Fairy’s Box

Chapter 490: Offensive and defensive

Highland Palace

In this not grand reception hall, at this moment it was crowded with news from Glamorgan. Nobles, warriors, and priests stood on both sides of the hall in a chaotic manner, and inside the gorgeous curtain at the end, it was The king sitting on the throne - Gary Fannon II.

"They killed and humiliated our warriors, and bought our scalps for a thousand sols! There is absolutely no forgiveness! Send troops, Your Majesty, and drive those damned Rosevians from the Celtic continent!"

A group of Celtic warriors with black tattoos on their faces and fur cloaks huddled together, constantly stirring up the king's emotions, and the roar almost overturned the roof of the palace.


Inside the curtain, the king slammed the armrest of the throne and let out a roar like rolling thunder:

"You said that I would try my best to infiltrate the South, and I agreed. You said that I would drive away the Rosevians who were trying to take root in the South, and I agreed. Then, you said that I would rescue them back. Those of my kin who faced hanging, I agreed. Then what? We lost more than two dozen high-ranking soldiers, lost Bishop Harden, and lost a great opportunity to continue infiltrating the South!"


After being so angrily reprimanded by King Gary, the warriors who had been aggressively clamoring for the war stopped talking, each with their heads drooping, like a neutered bull.

"Now, you're clamoring for a war with Rosevia again? Have you forgotten how we came to this continent? Are you trying to destroy this country?"

The white-haired king became more and more excited as he spoke. He suddenly stood up from the throne, lifted the curtains on both sides, and walked directly to the crowd on the bright red carpet:

"Can anyone tell me how to fix the current situation."

The old man's loud voice echoed between the four walls, the Celtic warrior shrank his head helplessly, and the nobles looked at each other in dismay. After a long time, the eldest prince Kenneth suddenly stood up:

"I don't think it is necessary. The Rosevians will not be generous because of our flattery, nor will they fight because of this trivial hand."

He was wearing a long black coat with his hands behind his back, and his short pale blond hair was combed into a big, shiny back.

As soon as the future prince spoke, Cardinal Yousef of the Celtic Diocese raised his head in agreement:

"Yes, we are now a member of the Liberty Alliance. Rosevia is the key time for reform. It has just experienced a tragic war. Facing the squeeze on the east and west fronts, it has exhausted its energy, and it is completely useless. We can't do it."

"His Royal Highness Kenneth is right! We have the support of the entire Free Federation behind us, so we don't have to be afraid of those cunning Roseviers." The Celtic warriors regained their energy instantly.

"It's true that they won't raise their troops north because of this conflict, but don't forget, even if that behemoth spends a little energy, it can make the entire Highland Kingdom never peaceful."

The speaker has long pale golden curly hair, a strand of which is still swaying in front of his forehead, making his handsome face look full of cynicism. If it is not for the exquisite warrior cloak, I am afraid that most people will regard him as a dance party. Playboy on .

In fact, this man is the second-order heir of the kingdom, Prince Wallace Fannon. Unlike Prince Kenneth, who is strict in his conduct, his usual hobby is to hook up with women, and he has never been involved in any serious business.

"Let me guess what they can do?"

The frivolous prince rubbed his toes, ignoring the increasingly ugly faces of the audience, and continued to say to himself:

"By the way, one day in the future, a crack in Hadrian's Wall will suddenly appear. A large number of monsters swarmed into the northern Celts, destroying everything they passed like locusts passing through, and the Highland Kingdom suffered heavy losses."

"Such speculation is ridiculous!"

A gorgeously dressed noble finally couldn't bear it anymore. Since the other party was a prince who was destined to miss the royal power, he didn't have any scruples when he spoke:

"We are fully capable of resisting the monsters on the front line!"

"So you admit that they are fully capable of doing this, right?" King Wallace shrugged his shoulders, and the irony in his voice was even more serious:

"Let's make a bold guess..."


King Gary did not let him continue, and looked at the cardinal with a cold face:

"We are halfway there to attract the attention of the Rosevians and to spread their forces to the northern line of defense. I hope His Majesty the Pope will not abandon his faithful."

"Of course, Your Majesty the King, you have done a good job." The Cardinal nodded happily.

"Then I need His Majesty the Pope to fulfill his promise. As my son said, without enough aid, we cannot defend against Rosevi's counterattack."

"The first batch of aid will arrive soon, please don't worry." Bishop Joseph smiled and bowed his chest: "The Pope and the King of France will not let the Rosevians destroy the Highland Kingdom. This will be the front line of the Cold War."

"Pardon my rashness."

An untimely voice reappeared in the hall. Prince Wallace imitated the posture of a cardinal, bowed exaggeratedly, and said respectfully:

"Do you know why there is such a thing as the Great Wall?"

"Of course those cowardly Rosevians fear us!" The Celtic warriors hurriedly replied.

"Then why did they become the Central Empire when they were weak and weak, and we were driven from Asia Minor to Celtic Island when we were strong? By the way, you call this continent, well, why are we being Arrive to Celtic Continent?" The prince spread his hands and asked eagerly.

After these words, the atmosphere in the entire hall stagnated in an instant, and people's faces suddenly became gloomy, especially Kenneth and Joseph, their expressions had already gathered a dark cloud.

"Enough is enough, Wallace, just disappear from here immediately." The old king broke the silence with an angry roar, pointing his right hand directly at the door, signaling the other party to get out.

"They built the Great Wall not for defense, but to block our retreat, divide and erode our land, and smother our remaining power within the Great Wall!"

Prince Wallace walked to the center of the hall and continued sharply:

"Hundreds of years ago, we withdrew from the Atrium, and even lost half of Celtic Island. Looking at the stretch of the Great Wall, we laughed at the cowardice of the enemy. Hundreds of years later, you still can't tell the difference between attack and defense. I am willing to be the **** of the Free Alliance! I think this Highland Kingdom will be finished sooner or later!"

"Guards! Drag this lunatic out!"

King Gary trembled with anger, took off the crown on his head, and smashed it heavily on the opponent's skull.

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