Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 909: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (7)

Qin Jingfeng tells Tao Yanxi what happened that day every day.

When Tao Yanxi knew that the emperor would look for Qin Jingfeng every day, a bad thought came to her heart.

She didn't think that Ninety-Five Supreme would allow her to exist.

It's a pity that she only has a spirit now, but she can't be a demon.

If it was really the Ninety-Five Lord who wanted to destroy her, she really couldn't hurt him.

Tao Yanxi felt that she was probably going to make a plan for herself.

When she fell into a dream, Tao Yanxi vaguely mentioned it to Qin Jingfeng.

Qin Jingfeng remembered it in his heart, but he never thought about the seriousness of the matter.

The next day, Qin Jingfeng took the peach blossom cakes to the morning class as usual, but after the morning class, before he had time to eat the peach blossom cakes, the emperor summoned him.

Qin Jingfeng hurriedly put the peach blossom cake in his arms. When he arrived at the main hall, the emperor had just left the morning court.

Above the main hall, in addition to the emperor, there was a man in white and a mask.

"This is the national teacher." The emperor introduced to Qin Jingfeng.

Qin Jingfeng glanced at the man and intuitively told him that he was very dangerous.

The national teacher's eyes fell on Qin Jingfeng's chest, his eyes flashed slightly, and he walked towards Qin Jingfeng.

Before Qin Jingfeng could react, the national teacher already got the peach cake that Qin Jingfeng got in the tree hole this morning.

Qin Jingfeng did not expect that the goal of the national teacher was that peach cake.

The national teacher squeezed the peach blossom cake, turned to look at the emperor and said, "The peach tree has a spirit, and the cake can prolong life."

The emperor was overjoyed. Although he was honored as the Supreme Being of Ninety-five, in the end he was just a mortal.

Mortal, who doesn't want to live longer?

Qin Jingfeng squeezed his fist, and a bad thought suddenly rose in his heart.

"Feng'er, I will accept this cake." The emperor looked down at Qin Jingfeng and said.

Qin Jingfeng pursed his lips tightly, lowered his head, and said nothing.

The national teacher glanced at Qin Jingfeng, and there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Being blessed by Tao Ling, but so ignorant, what a pity that Tao Ling.

"Feng'er, you go down."

The emperor intends to discuss the Taoling matter with the national teacher, and naturally Qin Jingfeng will not hear the discussion between them.

Qin Jingfeng bowed his head and withdrew.

As soon as Qin Jingfeng left the hall, he immediately returned to his palace of partial harmony.

He walked quickly to the peach tree, stroked her branches and said, "Peach, I seem to have hurt you."

When Tao Yanxi heard this sentence, she already understood something in her heart.

It seemed that the emperor was planning to deal with her.

"Tao Tao, hurry up and run away." Qin Jingfeng said quickly, "My father invited a national teacher, that national teacher doesn't seem to be a good person, you can go quickly."

Tao Yanxi actually wanted to tell Qin Jingfeng that she wanted to leave too, but she couldn't!

Her body is stationed here, her cultivation is limited, and she can't survive without the body.

"Go? Where to go?" The voice of the national teacher came from behind, making Qin Jingfeng stunned on the spot.

He turned to look at the national teacher and the father who entered the yard, and the blood seemed to be cold.

"Father, I..." Qin Jingfeng wanted to say something, but saw the emperor interrupted him impatiently.

"Feng'er, you are leaving now, the National Teacher is going to take the spirit."

"Take the spirit?" Qin Jingfeng repeated in shock.

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