Fairy’s Box

Chapter 573: Hundred-eyed Evil Dragon

Markmock Province, Southern Desert.

A sprawling desert shrouded in moonlight, the fog was indistinct, and there was no movement at all, only three or two phosphorous fires, faintly shining brightly.

Several pyramids near and far shone out from the night, against the dark blue sky, they looked solemn and calm, and the boundaries of their silhouettes were blurred, as if they were just reflections in the water driven by ripples.

In the thick night, under the cover of the sandstorm and strong winds, a 100-strong team sneaked silently among the dunes, and when they moved close to 500 yards of the pyramid, the leader stretched out their arms and called the team to a halt.

"The front is the den where they gathered. If there is movement, they all lie down."

She glanced at a few dunes next to the pyramid, and quickly ordered everyone to hide their bodies, and hooked a finger to a bald giant behind her:

"Baptista, scan the environment around the pyramid."


Hearing the words, the watcher immediately closed his eyes, put his mind into the distance along with his perception, and modeled everything he observed in his mind.

In each of the four directions of a recent pyramid, there are several people in black robes hiding under the dune bunkers. Every once in a while, they get up to observe the surrounding environment.

"Lord Luya, there is a team of guards in the south, south, north and west of the dunes and the main entrance of the pyramid. They use the dunes as shelters to monitor the surrounding environment. They also have high-pitched horns in their hands, which are obviously the secret whistle of the cultists."

Baptista deliberately lowered his voice to report the situation there.

"We all know that sentinels have been formed, but I have really improved a lot." Luya's tone was very relaxed, but her beautiful brows were slightly wrinkled.

After being surrounded and suppressed by himself for so many days, not only has the momentum of these cultists not diminished, but their organization has become more and more strict, which is not good news for the empire.

The female knight's current official position is the city lord of Shechem City, but in private, she has a sword personally bestowed by the emperor, and has supervisory powers that are independent of local rights. The purpose is to deter and supervise local administration and rule the rebel forces.

In addition to the province of Babylon, the province of Markmoke was the latest to be incorporated into the empire. In addition, when the annexation was eager to achieve success, the local chiefs adopted a self-regulatory policy, so that the local governor's office has been difficult to achieve. Effective control.

Before the Hundred Days Holy War, there was originally a guarding legion to deter one side, but with the implementation of the nationwide mobilization, the elites of the local legion were recruited, and finally more than a thousand heroic souls all slumbered under the permafrost of the upper realm.

The chiefs of Markmock were originally tigers and wolves, and they always refused to accept Wang Hua, and they temporarily hibernated because of the prestige of the soldiers guarding the legion. Of course, they cannot be suppressed by the current empty shell garrison. The separatist forces are increasingly rampant, and they are secretly colluding with the Papal State.

After the emperor parachuted Luya as a stabilizer, the chiefs restrained a lot. Although they were both savage and savage, they still knew the reputation of the hundred-eyed evil dragon, which was a great evil star on the same level as the God of Punishment.

However, in addition to these chiefs, there is a bigger problem before Luya, that is, the local cults that breed crazily. This is also one of the sequelae of the loss of grassroots control after the empire lost its blood.

In the few months after landing in Shechem City, the female knight relied on the rogue lying corpse tactic she had learned from Yale, and slapped the Fifth Army Governor's Office severely. Afterwards, he led the scavenging brigade with the Red Seat as the core to attack the east and west, slaughtering wave after wave of cultists like cutting leeks, but they couldn't finish killing them.

When things became like this, everyone knew that these cultists had a lot to do with the local chiefs, but there was nothing they could do. After all, maintaining stability was above everything else.

The female knight can only continue to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes with hard work, just asking the empire to recover as soon as possible, so that she can free up her energy to crucify these damned chiefs on the cross.

"Give me, Ordas, Eve, and the Sith their coordinates."

Luya spread her perception to the limit, clenched the hilt of the sword with her right hand, and issued a series of commands softly:

"I'm going to kill the dark posts in the east and west. Ordas will deal with the dark posts in the pyramid gate. Eve, go to the south, and the Sith to the north. Be quick, don't be discovered by them."


The three people who originally belonged to the Red Seat immediately took their orders.

"The rest stand by, let's go!"

The female knight turned her head and shook the red braid behind her head (the lost double ponytail), wrapping it around her neck, and instantly her body shot out of the hill like a crossbow arrow.

She moved her body's center of gravity forward to her chest, leaned forward to the limit, her chest undulating against the ground, and moving forward rapidly, like a poisonous snake that silently shuttled across the desert surface.

The wind and sand are the best shelter for the female knight. She quickly bypassed the dunes and appeared silently behind the bunker. Several cultists in black robes didn't even know the situation, and they had their heads cut off before they could even let out a miserable cry.

At about the same time, Ordas, the blond knight, passed through the wind and sand like lightning, turned directly from the side to the main entrance of the pyramid, and killed the dark whistle at the entrance.

Luya flew non-stop to the back of the pyramid, and slashed towards the bunker in front of her with a sword. The transparent ripples spread out against the ground, and the gravel in the wind was squeezed into a solid blade, which instantly cut off the cultist's head.

After solving all the dark posts, Luya asked the purge team to surround the entire pyramid, leaving the watchers outside, and sneaked into the pyramid with the main backbone.

The inside of the pyramid can't see five fingers, as if there is some kind of force that erases the light from the space, it is an extraordinary darkness. The female knight and her subordinates moved forward silently against the stone wall, relying on the mental scan of the watcher to find the true way from the labyrinth-like complex passage.

"Lord Luya, I can feel that there is an evil force hidden inside the pyramid, but fortunately it is still in an unconscious state of chaos."

"Where is it?" she asked along the mental network.

"The lowest level of the pyramid, I cannot provide exact coordinates, because it is obscured by a twisting evil force."

"Understood, you pay attention to concealment, you just need to lead the way for us, don't meddle in your own business."

Luya didn't want to lose her team's unique treasure, the cherished species of watchers, because of this action, and only one of her subordinates, who was the second seat of the Red Seat, last time.

Teams led by idiots like Black Seat and Blue Seat would not have such good luck. (Are, Genevieve: Ahhhh!)

"Lord Luya, there is a secret whistle behind the stone pillars in the underground hall in front, and there is also one behind the wall on the left."


The female knight then slowed down, her back against the wall, and slowly approached the corner. The straight road ahead led to a hall, where a few firelights jumped in the darkness.

They could feel that the space in front was surrounded by a strange aura that was thicker than the surrounding darkness.

"This power..."

Luya stared at the eerie darkness in front of her, and a feeling of deja vu suddenly appeared in her heart. This feeling was fleeting, and it was too fast for her to analyze it.

Forget it, now is not the time to be distracted.

The female knight exhaled and bit her braid at the same time, her ruby-like pupils were divided into two, and a glaze-like light bloomed in the rotation, instantly blending into the darkness,

Under the power of the beginning, which belongs to the highest concept **** Hundred-eyed Evil Dragon Olihagang, and the full force of eroding the origin, the strange space ahead seems to have melted into a deep and thick darkness. .

The cultists hiding behind the stone pillars and walls and controlling the enchantment of the main hall were not prepared at all. They were very confident in the defense of the main hall and were not worried that someone could invade here.

Suddenly, ripples like water ripples appeared in the entire hall space. The strange darkness was controlled by another force, and slowly began to form a funnel-shaped twisted vortex, and the hole in the center of the vortex seemed to be linked to another world.

They just felt a flash in front of their eyes, as if one picture was overlaid on another, and they were standing inexplicably on a crimson desert land.

The surface of the earth is full of craters of different sizes, and no grass grows. Except for the craters, which are red sandy soil, the surrounding area in the distance is also barren, and there is nothing.

The scarlet earth covered with craters seems to stretch to the end of the horizon, above which is the vast cosmic starry sky, and the whole world seems to be alone.

This... what is this?

The cultist pinched his face dully, it hurt a lot, and then covered his nose again, unable to breathe.

"Hey! Is there anyone? Is anyone here? Help, help!"

Only then did he realize that he was not dreaming, and he began to call for help frantically, his voice floating empty in the space, neither responding nor echoing at all.

"...all praise goes to the mother of the black goat...believe in the doomsday, in the predestination and union of all things..."

When the cultists found that their calls for help were in vain, they were eerily shocked. With a plop, they knelt down on their knees, clasped their hands on their chests, and nervously repeated some kind of prayer.


The earth suddenly trembled, and the cultists stopped praying immediately, and looked around in shock, the terrifying silence and loneliness immediately enveloped his body and mind.

Boom boom boom boom!

The scarlet earth began to vibrate continuously and violently. The ground below was broken like a spider web, and cracks spread wildly from the ground. The magma was wrapped in poisonous gas and rolled up thousands of miles into the sky. Huge pillars of fire penetrated the ground, and the entire world was destroyed. Shrouded in the support of the beam of light.

"Mother of the great black goat, are you performing miracles on me?"

When the cultists looked at the crumbling land, they obviously got the wrong idea. They thought that the true **** they believed in was showing miracles to them, but they were moved to tears.


Millions of beams of light suddenly expanded, and the huge force directly tore apart the world, and the endless red earth collapsed instantly.

The cultist was instantly blasted by a beam of light towards the cosmic starry sky, and he was dazed for a long time. He cast his gaze downward and immediately saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The crumbling and cracking red earth gradually gathered inwards and was pinched in the hands of a terrifying giant dragon claw. The edge of the world only just covered the palm of the dragon claw, and was constantly deformed by that indescribable force.

"Mother of the Great Black Goat...Mother of the Great Black Goat..."

Such terrifying information completely overloaded his brain, and he forgot to think, only repeating the name of the true God.

Click - click - click!

The world below has been squeezed and completely deformed, with thunder and flames splashing everywhere, leaving only a turbulent chaos, and in the universe starry sky, the cultists can actually hear the collapse sound similar to the cracking of porcelain.

"My name is Olihagang." A low chanting sounded from behind.

The huge dragon claw suddenly shone with a dazzling light, and then the scales on the dragon claw suddenly opened and closed, extruding diamond-shaped dragon eyes, and a crimson red eye was opened at the center of the claw. Huge eyes.

"The eater of all worlds and all things, the shaper of darkness and illusory, the hundred-eyed evil dragon - Olihagang!" The voice seemed to come from the distant cosmic starry sky. Although it was lonely, it was unusually loud and heavy.

The cultist felt that his muscles, bones, nerves, and blood all resonated with him. The blood vessels in his whole body suddenly burst open, and blood oozing from the corners of his eyes. He couldn't help but chant:

"The eater of all realms and all things..."


The crimson vertical pupil giant eyes shot out a crimson light, and in the erosion of this beam of light, the outer wall of the world quickly melted, and the giant claws pinched it into a mass of cosmic dust.

"The eater of all worlds and all things..." He waved his hands excitedly, cheered hoarsely, immersed in indescribable satisfaction and tranquility.

Suddenly, the cultist felt a whirlwind, and an invisible force turned him around, facing the starry sky behind him. In the nebula formed by countless stars, an incomparably huge dragon was entrenched in the center of the nebula.

He stared at the pair of star-sized prismatic dragon eyes, with a look of bliss and joy on his face, and continued to recite unconsciously:

"Hundred-eyed Evil Dragon - Olihagang..."

The nebula began to spin backwards, the cosmic starry sky quickly moved away, the light of hundreds of millions of stars gradually dimmed, and the figure of the hundred-eyed evil dragon was constantly shrinking and changing.

In the end, she turned into a tall and beautiful girl with red braids. She stood quietly in front of her, her cold face expressionless.

Everything has changed, only the eyes that bestow her blessings have not changed, she is the true God, her master, the great and majestic Evil Dragon Majesty.

"My great master! The humble servant here salutes you."

The cultist immediately fell to his knees and kissed the female knight's leather boots with great piety.


Luya stared at the cultist who had been brainwashed in her own direction, raised the corners of her lips proudly, and made a stop gesture to her subordinates behind her.

She just projected the image of the previous evil dragon destroying a sub-world into the opponent's mind, and the effect was outstanding. The two cultists gave up their beliefs in an instant, and they have since become devout followers of Olihagang.

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