Fairy’s Box

Chapter 574: Demonic Disaster (Part 1)

"Which underground church do you belong to?"

"Black Goat Goddess Church, the cultists here believe in the Black Goat Goddess, one of the three original gods. I used to be a member of this church, and I will no longer be."

After the cultist finished speaking, he looked at the female knight like a loyal dog, and said excitedly, "I am now a devout follower of His Majesty the Evil Dragon! What a black goat goddess, but a demon from a different time and space."

"Very well, you go out now, and my people will meet you outside." Luya was determined to leave only one cultist to lead the way, and take the remaining one away to extract more information.

"As ordered."

The cultist ran to the exit without saying a word, obviously obeying her words, and had completely become a qualified fanatic.

"Baptista, I have controlled a cultist, he is now ready to join you, inform everyone to prepare, and don't kill him by mistake."


After handing over the matter to the watcher at the rear through the mental network, the female knight turned her gaze to another cultist, and pointed her right index finger straight ahead:

"Take us to the core area."

"Yes, please come with me."

The latter stepped forward immediately, and began to lead her faithfully.

The five walked to the end of the hall, turned around the rectangular arched false door, and stepped into a dark yellow stone staircase to the underground palace. There were torches on both sides of the stairs, which illuminated the entire underground passage.

"Captain, I heard a sound." Ordas, the blond knight, said in a low voice.

"I heard it too."

Luya nodded, there was indeed a faint chanting voice in the passage, and it was a chorus of many people, it sounded like some kind of ceremony was being held.

"What ceremony are they preparing?" She immediately asked the cultist beside her.

"Master Hui, these cultists want to wake up the guardians of the Black Goat Goddess, get their help, and use it against your regime." He replied respectfully.

"Looking for death!" Eve, the female knight behind Luya, scolded softly.

As the chant got closer, they carefully restrained their breath, stopped behind the sarcophagus not far from the entrance of the underground palace, and secretly observed the unclean place.

The entrance to the underground palace is in the middle of two ancient and dignified stone pillars. The capital of the pillar is a fully bloomed papyrus flower. The upper frieze is carved with feathers - this is the symbol of the pharaoh's monarchy in ancient Markmke.

At this time, the chanting sound became more and more strange, it was getting closer and closer to the release | groan | groaning of male and female sex, with the flickering light inside the door, there was a strange rhythm.


The female knight showed a disgusting expression to hide the red glow on her cheeks, and whispered something.

"My lord, most of the ceremonies of the Church of the Black Goat Goddess require cooperation, and it is the kind that many people mess around together, because this monster is a monster with super reproductive ability. The larger the scale, the more believers will be. Crazy, the easier it is to please that evil god."

"This is really crazy." Sith showed an expression of envy, no, righteous indignation.

"But I didn't hear that kind of sound." Eve said shyly with a red face.

"Because the ceremony has not officially started, this is just a prelude."

The cultist hurriedly answered her to please her. Although he was brainwashed, his IQ was still there. He knew that these believers who had followed His Majesty the Evil Dragon from the beginning must have a higher status than him.


Luya silently clenched the hilt of the sword, fixed her gaze on the guard at the door, and suddenly got up and swung a sword.

The epee cut across the space silently, dragging out a seven-to-eight-meter-long transparent ripple, advancing forward under the cover of the light and dark fire, dozens of yards in an instant, and severing several guards in two in the blink of an eye.

The four immediately climbed over the sarcophagus, grabbed a few corpses that were about to fall, dragged them to the wall, and then leaned sideways against the door, and turned their eyes to the interior of the underground palace.

From their current position, they could clearly see the scene in the depths of the underground palace.

Centered on the huge brazier in the center of the underground hall, these cultists are in a circle and are holding dirty rituals to please the evil gods. Fully expose the *** to the air.

Female devotees paint their eyelashes, eyelids and eyebrows black, their lips bright red, and wear large Markmke-style earrings, anklets, armbands and finger guards, toe guards twisted around the brazier Moving enchanting body.

The male believers wear golden headbands, and their whole body is wrapped with thin iron ropes, and the lines of the muscles are clearly defined. hiss.

Inside the brazier is a huge black goat head, wrapped in the center of the raging fire, with a big mouth, as if it is swallowing the flames.

"Captain, are we...!?" Ordas turned his gaze to Luya, who was opposite, and took a hands-on gesture while speaking.

"Sir, wait a minute, the main sacrifice hasn't appeared yet."

The cultists who had converted to the right way quickly stopped them and explained hastily: "If you don't wait for the priest to come out, he will probably sneak away when we start."

"It makes sense, then wait." Sith quickly echoed.

The ceremony continued, reflecting the dim yellow light of the torch. At this moment, a pale, dull-eyed female prayer came out of the line, attracting everyone's attention.

This female cultist has a good figure, about twenty-seven or eight years old, with long wavy hair covering half of her charming and mature face, and under the corner of her right lip, there is a beauty mole.

Without a word, she walked to the middle of the circle of people, turned her back to the head of the black goat in the brazier, and slowly knelt on the ground.


The brazier suddenly shone brightly, and a scalding hot wind blew up inside the underground palace at the same time, and the black goat stone head in the flames suddenly floated up to fifteen or sixteen feet in the air.

"Yeah! Shab Nicholas! The black goat of the forest that gave birth to ten million descendants!"

The cultists cheered wildly, and continued to worship the black goat head, smashing their foreheads heavily on the floor, and soon saw blood, and the prayers recited in their mouths became increasingly sharp and passionate.

"We believe in the mother of the night, its gospel, its classics, believe in the doomsday, believe in the predestination and union of all things, and be one with the mother **** after death!"

"Please show the power of the Lord, destroy the enemies of God, and let all believers witness the power of the Three Pillars of Primordial God. May the Lord grant grace, may the Lord bless you, and pray!"

"All praise goes to the Black Goat Goddess!"

In the bursts of sharp and ear-piercing fanatical cries, the whistling hot air flow became more and more violent, blowing all kinds of things in the underground palace to fall to the floor one after another, making a cracking sound.

There were two beams of red light in the eyes of the black goat head, and the flame gradually condensed into a solid body under it, and quickly expanded and expanded, reaching a height of five yards, and the terrifying body once again brought a burst of air around the brazier. whirlwind.


A scorching hot wind rushed towards the face, causing Luya and the others to move their heads involuntarily.

"Sir, the priest has appeared!" The cultist who converted to the right path suddenly pointed his finger at the underground palace and roared eagerly.

The female knight immediately carried the gust of wind and turned her gaze back into the underground palace. Just above the main coffin in the main hall, a black beam of light suddenly dropped, covering a human figure and slowly descending.


Lu Ya snorted and rushed to the priest who had just appeared, clenching the heavy sword in both hands, the figure swept out with the crimson sword light, and the flames in the whole space suddenly violently trembled.

In an instant, a dazzling red sword light spread out in an arc. When the cheers of the cultists were still echoing in the hall, the sword light had already swept across their bodies, and finally slashed towards the priest in the beam of light.

Through these months of hunting and killing, she will never show any sympathy for any cultists, she will kill if she deserves it, and she will never be soft-hearted.


The black goat guard let out a low roar, and countless black mud emerged from behind it, forming a cocoon on the ground, breaking out of the cocoon instantly, and turning into a black goat covered in black mud.

Holding sharp spears, the black goats flew up and down with their hooves, intercepting the three subordinates of the female knight behind with agile movements that did not match their huge bodies.

The huge claw on its right arm quickly spewed out a few obscure syllables, and the index finger suddenly pointed to Luya, who was rushing forward at a high speed.

A mass of black cold air shot out from the fingertips of the monster, like a huge octopus with its tentacles stretched out, quickly chasing after the female knight who was about to swing the sword, the purpose was to force her to return to the defense, so as to save the evil **** priest who had just appeared. .


Luya forcibly swung out a sword with a solemn face, and the crimson sword light burst out of the sky, smashing the beam of light in an instant, and burning the priest, who had not yet been able to show his face, to ashes.


At the same time, the female knight was swept away by the cold air. With the throbbing dark yellow fire, a thick layer of ice instantly climbed up on Luya's body, and the hundreds of feet around her became a world of ice and snow.

If the Origin Knight was killed so easily, of course he did not deserve to be the pinnacle of the main world energy level.

Ka Ka Ka Ka -! !

The extremely cold black mist instantly froze the female knight, but in the next instant, the icicle suddenly cracked and shattered into a small smoothie.


At this time, Luya had already put on a natural disaster weapon, and she was braving the cold air after freezing.

Several viscous black goats that charged forward at high speed with spears froze on the ground for a moment, and when the female knight slashed at the black goat **** with a sword, they suddenly trembled and their bodies were torn apart.


The black goat guard suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled, and twisted and strange light spots appeared all over his body, flowing at high speed around its body surface, constantly absorbing the remaining negative energy of the believers.


It spewed a black whirlwind from its mouth, and the terrifying low temperature quickly spread, and the entire underground palace condensed into a thin layer of ice in an instant, like a huge ice crystal barrier.


The scarlet sword light rushed straight towards the whirlwind. After the two handed over, the sword light seemed to have hit some kind of extremely viscous and tough substance, and could not send or receive for a while.

The female knight noticed that the fighting qi flames on her body actually began to condense into ice cubes, falling down with a crash, as did the sword light caught in the black whirlwind.

The body of the black goat guard suddenly swelled with strong negative energy, and the red light in his eyes became more intense. It suddenly slammed into the void with a savage claw, and it directly pulled out three resentful spirits.

These three resentful spirits are the cultists who were beheaded by Luya before, but they did not seem to have merged with the mother of the black goat after death, as sung in the prayer.

Before the resentful spirits regained consciousness, they were flattened by the guards of the black goat, pinched into a three-foot blue and faint arrow, and then forcibly injected with a huge amount of negative energy, which was propped up to the size of a giant sword.

The monster held the three giant arrows between his fingers, and made a posture of tightening the bowstring, which was tightened to the limit and then released abruptly.

Whoosh whoosh-! ! ! "

Three thick arrows spun and split the air, passed through the space in the blink of an eye, and shot at Luya. Along the way, a snow storm broke out in the underground palace again.

The other three knights had to muster their vindictive energy to resist the severe cold. After recovering, the entire underground palace-style tomb had completely turned into an ice cellar.

Below the three arrows, as the arrows were shot out, the resentful spirits were pulled into the body of the arrows, carrying the broken black ice chips, and slammed into Luya, who was in a dilemma,


After the wraith arrow hit the female knight's body, it suddenly burst open, and countless ice chips sputtered in all directions, falling to the ground, and there was a clanging sound. The temperature of the underground palace that was already like a cellar immediately dropped. to a new low.

Suddenly, a sound like a dragon's roar came from out of nowhere, the whistling red flame suddenly broke through the ice, the ice chips flying randomly, and the dark underground palace seemed to be all for this moment of light.

"Dragon Break Slash!"

The black goat guard raised his head abruptly, and saw a sun-like, crimson sword light slashing towards it, the monster raised his arm to protect his chest, and tried to struggle, but it was too late.

In an instant, the black goat guard was cut through by Long Po, and countless cracks appeared on the surface of the body, as if the mirror surface was suddenly cracked, and there was a crisp sound.

The body of the monster shattered instantly, turning into countless black fragments and splashing. Finally, a huge black goat head made of stone smashed to the ground and smashed into fragments on the floor covered by solid ice.

"Captain! Are you all right?"

The three knights rushed to her side and found that Luya's lower abdomen, a small pale hole was slowly emitting cold air, new flesh and blood slowly pulled out tender shoots, tendons and tendons intertwined, will be polluted by negative energy The passed body tissue is continuously extruded out of the body.


The female knight waved her hand, indicating that this minor injury should not be taken care of.

"My lord! It's not good! It's not good!"

At this moment, the cultist who had been hiding outside the palace didn't know what he found, and suddenly rushed into the underground palace with a face full of panic.

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