Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 919: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (17)

"Cough cough..." Tao Yanxi coughed lightly, interrupting the eye contact between the two.

"If you have something to say, say it well."

Tao Yanxi walked to Qin Jingfeng's side. Although she had something to say, her actions clearly showed that she was on Qin Jingfeng's side.

Li Zhiyan didn't know Tao Yanxi, he saw Tao Yanxi's breath was calm, and he didn't seem to be dangerous, but after taking a look, he shifted his mind to Qin Jingfeng.

Qin Jingfeng glanced at Li Zhiyan lightly, walked to the side, and blocked Tao Yanxi behind him.

Li Zhiyan's eyes flashed slightly, and it seemed that that woman was the emperor's death spot.

Just now, the national teacher gave him a treasure, and his game system absorbed the energy in it, and he couldn't wait to upgrade.

So now, he can't detect the identity of the girl at all.

Tao Yanxi stuck her head out from Qin Jingfeng's side and looked at Li Zhiyan, "You assassinated the current emperor to destroy the nine clans."

Li Zhiyan clenched his fists, destroying the nine clans? Hehe... Where did he come from the Nine Clan?

Li Zhiyan knew that he might not be able to escape the palace today, but he had to fight anyway.

He looked at Tao Yanxi, took out the hallucinogenic medicine that he had exchanged in the game system before, and quietly sprinkled it into the air.

Tao Yanxi keenly sensed something was wrong, and she quickly said to Qin Jingfeng, "Cover your nose and mouth."

But it was too late at this time, a trace of confusion flashed on Qin Jingfeng's face, he stared blankly at Tao Yanxi, not knowing what kind of picture he was immersed in.

Tao Yanxi glared at Li Zhiyan, "Why are you playing tricks?"

Li Zhiyan said confidently: "You are all threatening my life, why do you care about the tricks?"

Tao Yanxi paused, "Okay, that makes sense.

"Why didn't you get hit?" Li Zhiyan asked in surprise.

Tao Yanxi glared at Li Zhiyan, "What's the matter with you?"

Li Zhiyan also didn't want to entangle with Tao Yanxi, and he didn't know how long the psychedelic drugs would last. He had to leave here as soon as possible.

Although he also wondered why Tao Yanxi could resist the psychedelic drugs produced by the system, but now compared to his own life, this issue is obviously not that important.

Li Zhiyan skipped Tao Yan's footsteps, and wanted to leave after running Qinggong.

How could Tao Yanxi let him leave so easily.

Tao Yanxi stretched out her hand, grabbed Li Zhiyan's clothes at once, and forcibly tore off the Qinggong that he had transported to half.

Li Zhiyan: ? ? ?

What about his peerless feats?

"Now, you are not allowed to leave." Tao Yanxi glared at Li Zhiyan and said.

Li Zhiyan pursed his lips, "What do you want?"

"Promise me first, you will never assassinate him again in the future, otherwise you won't want to leave today." Tao Yanxi looked at Li Zhiyan very seriously, and occasionally a murderous intent flashed in those dark eyes. ,

Li Zhiyan was stunned, "If I want to leave, do you think you can stop me?"

"You can try." Tao Yanxi raised her hand, a white light flashed in her hand, and an invisible chain bound Li Zhiyan.

Li Zhiyan's pupils shrank, this should not belong to this world.

"You..." Li Zhiyan's voice trembled, "Who is it?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Tao Yanxi's expression was indifferent, "You swear, you can't assassinate him in the future."

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