Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 913: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (11)

Qin Jingfeng brought Tao Yanxi to the main hall, and then put her on the dragon chair.

Tao Yanxi: ? ? ?

If she is not mistaken, this is the dragon chair, right? Is there a place for the emperor to sit?

So, Qin Jingfeng is now the emperor?

Tao Yanxi opened her mouth slightly, this is... it's really amazing!

"You..." Tao Yanxi had just spit out a word before being held in Qin Jingfeng's arms again.

"I miss you so much." Qin Jingfeng's warm breath sprayed on Tao Yanxi's neck, making her a little itchy.

She patted Qin Jingfeng on the back and said, "I miss you too."

Hmm... in a dream.

"En." Qin Jingfeng let out a light hum from his nose, greedily absorbing the unique fragrance of peach blossoms on Tao Yanxi's body.

Tao Yanxi saw that Qin Jingfeng didn't speak, it was her turn to speak!

"How old is it now?"

"I see that you are so old, and you have become an emperor. You are very powerful."

"After my body was injured before, I fell asleep in your sea of ​​consciousness."

"When I woke up, I thought it had been a long time. Fortunately, it didn't seem that long."


Tao Yanxi babbled, Qin Jingfeng listened carefully.

It wasn't until Tao Yanxi stopped with satisfaction that he said, "It's the third year of Fengli, and I became the emperor three years ago."

"No matter how long it has passed, I will wait for you, always wait for you."

Tao Yanxi was startled, is this a love story?

She raised her hand and pinched Qin Jingfeng's face, a little cold and hard.

She squeezed her face again, it was soft, but her face was comfortable.

"I seem to have absorbed a lot of dragon energy in your sea of ​​consciousness, so I can transform into a human." Tao Yanxi smelled himself, and in the intoxicating peach blossom aura, there was also a trace of dragon energy that could not be ignored.

Qin Jingfeng's eyes darkened when he heard this, "What is the sea of ​​​​knowledge?"

This explanation is troublesome, Tao Yanxi thought about it and said, "It's just the mind."

"You mean you've been sleeping in my mind all the time?" Qin Jingfeng grabbed the point and asked.

Tao Yanxi nodded, "Yes."

When Qin Jingfeng heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that she was always by her side, which was great.

"It's good." Qin Jingfeng murmured.

Tao Yanxi poked Qin Jingfeng's chest and asked, "What's the matter with the smell of blood on your body? Are you injured?"

Qin Jingfeng shook his head, "I'm not injured, you don't like the smell of blood?"

"Naturally I don't like it." Tao Yanxi frowned slightly.

"Okay, I'll change my clothes." Qin Jingfeng said and stood up.

He took a step forward and suddenly stopped.

He glanced at Tao Yanxi and pursed his lips.

"I'll have someone bring you something to eat." Qin Jingfeng said.

"Okay~" Tao Yanxi replied with a smile.

Afterwards, an old **** walked in from outside the hall and stayed beside Tao Yanxi.

In this regard, Tao Yanxi did not say anything.

Qin Jingfeng then walked to the side hall with confidence, changed his clothes and came out.

He changed clothes so quickly that it only took a few minutes to go back and forth.

In the past few minutes, the cakes have been delivered to Tao Yanxi.

Tao Yanxi was eating the cakes, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

Qin Jingfeng changed his clothes and saw such a beautiful scene. There was something called warmth in his heart, which slowly nourished his already cold heart.

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