Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 918: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (16)

After Li Zhiyan assassinated the current emperor once, he was even uneasy.

You know, that is the current emperor!

In modern society, that is equivalent to the supreme leader!

He is just an ordinary person in modern times, where has he seen such a battle?

But this system has to let him assassinate the emperor, and what to say to test him!

In the past few days, the capital has been heavily guarded, so the emperor must be looking for him!

Li Zhiyan hid in the forbidden area of ​​the palace and did not even dare to go out.

However, after the successful mission this time, he got some rewards, including superior martial arts secrets.

As long as he succeeds in cultivation, he is not afraid of the emperor!

Li Zhiyan was cultivating attentively in the forbidden area, but he didn't know that someone already knew his identity, but he just chose not to move him temporarily.

In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed since the assassination, and the people below have not found out the identity of the man in black.

This made Qin Jingfeng furious. No one had challenged his power like this for a long time.

Qin Jingfeng gave the order to die, be sure to find that person, otherwise, other people will not have to live.

Tao Yanxi saw that Qin Jingfeng was so obsessed with the identity of the assassin, so he gave him some clues secretly.

Like the man should be hiding, and the most dangerous place is the safest place, maybe he's been staying somewhere...

Qin Jingfeng quickly understood the meaning of Tao Yanxi, and he asked people to check the palace to see if there were any suspicious people.

However, another seven days passed, and the person was still not found.

Tao Yanxi also found it strange. According to the background of the story, Li Zhiyan should be in the palace.

Moreover, Li Zhiyan also encountered an adventure in the palace, worshipped a master, absorbed his skills for decades, and became the number one in the world in one fell swoop.

It seems that he has obtained some treasures, which directly upgraded his game system by one level, providing him with more convenience.

Speaking of which, who can be the master of Li Zhiyan?

Tao Yanxi thought about it for a long time and didn't think that she couldn't directly reveal the existence of Li Zhiyan to Qin Jingfeng.

So she could only ask him if there were any capable people in the palace, and where the guards could not enter.

Tao Yanxi asked like that, but Qin Jingfeng thought of a place.


It was a place only he could go in.

If the assassin was really in a forbidden area, then...

Qin Jingfeng took Tao Yanxi directly to the forbidden area.

At the same time, in the forbidden area, the national teacher seemed to have noticed something and was explaining his last words.

He passed all his skills to Li Zhiyan, hoping that he could avenge him and kill Qin Jingfeng.

Li Zhiyan was still hesitating, but the game system kept urging him to agree. In desperation, he could only agree.

Li Zhiyan was listening to the last words of the national teacher, when he suddenly felt a strong wind hit, he moved to the side subconsciously, dodging the attack.

Qin Jingfeng stood still, glanced at the breathless national teacher, and sneered.

"You belong to him?" Qin Jingfeng asked in a deep voice.

Li Zhiyan clenched his fist, and he naturally recognized that this was the current emperor, the one he assassinated, and the enemy of his master.

Li Zhiyan and Qin Jingfeng looked at each other, and their aura was definitely not inferior to Qin Jingfeng's.

Tao Yanxi looked at Li Zhiyan, and then looked at Qin Jingfeng, for some reason, suddenly made up a sadistic romance drama...

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