Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 914: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (12)

Tao Yanxi saw that Qin Jingfeng was coming, and hurriedly greeted: "It tastes good, come and eat too~"

"Okay." Qin Jingfeng strode over.

He bent down slightly, bit the pastry in Tao Yanxi's mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked Tao Yanxi's fingertips as if unintentionally.

Tao Yanxi froze slightly, the moist touch made her ears turn red.

Seeing this, Qin Jingfeng chuckled lightly, and there was indescribable joy in his voice.

"It tastes really good," Qin Jingfeng said.

Tao Yanxi snorted lightly, of course.

"What do you want to eat at night? I'll ask them to make it for you." Qin Jingfeng said naturally, holding Tao Yanxi in his arms.

Tao Yanxi tilted her head and thought for a while, "Well...you can, you can eat whatever you usually eat."

"Okay." Qin Jingfeng responded and gave the old **** a wink.

The old **** was also a wise man, so he took orders.

Seeing that the hall was empty, Tao Yan poked Qin Jingfeng's chest and asked:

"How have you been all these years?"

"Not good." Qin Jingfeng's Adam's apple rolled up and down, "I wouldn't have a good time without you."

Even if he is the emperor now, he will never be happy without her by his side.

Tao Yanxi seemed to understand Qin Jingfeng's intentions. She touched Qin Jingfeng's face and said, "Now that I am by your side, you will be happy."

"You are here, and happiness is there." Qin Jingfeng looked at Tao Yanxi and said.

This is too obvious to say.

Tao Yanxi slightly raised the corner of her mouth and replied, "I won't leave you again."

"En." Qin Jingfeng buried his head on Tao Yanxi's neck and kissed her slender, white neck lightly.

Tao Yanxi felt a little itchy, so she smiled and said, "Aiya~Itchy~"

Qin Jingfeng grabbed Tao Yanxi's wrist, tilted his head slightly, and began to kiss her wrist again.

He kissed softly, kissed affectionately, and kissed intently.

Tao Yanxi knew that Qin Jingfeng was afraid that she would leave again, so she wanted to keep her heart (body)?

Tao Yanxi did not stop Qin Jingfeng, she knew his panic, if she resisted at this time, maybe he would do something.

The smell of blood just now made her a little concerned.

If the **** smell didn't belong to Qin Jingfeng, it must belong to someone else.

When she appeared, Qin Jingfeng was obviously in a very calm state.

To be able to face the **** Qin Jingfeng so calmly, is no longer the young man who talked about a day's grievances in front of her back then.

Qin Jingfeng started to kiss from the wrist, and slowly moved up, up, bit by bit, encroaching on Tao Yanxi's land.

"Peach." Qin Jingfeng's voice was hoarse.

"Huh?" Tao Yanxi replied suspiciously.

Qin Jingfeng raised his eyes, looked straight at Tao Yanxi, and chuckled lightly.

There were too many emotions in that laughter, so complicated that Tao Yanxi couldn't distinguish them one by one.

"You are mine." Qin Jingfeng was still calm, looking at her faintly in those dark eyes, and under that calm, there was a paranoia that no one could understand.

"Well, I'm yours." Tao Yanxi hooked Qin Jingfeng's neck, and the smile on her face became sweeter and sweeter.

This serious sentence, this sweet smile, completely destroyed Qin Jingfeng's remaining rationality.

He suddenly kissed Tao Yanxi's lips, and with a strong possessiveness, he surrounded Tao Yanxi's whole body...

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