Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 908: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (6)

His mental state is getting better and better, and the whole person looks more energetic than before.

Although he is also trying his best to conceal his change, but in the palace, there are some people, and these changes naturally fall into the eyes of some people.

It was the **** next to the current emperor who first discovered his abnormality. The **** told the current emperor about this discovery, which aroused the emperor's curiosity.

On this day, the emperor summoned Qin Jingfeng alone.

Qin Jingfeng was both surprised and delighted. What was surprised was the sudden summoning, and what was delighted was that his father finally saw him!

The emperor intended to test Qin Jingfeng, so he asked some questions.

Although Qin Jingfeng grew up in the palace since childhood, and his mind is more mature than his peers, he is now facing the emperor who has fought his way to the highest position.

In addition, Qin Jingfeng wanted to make his father reuse him, so he answered the emperor's question seriously.

In the past month, Tao Yanxi has taught him a lot of things, so when facing the emperor's questions, he can answer them with ease.

This made the emperor even more curious.

Afterwards, the emperor rewarded Qin Jingfeng, but after Qin Jingfeng left, the emperor sent someone to investigate Qin Jingfeng, and make sure to find the teacher who taught him.

Who the emperor is, you can see it at a glance. The content in Qin Jingfeng's mouth is definitely not what he thought up.

Behind him, there must be a learned teacher.

And this kind of talent is exactly what he needs.

Qin Jingfeng didn't know the emperor's thoughts at all, he just thought that he really got the joy of his father.

As soon as Qin Jingfeng returned to the yard, he happily shared with Tao Yanxi what happened today.

There was a big smile on his face, as if all spring had come.

Tao Yanxi couldn't help but feel happy when she saw Qin Jingfeng so happy.

It's a pity that she doesn't have any petals anymore, otherwise she will have to come again and the sky will be full of flowers.

This summer is here, and her petals are gone, but it is starting to bear fruit.

I don't know when this fruit will ripen. If it is ripe, she can let Qin Jingfeng eat the big fragrant peaches instead of eating peach cake every day.

It is estimated that Qin Jingfeng will also get tired of eating peach cake.

Tao Yanxi was thinking about it, while Qin Jingfeng was very excited to talk about today's events.

For Qin Jingfeng, sharing his affairs with Tao Yanxi every day has become a habit.

A few days later, the emperor has already found something.

But the emperor still had no clue about Qin Jingfeng's mysterious teacher.

This made the emperor more and more curious. In this world, there is really nothing he wants to know but cannot know.

Therefore, the emperor began to frequently summon Qin Jingfeng and began to contact him.

Qin Jingfeng didn't have any defenses either. Apart from directly exposing Tao Yanxi's identity, he basically answered the emperor's questions truthfully.

After all, the crime of deceiving the king is to be beheaded.

The emperor even knew about Qin Jingfeng's ability to practice martial arts. Fortunately, the emperor had no interest in that practice, otherwise Qin Jingfeng might have really told the practice.

But even so, the emperor still knew the existence of Tao Yanxi.

Even if Qin Jingfeng didn't say it clearly, judging from various signs, the emperor still guessed some truth.

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