Fairy’s Box

Chapter 572: train

After getting a positive answer from the other party, the girl fell into the void caused by the huge gap between reality and ideal. The whole person seemed to have all the colors removed in an instant, leaving only the paleness of paper.

Her figure was as thin as a sheet of paper, and she asked in a dying tone:

"How can I work alone?"

"Dunlon City is not very big, and there are only four gates. I believe you can do it alone." Yale looked at her with encouraging eyes.

"But... the captain who has no subordinates is so shameless." Nancy said her heartfelt dejectedly, with a demeanor like an abandoned puppy.

"I understand what you mean." The black-haired knight pretended to think about it, and then raised three fingers:

"Well, I'll give you 30 places and the corresponding funds. You can use training and management, but you have to show me a decent city defense team within three months."

"No problem! I'll prepare right now."

Nancy immediately regained her color, and with a load of thoughts, she ran out refreshed.


Yale looked at her leaving back, and let out a sigh of relief.

Such a big baby, if he is idle, something will happen sooner or later, but because of the identity of the other party, he can't be entrusted with important tasks as soon as he comes up. You can only give her some tasks that are neither light nor heavy. After observing for a period of time, watch the performance of this girl and then slowly reuse it.

It has to be said that he is now thinking more and more like a commander rather than a warrior.

Shortly after the girl left, Plitter, a spy from the Imperial Army, walked in, followed by a Beverly with a small tail.

"Lord Governor, our informants in the northern Celts have received news that there has been a series of political turmoil in the Highland Kingdom."

The middle-aged spy said with a solemn expression, turning a blind eye to the little tail behind him, completely treating it as an existence like air.

"Sit down and talk slowly."

The black-haired knight immediately became serious, and motioned for the other party to sit opposite him.


Beverly quickly moved a high-back chair, placed it opposite the desk, and stood beside him like a loyal butler.


Although Plitter was a little dissatisfied with the sudden placement of a rookie colleague next to him, Beverly, this little tail, is too good at pleasing people. He clearly knew that the other party was here to steal his teacher, but he had no idea of ​​rushing people for a while.

Sitting on his seat with peace of mind, the middle-aged spy cleared his throat and continued:

"Prince Kenneth, the first-order heir to the Fannon family, announced that he would renounce his right of inheritance, and his younger brother, Wallace Fannon, will become the new crown prince."

"I don't think this is abnormal, right? Kenneth is paralyzed now. For the future of the Highland Kingdom, giving up the throne to achieve the kingdom is a logical thing, isn't it?"

"It does sound okay, but it doesn't actually look like that."

Plitter took out an account book from his briefcase, placed it flat on the table, and slid it into the other person's hand: "This is Wallace's expense schedule for the last year, you can see it clearly by looking at it. ."

Yale took over the ledger, opened it and carefully browsed a few pages, and was immediately shocked by the prince's extravagance:

"A year spent annuity worth 23 million sol, and the suspicion of participating in material reselling and price gouging, is this what a prince should do?"

"This prince is so fond of luxury and pompous **** that he can't make a living without it, and he often speaks astonishingly, the exact opposite of his brother Kenneth's strict and unpretentious style. In the whole Highland Kingdom, except for a certain age group Besides the lady's fondness for him, even his father, King Gary, disliked him."

After speaking, Plitter took out another list and handed it to the other party:

"Please look at this again."

"Is the source reliable?"

The black-haired knight closed the ledger, handed it back to the other party, and took over the list.

"It's quite reliable. This prince is well known to the passers-by in the highland kingdom. We don't need to spend any effort to investigate. We can verify one or two by inquiring in the luxury market."

"Countess Gardiner...Miss Nina...Miss Lucia...what does this list mean?" Yale raised his head, pointed to the list in his hand and looked at him.

"Up to now, the female partners that Prince Wallace has exchanged, it can be said that they were all prospective princesses before, but after dating each other for a period of time, they were abandoned."

"What a complete scumbag."

The black-haired knight also knew that the second prince of the Highland Kingdom was incompetent and prosperous through the news network of Girard, so he never took him seriously, but he didn't know that this guy's character was so bad.

"Yes, it is such a complete scum, but he bypassed Kenneth, the crown prince, and became the heir to the first-order position of the Highland Kingdom. I think this is very strange."

There was a worry in Plitter's eyes, and he said in a low voice:

"From a practical point of view, even if Kenneth is paralyzed, he is still the first-order heir in de jure. He is better than Wallace in any way."

"Makes sense."

Yale put his eyes on the list in his hand, chewed Wallace's name, and suddenly raised his head: "You mean, you suspect that there is a problem within the Highland Kingdom, which caused Wallace to take the opportunity to get the inheritance?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Although the Highland Kingdom implements the feudal fief system, the power of the nobles is scattered and cannot be compared with the royal family. Moreover, the right to inherit the throne is innate. Even the king himself can only persuade his heirs to give up his rights, and cannot deprive them at will. That is to say, Kenneth's crown is almost indestructible, and now he has voluntarily relinquished his inheritance... Either his health is dead, or there is something wrong with his brother."

"Your thoughts are basically the same as mine."

Plitter rubbed his darkened eye sockets, and suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Then pardon me for asking, what skills did you use when you maimed Crown Prince Kenneth crippled last time? Did you leave any explosive wounds in his body?"


The black-haired knight stared into his eyes and replied word by word:

"I didn't intentionally crippled him! I didn't leave an explosive wound!"

"Okay... please answer another question."

The spy smacked his lips regretfully, showing a look of "you can really pretend to be garlic", and then asked: "Judging from the time of your last contact with Kenneth, please guess how long he can live?"

"He has no other problems except paralysis. If he takes good care of him, it is not a problem to live for 20 or 30 years. You can ask Kenneth's attending doctor for details. He has not left Celtic yet."

"What about his mental state? Is he very depressed, looking for life and death?"

"Of course it was frustrating at first, but it calmed down a lot later. Although my time with Kenneth was limited to that fight, I could feel that he was a strong person."

"Is there a specific basis?" Plitter's eyes lit up suddenly, staring at the other party with all his attention.

"Yes, endured the severe pain of tearing the nerve, and excreted the mercury-like substance from the body. If the character is not tough enough, there is no ability to survive such damage." Yale said with some admiration. .

"You also tend to think that Wallace took the initiative to take the inheritance from Kenneth?"

"Don't forget that the Highland Kingdom is now deeply cooperating with the Papal Kingdom..." The black-haired knight tapped his fingers on the table subconsciously, and said in a trance:

"With their support, it is not too unexpected for the old king to compromise."

"We'll try to check from this angle, sorry."

Plitter stood up resolutely and glanced at the list in the other's hand. Seeing that the Governor had no intention of returning it, he had to leave it behind and left the office with the little tail behind him.


Yale counted the women the prince had hooked up with, and his thoughts gradually drifted to the Highland Kingdom along with this list.


Nightmare Ruins, Boot Camp.

"Get up! Get up for me! Wrap me up with your bare bottoms and grab your own weapons, you little bastards!"

"Tie up your belts, and then let me see someone get out of the tent with pants, and I'll let him wear open-crotch pants for training!"

"Look at you idiots, this is the result of your lack of exercise, your muscles are as soft as pudding, come on, take up arms and move forward, you even run like weak losers!"

In the middle of the night, the horn of the emergency assembly suddenly sounded, and the recruits hurriedly jumped out of the bedding, tidied up their equipment and clothes, and rushed out of the camp.

Among them, some of the slower-moving teams were naturally taken care of, and were scolded by the fierce instructors, and then kicked their buttocks out of the tent.

The 5,000 people were quickly lined up into 250 small squares, each square with two 10 people lined up, no matter from which direction it was viewed, it was a straight line.

The weather at night was extremely cold, and they exhaled thick white air, but they were motionless, all of them looked serious, and looked straight ahead.

"Ready to fight!"

The chief instructor gave an order, and the entire camp was instantly shrouded in a layer of dark smog, and the recruits didn't show any signs of panic.

"go ahead!"

At the sound of the order, everyone marched forward in unison, and soon they were lost in the depths of the haze.

This exercise is to make them adapt to the training of small-scale self-rescue operations after being cut and surrounded on the battlefield. The opponent is still the changeling queen who can change and create clones at will.

"What about the rest?"

Yilan looked at the black fog that could not see her fingers, and turned her head to look around a little strangely, and found that only her own team was left around.

"Be careful!"

The sharp-eyed Quincy immediately raised the gun and stabbed it forward fiercely.


The fog suddenly exploded from right in front, a twisted hand slammed away his bayonet, and another blow knocked the man back.


Yilan reacted immediately, holding a gun and stabbing the chaotic fog ahead, shouting:

"The enemy is right in front!"

A terrifying monster stands in the thick fog. It looks like a horse that walks upright, but its hands are a pair of ferocious claws. Its face resembles that of a woman, and its twisted horns grow on both sides of its head. , on the ten-foot-tall yellow-green body, walks with strange voids, large and small.


It neighed like a horse, fluttered its giant claws contemptuously, and its blade-like claws whizzed down against the wind. Elan tried to block the blow with his cannon, but he soon discovered that it was impossible.


The recruit's entire body felt as if it had hit a torrent, and the strong impact pushed his entire body into the air, causing pain as if his wrist was almost broken.

Elan clenched his weapon tightly, tumbling to avoid the next blow.

"go to hell!"

Taking advantage of the time they bought, the team quickly organized a formation, and two rows of bayonets formed an airtight giant net that enveloped the monsters.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding-!

The space reverberated with the crisp sound of gold sticks fighting, and the scales on the monster's body were smashed by the bayonet. In a rage, it slapped the nearest recruit.


A metal bang exploded in the black fog, and the shield blocked the blow. The terrifying impact made him stagger a little, but he didn't fall down - it was a special tower shield with a support frame, specially used to resist powerful shock.

The shield-wielding fighters fought the monsters in the front row, and the others tried to harass from the flanks, but still had to be careful with its dashes and slaps.

The movement of the monster gradually lost its stability, and turned into a messy wild swing.

"It's getting weaker! Surround it!"

The first row of recruits immediately raised their shields to surround them and carefully narrowed the circle.


Suddenly, it jumped sharply, and its huge body rose into the air, swooping down at Quincy who was standing at the front. He tried to dodge, but it was too slow.


The monster threw the man down, but his gun was still in front of him, just stabbed on the ugly head, the bayonet passed through a hole in the top of its head, and leaned against the head of the gun to push the monster in front of him .

"Pour me down!"

He immediately abandoned his spear and swept his legs forward, and actually kicked the monster unsteadily.

It's now!

The entire team rushed over in unison, resisting the monster's slap, and at the same time stabbed at the huge yellow-green body, black air spewed, and the huge body was torn apart in an instant.


The voices of everyone were happy but not eager, because it was not the first time for them to participate in this kind of actual combat training. In addition to being ordered not to use Dou Qi, it was a bit awkward, and the victories also increased the cohesion and confidence of the recruits.

Recruits don't encounter monsters every time they practice combat. After all, Shalier's ability is limited, and he can control a hundred clones at most.

But over time, the recruits will be taken apart to face the hundred clones, and they will fully appreciate the thrill of being crushed.

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