagger, take our bishop down and take good care of him."

The Headless Horseman nodded his non-existent head, appeared behind the bishop, knocked the opponent unconscious with a punch, and then dragged one right foot and strode away.

In the field, except for the five Celts who were sentenced to hang, the rest of the intruders just burned their hands and feet. Seeing how angry they were, they couldn't die for a while.

"Nicole, send them to the Brave Hospital and try to save their lives."

Yale didn't intend to put this group of people to death. This time he caught such a big fish as a catholic bishop. Of course, he should hand over these terrorists to His Majesty the Emperor, and let the old man grab these people and beat the Liberty Alliance in the face.


Nicole walked up to a few tree demons who were scared to death, but actually had no damage to their leaves, and kicked them each: "Not even a single leaf was burned, what are you afraid of? Get up and work!"


The surrounding mercenaries were silent. They just came to see the murder, but they didn't expect to see such an explosive drama. It is a terrorist, a robbery field, and a Catholic bishop. If there is a newspaper here, it will definitely be the headline news tomorrow.

But how did the bishop get involved with the Celtic terrorists?

The crowd fell into deep thought.

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